N'empêche que je suis intéressé pour lire la Ligue en BD.
SI tu peux, je te les conseille en anglais...
N'empêche que je suis intéressé pour lire la Ligue en BD.
Pourquoi ? La traduction est si mauvaise que ça ?
Pourquoi ? La traduction est si mauvaise que ça ?
J'ai la version originale de "Big Numbers", c'est illustre par Bill Sienkewicz.
Le format est asse special, faudrais que je verifie mes archives, mais je crois qu'il n'y a eu que deux numeros avant que le serie ne soit cancellee.
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
DC Comics has announced that the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen will return in 2005!
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Dark Dossier is a hardcover graphic novel from Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neil due in late 2005. The story is set primarily in the 1950s when the League and the British government no longer see eye to eye. Surviving League members infiltrate MI:5 to steal a closely guarded book, the Dark Dossier compiled by MI:5 over hundreds of years, detailing the League, who the members are, what they do, what they've done, everything about them. As the story unfolds in 1950's London, the main characters - whose identities are a closely guarded mystery - peruse the Dark Dossier while eluding the agents of MI:5. The story takes place in the 1950s, the teens (1911 - 1919), in the 1800s, 1600s, and possibly one story is set in 2000 BC.
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