mallrat a écrit:c est pas clair son tweet..
Il parle de 9% puis 79% manga en parlant de la fermeture d un comic shop.
Le manga est là bas un livre comme un TP et les TP ne sont pas encore ce qui décide d ela survie d une série de comics en tout cas.
Donc ej pense qu il mélange un peu tout et je pense aussi que le marché du manga là bas est pas comic shop mais plus en librairie classique et là on a pas de chiffres.
Bref je remets pas en cause que le manga est devant; on le sait mais aprés c est par rapport à quoi tu compares. Là bas il y a 3 marché.
Le newspaper qui ne vent plus grnd chose en comics (je sais plus si archie y est encore mais DC et marvel l ont abandonné et les essais Wallmart ont pas fonctionné je crois), les librairies classiques (retour et tout) et les comics shops qui eux sont des ventes fermes et ce sont les ventes là bas et en floppies qui à 90% decident de la survie d une série.
Millar parlait il y a quelques mois de ramener les "grands" noms comme le sien pour faire des run sur des series marvel et DC pour ramener de la clientèle.
Mike Manley (un dessinateur des 80's/90's et qui bosse dans les strips aujourd hui) lui mettait plus en cause la distribution..
Moi je trouve que les editeurs ne savent plus ce qu ils font...
1 ils ne protegent plus les persos par exemple: cyclops ou iron man sont quand meme pas mal endommagés.
2 ils ne choisissent toujours pas s ils ecrivent des mensuels ou des TP.. on a l ecriture entre deux chaises.. un mensuel ultra cher (4 à 6 dollars) qui n est qu un chapitre.. mais un TP qui n est pas sauf exception ce qui va faire q u une série continue ou pas...
3 un modele qui repose trop sur les comics shops qu il faut intéresser au produit par des tas de gadgets.. comics shops qu il faut trouver (A las vegas, j ai galéré et pas trouvé .. LA j ai jamais été au bon endroit..)
Tu as le cul entre les floppies qui interessent pas mal de lecteurs actuels mais qui est un format qui ne vendra pas ailleurs que dans les comics shops.. et le marché TP.. c est un peu comme chez nous mais en pire.. car eux n ont pas choisis
etr alors eux c est la multi edition garantié... Floppy, HC, TP souple si ca vend, Omnibusn, epic, collection speciale.. pour ce qui vend t as le choix du format
Le seul a avoir bien tapé c'est Mike Moralès pour le coup l'idée était bonne!.
Top 50 Comic Books by Units – September 2023 (ComicHub, via ICv2)
1 Predator Vs. Wolverine #1 Marvel Comics $7.99
2 Batman #137 (Batman Catwoman The Gotham War) DC Comics $4.99
3 Amazing Spider-Man #33 Marvel Comics $3.99
4 Batman Gargoyle of Gotham #1 (Of 4) (Mature) DC Comics $6.99
5 Daredevil #1 Marvel Comics $6.99
6 X-Men #26 (Fall of the X-Men) Marvel Comics $3.99
7 Batman And Robin #1 DC Comics $4.99
8 Wonder Woman #1 DC Comics $4.99
9 Uncanny Spider-Man #1 (Fall of the X-Men) Marvel Comics $4.99
10 Amazing Spider-Man #34 Marvel Comics $3.99
11 Venom #25 Marvel Comics $7.99
12 Birds of Prey #1 DC Comics $3.99
13 Captain America #1 Marvel Comics $5.99
14 Immortal X-Men #15 (Fall of the X-Men) Marvel Comics $3.99
15 Incredible Hulk #4 Marvel Comics $3.99
16 Superman #6 DC Comics $4.99
17 Uncanny Avengers #2 (Fall of the X-Men) Marvel Comics $3.99
18 Batman #1 Facsimile Edition DC Comics $6.99
19 Wolverine #37 (Fall of the X-Men) Marvel Comics $4.99
20 Batman Superman Worlds Finest #19 DC Comics $3.99
21 Dark X-Men #2 (Fall of the X-Men) Marvel Comics $3.99
22 Flash #1 DC Comics $4.99
23 Star Wars #38 (Dark Droids) Marvel Comics $4.99
24 Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Omega #1 Marvel Comics $4.99
25 Moon Knight #27 Marvel Comics $3.99
26 Poison Ivy #14 DC Comics $3.99
27 Werewolf by Night #1 Marvel Comics $5.99
