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La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Séries Franco-belge, "récentes" nouveautés "grand public".

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 13/05/2013 16:06

Message précédent :
Hey Dudes...
Don't know if there's any kind of competition between forums about BDs, or if readers do surf forums, or if they're also partecipating to other ones. In other words... I don't know if you did see this:


but I think concurrency is doing... great!

Sooooooooo... Any other opinions about the book?
Or questions?
Do you need the writer to explain some extras about the story??
Any detail on the drawings you think is not readeable enough?
Suggestments on how to improve our works?
Hands up, hands up! :bravo: :bravo: :bravo:

Everything helps, seriously!
We just read The Maze Echo wise and fair opinion, any other comments?
Did you find the book, Philippe44?

All right, back to storyboards for tome2.

So to say goodbye, I'll use this cute Smiley: :food:
But you have to use a little bit of imagination, and "see" it with a pencil in the right hand, and the rubber in the left one, ok? That's me, right now! Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Luthen » 28/05/2013 22:43

We bought it last saturday. Cinzia's drawings are beautiful, vivid and rich of details! Soon we'll say something about the story, too... our french is beginner-level, so we'll need some time to translate :)

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Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 31/05/2013 13:11

Luthen a écrit:We bought it last saturday. Cinzia's drawings are beautiful, vivid and rich of details! Soon we'll say something about the story, too... our french is beginner-level, so we'll need some time to translate :)


No, really it's great to hear!

Oh, wait...
AHAHAHAHAH!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOW I do remember this couple of names... ; )

8-) :roses: [:fantaroux:2] CIAO MATTEOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! :-D :lol: :-D

Here's some pics, of the May 25th dedicaces session in Librerie L'AVENTURE, Rome

From the left: Giancarlo, Cinzia, Romina, Beige jacket, Matteo-Black jacket
Dernière édition par Cinzia DF le 31/05/2013 13:54, édité 2 fois.
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 31/05/2013 13:26

: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 31/05/2013 13:46

: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 31/05/2013 13:47

: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 31/05/2013 13:49


Mercì Beaucoup Jakie de L'Aventure for these pics!
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 01/07/2013 12:13



Will be in Amboise for the local music and BD festival, Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Here, take a look at the program:


See? How many wonderful people to meet there, uh? Hope to make A LOT of new friends...
:love: :-D :love: :-D :love:

And the affiche here:


Original pages will be on the booth for sale (so maybe I can afford my return train ticket, ahahahahah!!!)

Cya there!
[:fantaroux:2] [:fantaroux:2] [:fantaroux:2]
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede The Maze Echo » 01/07/2013 17:57

Sadly, it's about 6 hours drive from home... :cry2:
I hope you'll have a good time !
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The Maze Echo
Messages: 4131
Inscription: 03/07/2002
Localisation: F-40 Mont de Marsan
Age: 55 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Blueskin Pierre » 02/07/2013 09:24

Hi Cinzia [:fantaroux:2]

I'm living very close to Amboise, so it will be a pleasure to meet you on Saturday :D
I do not have read "La Fontaine" yet (shame on me :oops: ) but it's a great opportunity to discover your book ;)

See you in Amboise and prepare your pencils :lol:
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Blueskin Pierre
Messages: 1693
Inscription: 26/05/2011
Localisation: ☆☆
Age: 43 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 02/07/2013 10:35

The Maze Echo a écrit:Sadly, it's about 6 hours drive from home... :cry2:


Well, I made a little bit of researching and here is what came out:
If Amboise it's 6 hours far from your place, Angouleme should be not more than 2 or 3, right? So there's some big randevouz chances in 2014 ...isn't it?

here, I checked by google map:


You are the blue path, mine is the he pinky one. Going by train, so don't really mind how long it takes, I do love trains!

Sooooo, my dear The Maze: remember to mark a note on your agenda, next year, and let's find some time for a classic Angouleme ok? :D :D :D

The Maze Echo a écrit:I hope you'll have a good time !

I'll do my best, I swear it!

[youpi] [youpi] [youpi]
[youpi] :lol: [youpi]
[youpi] [youpi] [youpi]
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 02/07/2013 10:48

Blueskin Pierre a écrit:Hi Cinzia [:fantaroux:2]

Bonjour Blueskin Pierre!

