cicerobuck a écrit:Mieux que qui? Que Momo? Momo est juste de mauvaise foi.
Là je parlais de ceux qui ne voyaient pas pourquoi Lindelhof avait parlé de Tusla dans Watchmen, et que ça n’avait rien à voir.
cicerobuck a écrit:Mieux que qui? Que Momo? Momo est juste de mauvaise foi.
cicerobuck a écrit:Il connait tellement bien ses gammes (lui ou sa team) qu'il à mis un doigt d'honneur à Moore dans le dernier épisode, en référençant l'oeuvre de son plus grand troll, Morrison... C'est petit, franchement.
cicerobuck a écrit:Il connait tellement bien ses gammes (lui ou sa team) qu'il à mis un doigt d'honneur à Moore dans le dernier épisode, en référençant l'oeuvre de son plus grand troll, Morrison... C'est petit, franchement.
mallrat a écrit:a priori ... -watchmen/
This whole “Alan Moore implores you to please vote and save our broken country from actual f-cking oblivion” might’ve landed better if his birthday had not been spent noting that he clearly has not read any of the many wonderful modern comics that he might actually rather enjoy. He has also clearly never watched any of the rather enjoyable comics-based movies, or experienced any of the joy, support or inspiration they bring to millions of people. He hasn’t sat next to a ten-year-old girl watching Captain Marvel or Wonder Woman for the first time.
The idea that the man who loved superhero stories so much he gave up his job and plunged recklessly into writing comics, which at that time was *insane* of him to do, loved them so much he filled every panel (and arguably every balloon and caption) with that love, loved them so much he tried to make them into something that provoked thought and feelings, that addressed issues, that spoke to people the way superheroes had always spoken to him. That seems crazy to me. I have his collection of Marvel comics, dogeared from reading, from love.
I heard so many times about his excitement at finding a stash of second hand Marvel comics in a junkshop, in a box, or buying them off the spinners in Great Yarmouth on holiday. He could not love superhero comics more if he tried. Jack Kirby was his idol, Ditko was his idol. It was that love that made him who he was! In the 80s he brought ecology and politics into his superhero comics, in the 90s he wrote 1963 which was a glowing fizzing love letter directly to his beloved superhero comics, he wrote that at the same time as From Hell, Lost Girls…
He did not see any opposition between his ABC line of superhero comics, and his beloved mind-boggling huge concept GNs. If I rang, he would spend 45 minutes explaining a cool bit of Tom Strong, a load of daft bits in Splash Brannigan, a clever thing he had done and was proud of. His problem was that the medium he adored was ruled by corrupt despots, that the people who made that magic were abused, that their contribution was not valued, that it was stolen from them. He already hated that before Watchmen. He already knew Kirby had been shafted. So when it happened to him, and then again, and then again, it wasn’t just a business deal gone awry, or a bit of bad luck, it broke him. The thing he loved most, the thing he poured *all* his time and energy into for his whole entire life, he couldn’t do it anymore.
He fulfilled his obligations to his fellow creators, he did the projects he could control and own, but he didn’t want to browse comic shelves anymore. That’s so f-cking sad it actually breaks my heart. So for people who thrive now, in this amazing industry we can all find our niches in, where there are so many comics we couldn’t possibly buy them all, to say that Alan Moore is out of order for hating superheroes, or what they became, for him, is unbelievable. To see him dismissed as Crazy Old Alan Moore again and again, and people not know what made him that way? To see people dissing him when their job, their industry their medium was partly built on 40 years of his hard work? I am not heartbroken, just really f-cking disappointed.
Can you imagine if he hadn’t been f-cked over? If instead of being Grumpy Alan Moore Shouting From His Cave he had spent the past 40 years putting out book after book for DC and the rest? Creating vast worlds full of the superheroes he loves? Enjoying comics? It’s a damn shame.
Les élections générales au Royaume-Uni ont commencé, ce 12 décembre, avec pour objectif le renouvellement des 650 sièges de la Chambre des communes ainsi que la composition du futur gouvernement. Le Premier ministre conservateur, Boris Johnson, a organisé lui-même ces législatives anticipées pour obtenir une majorité et entériner le Brexit. Mais le cœur des électeurs balance avec Jeremy Corbyn, candidat des travaillistes.
Dans une élection très binaire malgré le nombre de candidats, il s'agira en réalité d'élire soit Boris Johnson, membre du Parti conservateur (Tories) et partisan d'un Brexit rapide, soit Jeremy Corbyn, candidat du parti travailliste et volontaire pour un nouveau référendum sur la sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'Union européenne. Du côté des sondages, les conservateurs restent en tête, mais de peu, et les soutiens au parti travailliste se mobilisent.
L'un d'entre eux est d'ailleurs inattendu, puisqu'il s'agit d'Alan Moore, auteur et fameux anarchiste, réputé pour son dégoût de tout ce qui touche à la démocratie. Celui qui affirmait avec fierté n'avoir voté qu'à deux reprises dans sa vie a publié une vidéo à la fin du mois de novembre, révélant qu'il voterait pour le Labour et appelant chacun à faire de même.
Genug a écrit:Un "nouveau" Moore en français en mai.
Bolt a écrit:Genug a écrit:Un "nouveau" Moore en français en mai.
silverfab a écrit:Et pour ceux qui aiment les génies, Arte propose aussi un fort bon docu sur Kubrick!
Idem dans la v.o.artemus dada a écrit:En parlant d'Alan Moore, ce dernier signe la préface de l'édition française de ROVER * RED * CHARLIE, la BD de Garth Ennis & Michael Dipascale, commercialisée par Komics Initiative©
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