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Livres sur les comics

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Re: Livres sur les comics

Messagede bone » 23/04/2024 19:20

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Maître BDGestiste
Maître BDGestiste
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Re: Livres sur les comics

Messagede mallrat » 14/05/2024 09:01

plus qu une semaine
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
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Re: Livres sur les comics

Messagede mallrat » 22/08/2024 08:09


Marvel s'associe avec "For the dummies" (pour les Nuls) pour sortir une série de 6 livres en 3 vagues pour vulgariser cet univers.
Le Marvel Universe et Captain America sont prévus en février 2025 puis FF, Spider-Man, Avengers et le MCU courant 2025.
Le Captain America sera écrit par Stuart Moore.

https://www.industryintel.com/printing- ... 4875659648
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
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Age: 51 ans

Re: Livres sur les comics

Messagede mallrat » 25/09/2024 16:30


(W) Todd McFarlane (A) Todd McFarlane
Over thirty years after his initial ascent to super stardom, Todd McFarlane (b. 1961) remains one of the most popular and contentious comic artists ever. The interviews compiled in this volume offer a nuanced portrait of McFarlane's polarizing character. Beginning with his earliest days on Spider-Man to the months before the hotly anticipated release of Spawn and ending with his writing ventures decades later, the interviews offer compelling perspectives from the renowned creator. The book offers a glimpse into the comic book world of the early 1990s, a world rampant with variant covers, impossibly exaggerated bodies, and wild speculation about what would be the next comic to explode in value. The volume also includes the momentous public debate between McFarlane and Peter David, former collaborator on The Incredible Hulk, moderated by the late George Pérez at a standing-room-only event at ComicsFest in 1993.
In Shops: Oct 02, 2024
SRP: $25.00

J ai lu les mêmes bouquins sur Steve Gerber et Ed Brubaker qui étaient sympas.
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 6214
Inscription: 28/12/2012
Localisation: BORDEAUX
Age: 51 ans

Re: Livres sur les comics

Messagede mallrat » 04/12/2024 14:14


Magazine BLACK AND WHITE STORIES Hors Série 1 + livret collector
Premier numéro Hors Série de notre magazine, il est consacré à l'immense KLAUS JANSON, suite à l'exposition lyonnaise qui lui était consacrée du 22 au 24 novembre 2024.Format 20×28 cm - 240 pages couleurs. EDITION BILINGUE ANGLAIS / FRANÇAIS !ENGLISH / FRENCH LANGUAGE.
Dans ce numéro : – Un long Shop Talk passionnant entre Phil Cordier et Klaus Janson, réalisé à New-York, chez l'auteur, – Des reproductions de planches originales, – Des hommages de diverses personnalités du monde de la BD ! – Des commentaires de l'auteur sur ses planches. – Un livret collector comprenant 16 pages inédites de crayonnés accompagne ce numéro.

Couverture souple, pelliculage mat, Imprimé sur un élégant papier offset avec reliure cousue et dos carré collé.Commandez en toute sécurité, c'est envoyé dans un emballage carton blindé ;)
Disponibilité très limitée à partir du 09 décembre 2024

https://www.editions-blackandwhite.com/ ... collector/
Signé par Janson
https://www.editions-blackandwhite.com/ ... signature/
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 6214
Inscription: 28/12/2012
Localisation: BORDEAUX
Age: 51 ans

Re: Livres sur les comics

Messagede phil c. » 09/12/2024 19:39

phil c.
Messages: 43
Inscription: 21/12/2012

Re: Livres sur les comics

Messagede phil c. » 17/12/2024 19:07

Le Hors Série Klaus Janson fait 240 pages! Entre les articles les planches de l'expo, l'itw...l'icono est conséquente. Nous n'avons pas trouvé de façon, satisfaisant toutes les parties concernées, d'intégrer les références de tout. Une majorité est facile à trouver pour un fan de l'auteur. un lecteur passionné et connaisseur a décidé de faire un listing exhaustif de toutes les images/pages/illustrations qui sont dans ces pages.
Avec son accord et après vérifications de toutes les références, nous l'inclurons, sous forme d'une feuille recto/verso, dans toutes les prochaines commandes de ce magazine. Pour ceux qui ont déjà ledit ouvrage, voici un lien pour télécharger et imprimer ce listing en haute définition
https://www.editions-blackandwhite.com/ ... ISTING.pdf
phil c.
Messages: 43
Inscription: 21/12/2012