Blueskin Pierre a écrit:I'm living very close to Amboise, so it will be a pleasure to meet you on Saturday :D

It will be my pleasure as well, never met anyone with a blue skin!
Well... I guess it will be easy to spot you out, uh? :-D :D :-D

Blueskin Pierre a écrit:I do not have read "La Fontaine" yet (shame on me :oops: ) but it's a great opportunity to discover your book ;)

Shame?! No shame at all, it's never too late to buy a book... (ahahahahahah!!!) :lire: :-D :lire: :lire:
Will be a good chance for me as well, to peek and pick up all the BDs my trolley can carry without breaking my arms...

Blueskin Pierre a écrit:See you in Amboise and prepare your pencils :lol:

They're already sharpened and shiny, [youpi] ahahahahahahahhahhah [youpi] , thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
See you there in 4 days then! Ciààààààààààààààààààààààààà [:fantaroux:2]
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Blueskin Pierre » 02/07/2013 13:47

This year I will discover "La Fontaine" with you, Cinzia... and the past year in Amboise it was "Urban" with Roberto Ricci. I have to learn Italian for the next Festivals :lol:
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Blueskin Pierre
Messages: 1693
Inscription: 26/05/2011
Localisation: ☆☆
Age: 43 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 02/07/2013 16:58

Blueskin Pierre a écrit:This year I will discover "La Fontaine" with you, Cinzia... and the past year in Amboise it was "Urban" with Roberto Ricci. I have to learn Italian for the next Festivals :lol:

AhahahahaahAHAHAhAHAhHaa, merciiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! Well... I started a little bit of French course, on a cd-rom, but I'm not going very far, yet. Got time and hopes for!! ;)
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Blueskin Pierre » 09/07/2013 12:27

J'ai rencontré Cinzia ce we au festival BD à Amboise, et j'ai passé un très bon moment ! Une personne chaleureuse, avec un incroyable talent. Et elle avait apporté tous les originaux de La Fontaine, et c'est à tomber :bave: :daccord:

Voici la superbe Lélys en dédicace :


J'ai lu l'album dimanche et c'est pas mal du tout. Un peu difficile de rentrer dans l'univers, car on n'a pas d'introduction: direct on se retrouve plongé dans le contexte, les problèmes de famine et les superstitions. Mais plus on avance dans l'histoire, plus on met les éléments bout à bout. La civilisation décrite est un mélange de culture indienne avec les Incas, au milieu d'un environnement de forêt luxuriante. Je regrette juste les scènes dénudées qui n'apportent rien à l'histoire (mais bon, ça fait plaisir aux prunelles :lol: ).

Quand au dessin, au risque de me répéter, c'est vraiment très beau ! Les animaux, la végétation, les "blessures" de la terre, c'est très imaginatif et féérique.

J'en serai pour le Tome 2 :ok:

Now the English version for Cinzia ;)

I met Cinzia this week-end at the Amboise BD Festival and I had a great time! A warm person, with an amazing talent. And she brought all the Originals from La Fontaine, and it"s to die :bave: :daccord:

I read the album on Sunday and it is quite good. A little difficult to get into the universe, because it has no introduction: one directly finds himself in the context, the problems of famine and superstitions. But more we get into the story, the more we put the elements together. The civilization described is a mixture of Indian culture with the Incas, in the middle of a lush forest environment. I'm not really convinced only with the naked scenes that add nothing to the story (but hey, it's nice to eyes :lol:).

And about the drawing, at the risk of repeating myself, this is really beautiful! Animals, vegetation, the "injury" of the earth, it is very imanginative and magical.

