giancarlo a écrit:Dear Blueskin Pierre,
s’il vous plait, confesse que Cinzia t’a payé pour écrire que les scenes dénudées n'apportent rien à l'histoire
Oui, oui, billionaire me, uh? TZE'!!
(uhm... not a bad idea, though...)
giancarlo a écrit:Dear Blueskin Pierre,
s’il vous plait, confesse que Cinzia t’a payé pour écrire que les scenes dénudées n'apportent rien à l'histoire
The Maze Echo a écrit:How cute !
Hopefully he/she's already housebroken, would be a pity to have a mess on the drawings
The Maze Echo a écrit:He's sooo cute
I wish kittens would stop growing up...
Luthen a écrit:A whole lot of time passed since, after praising Cinzia's wonderful drawings, we promised a little review of the story. We're so sorry!
I hope we're still in time to say that Lélys is an endearing main character, cute in her clumsiness, but brave when the need arises. She must restore the natural balance in a land shaken by an old sacrilege, but many of her fellow villagers mistrust and oppose her. The setting is fascinating, and the plot is compelling; maybe some events in the second half deserved more space, but it's easy to imagine that telling a story in a 48-page limit requires some compromises. All in all, we'll surely pick up the second volume!
And to make up for the delay, here's a little homage drawn by Elisa. The other character is from Jade, another cool bd written by Giancarlo.
One last thing: Cinzia, your new kitten is beyond cute !
Elisa & Matteo
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