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La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Séries Franco-belge, "récentes" nouveautés "grand public".

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede The Maze Echo » 26/04/2013 21:18

Message précédent :
Bought it today, will read it in a few mins...
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The Maze Echo
Messages: 4131
Inscription: 03/07/2002
Localisation: F-40 Mont de Marsan
Age: 55 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede giancarlo » 27/04/2013 08:32

The Maze Echo a écrit:Bought it today, will read it in a few mins...

et je veux savoir que te en pense.........................

Messages: 60
Inscription: 11/12/2010

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 27/04/2013 10:25

The Maze Echo a écrit:Bought it today, will read it in a few mins...

Woah! Suspens...
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Philippe44 » 27/04/2013 12:59

Passé chez mon dealer ce matin, il ne l'avait pas. :shock:

je le trouverai ailleurs ;) .
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Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede The Maze Echo » 27/04/2013 15:33

J'ai bien aimé le dessin de Cinzia, mais je trouve qu'il manque quelques petites scènes de transition pour mieux suivre l'histoire.
[Révéler] Spoiler:
La mère de Mestical est fière que son fils ait vaincu la bête, cependant juste après, elle accuse la mère de Lélys d'être à l'origine de sa mort. On ne sait pas ce que cette dernière a fait pour se mettre le village à dos.
A la page suivante, une femme blonde subit une épreuve, je n'ai pas compris de suite qu'il s'agissait de Lélys, la fille de la femme enceinte de la page précédente. Il s'est écoulé 15-20 ans sans qu'on le sache.
Il faut une deuxième lecture pour voir comment tout s'articule.

I liked Cinzia's drawings, but I feel some transition scenes are lacking for a better understanding of the story.
[Révéler] Spoiler:
Mestical's mother is proud that her son killed the beast, but just after she accuses Lélys' mother of being the cause of his death. We don't know why the village is against her.
On the next page, a fair woman is being tested, I didn't understand right away that it was Lélys, the daughter of the pregnant woman on the previous page. At least 15 years must have passed without us noticing it.
The book requires a second reading to see how it all fits together.
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The Maze Echo
Messages: 4131
Inscription: 03/07/2002
Localisation: F-40 Mont de Marsan
Age: 55 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede giancarlo » 27/04/2013 18:50

on va éxpliquer tous dans le tome 2...
on l'a fait exprès... ce qui ce passe (et qu'on ne voit pas) entre planche 5 et planche 6 c'est le mystère, la clef de l'histoire...
Messages: 60
Inscription: 11/12/2010

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 28/04/2013 13:30

The Maze Echo a écrit:J'ai bien aimé le dessin de Cinzia, mais je trouve qu'il manque quelques petites scènes de transition pour mieux suivre l'histoire.
[Révéler] Spoiler:
La mère de Mestical est fière que son fils ait vaincu la bête, cependant juste après, elle accuse la mère de Lélys d'être à l'origine de sa mort. On ne sait pas ce que cette dernière a fait pour se mettre le village à dos.
A la page suivante, une femme blonde subit une épreuve, je n'ai pas compris de suite qu'il s'agissait de Lélys, la fille de la femme enceinte de la page précédente. Il s'est écoulé 15-20 ans sans qu'on le sache.
Il faut une deuxième lecture pour voir comment tout s'articule.

I liked Cinzia's drawings, but I feel some transition scenes are lacking for a better understanding of the story.
[Révéler] Spoiler:
Mestical's mother is proud that her son killed the beast, but just after she accuses Lélys' mother of being the cause of his death. We don't know why the village is against her.
On the next page, a fair woman is being tested, I didn't understand right away that it was Lélys, the daughter of the pregnant woman on the previous page. At least 15 years must have passed without us noticing it.
The book requires a second reading to see how it all fits together.

Thank you The Maze Echo! Indeed you made a perfect point! That's the main problem with small productions with big ideas... Publisher fixes a books limit and writer made the double somersault to squeeze the story in. And then I do complain about having too much stuff happening on the page, ahahahah!!! Anyway... thanks for your remark, very accurate and helpful :ok:

Oh, and thank you as well for the translation, I reeeeeeally appreciate your efforts. I'm gonna start a French language course, as soon as I can, but I'm quite sure I'll be the dumbest of my class (that is a 1 person class: me)
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede The Maze Echo » 28/04/2013 18:16

Cinzia DF a écrit:I'm gonna start a French language course, as soon as I can, but I'm quite sure I'll be the dumbest of my class (that is a 1 person class: me)

But then, you'll also be the smartest ;)
It's always a good idea to learn more languages.
I'll be in Roma first week of June, maybe we can meet if you live in the area... I'll bring my album, just in case. :D
Edit: nevermind, just saw in your profile that you're in Pecco, quite a bit far from Roma...
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The Maze Echo
Messages: 4131
Inscription: 03/07/2002
Localisation: F-40 Mont de Marsan
Age: 55 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede johnstuart » 28/04/2013 20:49

What an amazing talking ! I would like to find much topics like this to revise my english !
Que Vive Le Sillage !!
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Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede giancarlo » 29/04/2013 06:47

mais allons parler Français... autrefois les Bédéphiles peuvent croire che le mystère de la Fontaine est que ceux qui le lit devient anglophones..........
Spoiler: ça n'est pas le mystère!!!
Messages: 60
Inscription: 11/12/2010

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 29/04/2013 12:58

The Maze Echo a écrit:But then, you'll also be the smartest ;)

Ahahahah! True! Let's see the glass, with some water in. : )

The Maze Echo a écrit:It's always a good idea to learn more languages.