28 Saga #66 (Mature) Image Comics $3.99
29 Avengers Inc. #1 Marvel Comics $4.99
30 Catwoman #57 (Batman Catwoman The Gotham War) DC Comics $3.99
31 Death of the Venomverse #4 Marvel Comics $4.99
32 Ultimate Invasion #4 Marvel Comics $8.99
33 Green Lantern #3 DC Comics $4.99
34 Spider-Gwen Annual #1 [Chaos] Marvel Comics $4.99
35 X-Men Red #15 (Fall of the X-Men) Marvel Comics $3.99
36 Power Girl #1 DC Comics $3.99
37 Star Wars: Darth Vader #38 (Dark Droids) Marvel Comics $4.99
38 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #10 Marvel Comics $3.99
39 Titans #3 DC Comics $3.99
40 Star Wars: Dark Droids #2 (Dark Droids) Marvel Comics $4.99
41 Invincible Iron Man #10 (Fall of the X-Men) Marvel Comics $4.99
42 Fantastic Four #11 Marvel Comics $3.99
43 Something is Killing the Children #33 BOOM! Studios $3.99
44 Avengers #5 Marvel Comics $3.99
45 Venom Annual #1 [Chaos] Marvel Comics $4.99
46 Immortal Thor #2 Marvel Comics $4.99
47 Nightwing #106 DC Comics $4.99
48 Justice Society of America #6 (Of 12) DC Comics $3.99
49 Blue Beetle #1 DC Comics $3.99
50 X-Force #44 (Fall of the X-Men) Marvel Comics $3.99
Dead Titles Walking
Based on historical numbers from the Comichron as well as projections through April 2022, titles outside of the Top 100 are usually selling under the 18,000 unit sales mark. These are the Marvel Comics and DC Comics titles that are dead titles walking.
Marvel Comics
101 Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #36
102 Strange Academy Moon Knight #1
104 Black Panther #4
105 Moon Knight City of the Dead #3
107 What If…? Dark Carnage #1
108 X-Men: Days of Future Past – Doomsday #3
112 Silk #5
117 Realm of X #2
122 Blade #3
124 Red Goblin #8
133 Loki #4
134 Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2 #4
139 Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #3
140 Cult of Carnage: Misery #5
151 Rom #1 Facsimile Edition
157 Miracleman Silver Age #6
169 Storm #5
186 Giant-Size X-Men #1 Facsimile Edition (2023 Printing)
Unranked: Spider-Man: India #4
Unranked: Marvel Unleashed #2
Marvel Comics had twenty dead titles walking out of their seventy-seven new titles in September 2023. This means that 26% of Marvel Comics’ new titles in September 2023 were dead titles walking.
This was down from the twenty-six dead titles walking that Marvel Comics had in August 2023. The percentage of titles in the dead titles walking category was also down from 34% in August 2023. Year-over-year numbers were up as Marvel Comics only had fifteen dead titles walking in September 2022. The percentage of titles in the dead titles walking category was also up from 21% in September 2022.
DC Comics
118 Penguin #2
120 Batman The Brave And The Bold #5
123 Harley Quinn #32
128 Harley Quinn Black White Redder #3 (Of 6)
131 Hawkgirl #3 (Of 6)
137 Unstoppable Doom Patrol #6 (Of 7)
141 Tales of the Titans #3 (Of 4)
153 Batman Incorporated #12
154 Steelworks #4 (Of 6)
158 Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #3
159 Wildcats #11
160 Detective Comics #58 Facsimile Edition
166 City Boy #4 (Of 6)
183 Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries #12
187 Waller vs. Wildstorm #3 (Of 4)
199 Vigil #5 (Of 6)
Unranked: Cyborg #3
Unranked Spirit World #5
Unranked: Looney Tunes #274
DC Comics had 19 dead titles walking out of DC Comics’ 50 new titles in September 2023. This means that 38% of the New DC Comics’ titles in September 2023 were dead titles walking.
This was down from the thirty dead titles walking that DC Comics had in August 2023 which comprised 51% of DC Comics’ new titles. Year-over-year numbers were also down as DC Comics had 25 dead titles walking in September 2022 which comprised 45% of DC Comics’ new titles.