I am for Volume 2: ok:
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Blueskin Pierre
Messages: 1693
Inscription: 26/05/2011
Localisation: ☆☆
Age: 43 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 09/07/2013 22:18

I'm back home from 3 hours or so, and... HERE HE ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!
It had been such a super pleasure to meet you Blueskin Pierre, not to mention the fact that YOU WERE THE FIRST ONE ASKING FOR MY DEDICACE!!! Isn't it supercool??? I mean: the very first person I am meeting at the festival is someone I already virtually just met here. Still amazed by this! Coincidence doesn't exist, some friends of mine are used to say... ;)

Blueskin Pierre a écrit:J'ai rencontré Cinzia ce we au festival BD à Amboise, et j'ai passé un très bon moment ! Une personne chaleureuse, avec un incroyable talent. Et elle avait apporté tous les originaux de La Fontaine, et c'est à tomber

Ooooooooh, and this is so sweet of you, really! I'm super flattered, and turning purple, also! :lol: :love: :lol: :love: :lol:

Blueskin Pierre a écrit:J'ai lu l'album dimanche et c'est pas mal du tout. Un peu difficile de rentrer dans l'univers, car on n'a pas d'introduction: direct on se retrouve plongé dans le contexte, les problèmes de famine et les superstitions. Mais plus on avance dans l'histoire, plus on met les éléments bout à bout. La civilisation décrite est un mélange de culture indienne avec les Incas, au milieu d'un environnement de forêt luxuriante. Je regrette juste les scènes dénudées qui n'apportent rien à l'histoire (mais bon, ça fait plaisir aux prunelles :lol: ).

Yeeeep, thank you sooo much for this feedback. Now Giancarlo, if you are reading... you CAN'T say anymore I am paying readers to write such things (the naked scene part) it wouldn't be fair!!! (at least for my wallet!) :-D [:kusanagui:6] :-D

Blueskin Pierre a écrit:Quand au dessin, au risque de me répéter, c'est vraiment très beau ! Les animaux, la végétation, les "blessures" de la terre, c'est très imaginatif et féérique.

Je me répéter aussi: :lol: :love: :lol: :love: :lol:

Blueskin Pierre a écrit:J'en serai pour le Tome 2

Yeeeeeeeeeeeep! I finished page 12 in the dead moments in between dedicaces (that means that my line wasn't so... hum... how can I say it... CROWDED! :D :lol: :D ), and as soon as I can (tomorrow afternoon), I'll start the finishing phase on page 13 as well.

Almost collapsing by the trains tiredness, but want to add a few more things:

The Amboise BD festival had been truly a wonderful experience, there were soooooooo many wonderful people there: the organizers, the volunteerings, the artists, the writers, my friend Joanna who hosted me in her beautiful home right under the Château's wall and also transleted for me, the Artists/Writers' wifes/boyfriends/kids/dogs, the bookshop sellers, the visitors... lot of amazing new friends that I really wish to meet again next year, or to some other festivals. I loved every single laugh I had on these days, I loved to spend few hours with so many wonderful, gentle, warm, genuine hilarious people, all this had been just so... brilliant! In another word... Génial! :amoure: (And we were at Leonardo's last home, you know...)

And... last but not least... Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Blueskin Pierre for your English translation, my French is still SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad, ahahahahaahahahah!!!!! Will start seriously studying it, I promise. [:flocon:2] :lire: [:kusanagui:6]
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 12/07/2013 09:00


Organizers and Bénévoles of the LES COURANTS BD FESTIVAL 2013
Such lovely People!!

Photo source: Claude Verne
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 12/07/2013 09:15


Bruno Bertin and his Vick and Vicky friends! Special festival guests for the 20th anniversary of this serie!

Photo source: Claude Verne/Éditions P'tit Louis
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede giancarlo » 14/07/2013 09:01

Dear Blueskin Pierre,
s’il vous plait, confesse que Cinzia t’a payé pour écrire que les scenes dénudées n'apportent rien à l'histoire ;) :-D

D'autrefois... le tome 2 va etre un mélange d'aventure et de mysticisme, avec un finale qui peut rappeller Miyazaki.......
Messages: 60
Inscription: 11/12/2010

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 23/07/2013 09:33

giancarlo a écrit:Dear Blueskin Pierre,
s’il vous plait, confesse que Cinzia t’a payé pour écrire que les scenes dénudées n'apportent rien à l'histoire ;) :-D

Oui, oui, billionaire me, uh? TZE'!!

(uhm... not a bad idea, though...) :D
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans


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