Yep, indeed. I'm just soooo lazy... I actually understand a little bit of French SLOOOOW talk, but the written one is another planet

The Maze Echo a écrit: I'll be in Roma first week of June, maybe we can meet if you live in the area... I'll bring my album, just in case. :D
Edit: nevermind, just saw in your profile that you're in Pecco, quite a bit far from Roma...

HA! Giancarlo organized a dedicaces session on May 25th, in a French bookshop in Rome. Too bad for the timing! But I'll be attending the next edition of the Festival les courants in Amboise, in July. And then, well... let's hope to get some further invitations to festivals, sooner or later. Eventually Angouleme is just around the coin...
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 29/04/2013 13:06

johnstuart a écrit:What an amazing talking ! I would like to find much topics like this to revise my english !

Aaaah... Thank you Johnstuart! I'm sorry to announce that my Italian is much better than my English! Giancarlo is ok with French, The Maze Echo is quite a polyglot, I just go for these 2 (Ita/Engl). But as soon as I can post here in French, you'll have quite an hilarious topic as well... :lol: :lol: :lol:
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede giancarlo » 30/04/2013 07:02

si vous etes a Rome, mai 25, librerie L'aventure, prés de la magnifique Piazza del Popolo, dédicace avec Cinzia et aussi avec Romina Moranelli pour Jade
Messages: 60
Inscription: 11/12/2010

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 03/05/2013 09:21

Here in this same site!


And a full page preview (colors and text), it's the first complete one I do see, was worried about the balloons, but they look fine:


Have to fix the bio, though: I made it around 2006, I should translate an updated one...
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Iluve » 06/05/2013 13:33


I just read it, I can tell that the scans of the coloured pages really harms the current work done by the drawer and the painter.
drawing is really dainty and colours are not computerized as i looks like on internet pictures. Colours are far more natural and beautiful.

Scenario is some times too fast (without being confusing) but at least it keeps us awake.
Very good first album.

Keep going !
Messages: 2
Inscription: 12/04/2010
Localisation: Grenoble
Age: 50 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 06/05/2013 15:35

Iluve a écrit:Hello,
I just read it, I can tell that the scans of the coloured pages really harms the current work done by the drawer and the painter.
drawing is really dainty and colours are not computerized as i looks like on internet pictures. Colours are far more natural and beautiful.

Cool! So glad to know, I didn't see the book yet, I still have to order it! :-D
I liked Caroline's coloring, but I'm so curious to see how the whole book looks like, on paper...

Iluve a écrit:Scenario is some times too fast (without being confusing) but at least it keeps us awake.
Very good first album.

Well... I guess Giancarlo owes you a coffee+croissant and a petit bisou

Iluve a écrit:Keep going !

Thank youuuuuuu Iluve! Run, run, running faster than light!
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede giancarlo » 06/05/2013 20:25

Merci beacoup! :)
Je devais aller trés vite... mais ous j'ai cherché de ne jamais perdre de clarté. Volume 2, il y a plus encore d'aventure mais le final (pas de spoiler ici...) va etre beaucoup Miyazaki...
Messages: 60
Inscription: 11/12/2010

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Iluve » 07/05/2013 13:47

Cinzia DF a écrit:
I liked Caroline's coloring, but I'm so curious to see how the whole book looks like, on paper...

Are you kidding ? :shock:
Is that true you have not yet see the paper book ???
Messages: 2
Inscription: 12/04/2010
Localisation: Grenoble
Age: 50 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 07/05/2013 13:57

Iluve a écrit:Are you kidding ? :shock:
Is that true you have not yet see the paper book ???

Nope, seriously! Don't remember if there's some copies from the publisher to be sent us (the contract is... in French!), but at least in a couple of week I'll be buying few ones at the French bookshop in Rome, where there's gonna be the first dedicaces session ever for La Fontaine. My chance to finally see the book, ahahaha!!!
:-D [:flocon:2] [:flocon:2] [youpi] [:flocon:2] [:flocon:2] :-D
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede giancarlo » 07/05/2013 21:36

les ex "auteurs" vont arriver... donc cinzia et moi iront le lire... je suis curieux de lire l'histoire... ;)
Messages: 60
Inscription: 11/12/2010

Re: La Fontaine dans le ciel -G Dimaggio-Clair de Lune (preview)

Messagede Cinzia DF » 13/05/2013 16:06

Hey Dudes...
Don't know if there's any kind of competition between forums about BDs, or if readers do surf forums, or if they're also partecipating to other ones. In other words... I don't know if you did see this:


but I think concurrency is doing... great!

Sooooooooo... Any other opinions about the book?
Or questions?
Do you need the writer to explain some extras about the story??
Any detail on the drawings you think is not readeable enough?
Suggestments on how to improve our works?
Hands up, hands up! :bravo: :bravo: :bravo:

Everything helps, seriously!
We just read The Maze Echo wise and fair opinion, any other comments?
Did you find the book, Philippe44?

All right, back to storyboards for tome2.

So to say goodbye, I'll use this cute Smiley: :food:
But you have to use a little bit of imagination, and "see" it with a pencil in the right hand, and the rubber in the left one, ok? That's me, right now! Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans


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