Marvel Comics
104 Silver Surfer Rebirth: Legacy #2
112 Alpha Flight #3 (Fall of the X-Men)
119 X-Men Days Of Future Past – Doomsday #4
123 Red Goblin #9
124 Hallows’ Eve The Big Night #1
125 Realm of X #3 (Fall of the X-Men)
127 Star Wars Doctor Aphra #37 (Dark Droids)
144 Spider-Man: India #5
146 Star Wars Dark Droids – D-Squad #2 (Dark Droids)
152 Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #4
154 Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi #2
185 Captain Marvel: Assault On Eden #1
199 Moon Knight Vs. Werewolf By Night: Marvel Tales #1
Unranked: Marvel Unleashed #3
Marvel Comics had fourteen dead titles walking out of their seventy-one new titles in October 2023. This means that 20% of Marvel Comics’ new titles in October 2023 were dead titles walking.
This was down from the twenty dead titles walking that Marvel Comics had in September 2023. However, year-over-year numbers were up as Marvel Comics had twelve dead titles walking in October 2022.
DC Comics
107 Danger Street #10 (Of 12)
109 Green Lantern War Journal #2
110 Peacemaker Tries Hard #6 (Of 6)
116 Power Girl #2
117 Blue Beetle #2
120 Superboy The Man of Tomorrow #6 (Of 6)
128 Penguin #3
134 Fire & Ice Welcome To Smallville #2 (Of 6)
136 DC’s Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun #1 (One-Shot)
141 Harley Quinn Black White Redder #4 (Of 6)
142 Batman The Brave And The Bold #6
149 Unstoppable Doom Patrol #7 (Of 7)
155 Batman The Adventures Continue Season Three #8 (Of 8)
162 Hawkgirl #4 (Of 6)
167 Amazons Attack #1
174 Green Arrow #4 (Of 6)
175 Tales of the Titans #4 (Of 4)
183 Sandman Universe Nightmare Country The Glass House #5 (Of 6)
198 Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #4
Unranked: Steelworks #5
Unranked: Cyborg #4
Unranked: City Boy #5
Unranked: Justice Society of America: Gold #1
Unranked: New Golden Age: Special Edition
Unranked: Batman: The Adventures Continue Season Three #8
Unranked: Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? #124
1. The Nice House on the Lake Tome 1 (Urban Comics)
2. The Nice House on the Lake Tome 2 (Urban Comics)
3. Batman : Beyond the White Knight (Urban Comics)
4. BRZRKR Tome 1 (Delcourt)
5. Avatar : le Champ Céleste Tome 1 (Delcourt)
6. Batman & Joker : Deadly Duo (Urban Comics)
7. Avatar : le Dernier Maître de l'Air Tome 4 (Hachette)
8. Batman : Dark City Tome 1 (Urban Comics)
9. Saga Tome 11 (Urban Comics)
10. Le Dernier Jour de Lovecraft (404 Comics)
11. BRZRKR Tome 2 (Delcourt)
12. Solo : chemins tracés Tome 2 (Delcourt)
13. Tortues Ninja : l'intégrale Tome 1 (HiComics)
14. Monica (Delcourt)
15. Walking Dead : Clémentine Tome 1 (Delcourt)
16. Invincible Intégrale Tome 9 (Delcourt)
17. Avatar : le Champ Céleste Tome 2 (Delcourt)
18. Dark Knights of Steel Tome 1 (Urban Comics)
19. Wonder Woman Historia (Urban Comics)
20. Sin City Tome 1 (Huginn & Muninn)
21. Batman : One Bad Day : le Sphinx (Urban Comics)
22. Invincible Intégrale Tome 10 (Delcourt)
23. Lady Mechanika Tome 10 (Glénat)
24. DC Vampires Tome 1 (Urban Comics)
25. Batman Nocturne Tome 1 (Urban Comics)
26. Batman : The Knight (Urban Comics)
27. Do A Powerbomb! (Urban Comics)
28. Little Monsters (Urban Comics)
AXE : Judgment Day 1 (Panini Comics)
29. Flashpoint Beyond (Urban Comics)
30. Poison Ivy Tome 1 (Urban Comics)
31. Invincible Intégrale Tome 11 (Delcourt)
32. Batman/Spawn (Urban Comics)
33. Gotham City Année Un (Urban Comics)
34. Newburn Tome 1 (Urban Comics)
35. DCeased Tome 3 (Urban Comics)
36. Catwoman Lonely City (Urban Comics)
37. Le Mythe de l'Ossuaire : le passage (Urban Comics)
AXE : Judgment Day Tome 2 (Panini Comics)
38. The Mandalorian Saison 1 Tome 1 (Panini Comics)
39. Cyberpunk 2077 : Tu as ma Parole (Panini Comics)
40. Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths Tome 1 (Urban Comics)
Marvel Comics 13 (Panini Comics)
AXE : Judgment Day Tome 3 (Panini Comics)
41. Secret Wars (Panini Comics)
42. Batman : Killing Time (Urban Comics)
Marvel Comics 14 (Panini Comics)
43. Batman : One Bad Day : Mr Freeze (Urban Comics)
44 . DC Vampires Tome 2 (Urban Comics)
45. Miles Morales Tome 1 (Panini Comics)
46. Batman : Dark City Tome 2 (Urban Comics)
47. Tortues Ninja : l'intégrale Tome 2 (HiComics)
48. Lazarus Tome 8 (Urban Comics)
49. Batman/Superman : World's Finest Tome 1 (Urban Comics)
50. Batman : One Bad Day : Double Face (Urban Comics)
Marvel Comics 16 (Panini Comics)
Dead Titles Walking
Based on historical numbers from the Comichron as well as projections through April 2022, titles outside of the Top 100 are usually selling under the 18,000 unit sales mark. These are the Marvel Comics and DC Comics titles that are dead titles walking.
Marvel Comics
104 Beware the Planet of the Apes #1
114 Spider-Woman #3 (Gang War)
116 Miguel O’Hara – Spider-Man: 2099 #4
119 Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #3
122 Luke Cage: Gang War #3 (Gang War)
123 Carnage #3
124 Avengers Inc. #5
125 Black Panther #8
131 Miguel O’Hara – Spider-Man: 2099 #5
133 Silver Surfer Rebirth: Legacy #5
137 Captain Marvel #4
139 Daredevil: Black Armor #3
149 Sentry #2
152 Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi #4
155 Capwolf & the Howling Commandos #4
161 Spine-Tingling Spider-Man #4
167 White Widow #3
171 Star Wars Doctor Aphra #40
Unranked: Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu: Gang War #2
Unranked: Power Pack: Into the Storm #1
Unranked: Marvel’s Voices Legends #1
Marvel Comics had twenty-one dead titles walking out of their seventy-five new titles in January 2024. This means that 28% of Marvel Comics’ new titles in January 2024 were dead titles walking.
This was up from the nineteen dead titles walking that Marvel Comics had in December 2023 which comprised 30% of Marvel Comics’ new titles.
Year-over-year numbers were down as Marvel Comics had twenty-four dead titles walking in January 2023. This comprised 30% of Marvel Comics’ new titles in January 2023.
Numbers were way up from two years ago as Marvel Comics had just twelve dead titles walking in January 2022.
DC Comics
102 Trinity Special #1 (One-Shot)
105 Wesley Dodds the Sandman #4 (Of 6)
106 Batman the Brave and the Bold #9
109 Harley Quinn #36
112 Power Girl #5
113 Penguin #6
126 Green Lantern War Journal #5
136 Jay Garrick The Flash #4 (Of 6)
141 Outsiders #3
151 Titans Beast World Tour Atlantis #1 (One-Shot)
157 Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries #1 (2024)
159 Blue Beetle #5
163 Superman 78 The Metal Curtain #3 (Of 6)
165 Alan Scott the Green Lantern #4 (Of 6)
188 Fire & Ice Welcome To Smallville #5 (Of 6)
189 Titans Beast World Tour Star City #1 (One-Shot)
196 Fables #161 (Of 162)
Unranked: Amazons Attack #4
Unranked: Speed Force #3
Unranked: DC Power 2024 #1
DC Comics had twenty dead titles walking out of DC Comics’ forty-six new titles in January 2024. This means that 43% of the New DC Comics’ titles in January 2024 were dead titles walking.
This was down from the twenty-seven dead titles walking that DC Comics had in December 2023 which comprised 44% of DC Comics’ new titles.
Year-over-year numbers were up as DC Comics had twenty-seven dead titles walking in January 2023. This comprised 49% of DC Comics’ new titles in January 2023.
Numbers were down from two years ago as DC Comics had thirty-one dead titles walking in January 2022. This comprised 54% of DC Comics’ new titles in January 2022.
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