Re: Livres sur les comics

Messagede mallrat » 05/02/2025 10:04


(W) Stuart Moore (A) Various
With roots dating back to World War II, Captain America reigns as one of the most iconic heroes in the Marvel Comics universe. Captain America For Dummies is your guide to getting to know this popular and enduring super-hero. Produced in partnership with Marvel Comics and featuring full-color art taken directly from the comic books, this fun and friendly guide helps you understand how Captain America gained his powers and evolved over the years, including the range of characters who have wielded the shield. Discover what inspired the creation of the character, explore Captain America's friends and foes, and dig into the teams that Captain America has fought alongside. You'll learn the major storylines that turned Cap into one of the most well-known and popular super heroes of all time!
In Shops: Mar 12, 2025
SRP: $29.99
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 6214
Inscription: 28/12/2012
Localisation: BORDEAUX
Age: 51 ans

Re: Livres sur les comics

Messagede mallrat » 20/02/2025 08:45


Bloomsbury and Marvel today announced a multi-year, multi-volume licensing agreement to develop and publish MARVEL AGE OF COMICS, a series of beautifully designed books exploring the deep and rich history of more than 85 years of Marvel Comics.

MARVEL AGE OF COMICS offers a uniquely accessible entry point into the wider Marvel canon by blending personal narrative with a look back at comics history through the decades. This brand-new series will bring together a variety of talented writers, critics, pop culture experts, educators, and intellectuals to explore the expansive catalogue and characters from Marvel Comics history.

Much like Bloomsbury’s popular 33 1/3 series—which offered inspiration for this new programme—books in the series will range from deep dives into a singular comic storyline, notable runs and works produced by creators who have made a noteworthy contribution to Marvel stories, the origins and evolution of a particular character, or social and progressive themes and historical moments that have been reflected in Marvel Comics.

While each book in the series will primarily be narrative nonfiction prose, the text will be brought to life using curated artwork from the comics and reproduced materials from Marvel’s digital archives creating a programme that is perfect for both dedicated and new comic book fans alike. The books will be available in paperback, hardback and audio to serve different areas of the market.

Marvel counts among its characters such well-known super heroes as Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Doctor Strange, Hulk, Daredevil, Wolverine, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel, as well as popular super hero teams such as the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Guardians of the Galaxy.

The series is launching with three books in November all of which explore characters and storylines from three of the most impactful decades of Marvel Comics. A further title is confirmed to publish in May 2026 on Spider-Man: Miles Morales by Ytasha L. Womack.

Doctor Strange: A Decade of Dark Magic by Stuart Moore (13th November 2025) tells the story of one of Marvel’s most bizarre, otherworldly heroes, discussed against the turbulent backdrop of the 1960s.

The Mighty Avengers vs. the 1970s by Paul Cornell (13th November 2025) looks at one of Marvel’s key comics of the 1970s as an extraordinary mirror of an extraordinary decade full of rapid social change.

Daredevil: Born Again by Chris Ryall (13th November 2025) dives into the compelling and original 1980s story arc and graphic novel, its gorgeous and unique artwork, and its overall influence in the decades since its release.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales by Ytasha L. Womack (May 2026) explores the hugely successful reimagining of one of the most popular super hero characters of all time as Afrofuturist and Latinx.

The books will include full-colour images and exclusive interviews with comic writers and artists of the period. Bloomsbury holds World All Language rights for all the titles in the series.

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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 6214
Inscription: 28/12/2012
Localisation: BORDEAUX
Age: 51 ans

Re: Livres sur les comics

Messagede mallrat » 22/02/2025 17:44


(W) Troy Brownfield (A) Various
You may be familiar with heroic characters from Marvel Comics like Black Panther, Iron Man, and Wolverine, or villains like Loki and Thanos. But how much do you know about Squirrel Girl, Cyclops, or the Leader? With over 85 years of comics published since their founding, the Marvel Comics archive is a vast universe of iconic stories and legendary characters. Marvel Comics For Dummies is your shortcut to navigating this immense collection of heroes and their adventures. Learn the background of key characters, explore essential storylines, and discover the interconnectedness of the Marvel universe. Created in collaboration with Marvel Comics, this full-color guide contains striking comic book artwork along with interesting insights that serve as an exciting map to the Marvel universe.
In Shops: Mar 12, 2025
SRP: $29.99
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 6214
Inscription: 28/12/2012
Localisation: BORDEAUX
Age: 51 ans


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