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Arrivederci Amore

Séries Franco-belge, "récentes" nouveautés "grand public".

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede ANDY » 06/09/2004 21:09

Message précédent :
:Tchin: hey guys, I'm waiting for everybodies in the saint Claude festival during the days 25-26 of sept for a big dedications and..a big beer1 I will pay it!
Messages: 31
Inscription: 01/09/2004

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede berthold » 01/10/2004 11:33

so...have you some people of bd gest in st claude ?

so...very good interview of Andrea "Andy" Mutti :

tres bonne et enrichissante interview :D
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Messages: 284
Inscription: 13/06/2004
Localisation: itxassou
Age: 57 ans

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede panazol » 01/10/2004 23:53

J'ai bien apprécié la BD. Pour une fois le scénario ne s'étire pas indéfiniment sur une bonne scène, il y a du rythme et il se passe plus de choses en 46 planches qu'en 5 ou 6 albums dans d'autres séries.

I appreciated the comics. It's too many rare to have a story as dense as this one. There is as many action in a single book as in 5 or 6 comic books of some collections.

Waiting for the number 2. :ok:
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Messages: 32
Inscription: 26/05/2004
Localisation: Limousin
Age: 61 ans

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede ANDY » 12/10/2004 10:29

:D ciao Panazol!wow..great name!..i ampleased about your impression. in fact, the book is really...contract! understand what i mean' there is no pause for the reader..is really near to the roman,Carlotto has got a typical dry and rapid narration in ALL his books. carlotto, in his roman, is like a flame....no breath for the readers.....is like a kick in the stomach...I hope that the book will be with thesame.....feel.
thanks again
Messages: 31
Inscription: 01/09/2004

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede Croaa » 17/10/2004 20:44

Et hop, une petit chronique ici :


Désolé, elle n'est pas traduite en anglais. :?
"Soyons désinvoltes, n'ayons l'air de rien"
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Arrivederci Amore

Messagede ANDY » 19/10/2004 08:55

:D tanks..well..I understand what he mean in the critic.....but..I would explain an IMPORTANT THING.....Arrivederci amore, is a noire very hard, and, to do it in BD was very difficult...but all the autors, think that th BD is really NEAR the roman about the rithm and soul....is strange to see in a comics a "fast" reading like that, but is the typical "fasten" redain of ALL the roman of carlotto....it will be very interesting if the BD readers, will comparate the roman like the bd..really, is fun and interesting, I think.
At the begin (carlotto, me and luca) we want to make 3 books for AA..but too much long for this contracting story...is NOT a SLOW down in hell...is a RAPID down IN HELL......rapid.....I want to say thank u to the critic, really, is always good for an author.....but I am not agree with "only a text on the pictures"...... ;) becouse is importnat in this BD, to know the roman too...for to understand the SOUL of narration...well, ok,ok..i don't want to be boring guyu!
thnaks to you croaa.....i hope that you ca understand my "english"!!!
thanks again my friend for your reaction..is important for to do beter and better for the future.
ciao! :D
Messages: 31
Inscription: 01/09/2004

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede Croaa » 19/10/2004 15:53

Hello Andy,

I'm sorry but I don't speak very well english, but i've understood !
Thank you for all informations and for your reaction, and i'm sure that was important to know the novel before reading the comics...

I'm sure you will do better for the futur and i will read your next book with pleasure ;)
"Soyons désinvoltes, n'ayons l'air de rien"
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Messages: 33281
Inscription: 21/04/2003
Localisation: Sur un banc !
Age: 54 ans

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede ANDY » 19/10/2004 20:16

:D Hy Croaa! really nice to hear you!
well..is really great in the forum when if possible to talk togetehjer..I thank u again and...see you soon! :D
Messages: 31
Inscription: 01/09/2004

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede Croaa » 19/10/2004 20:26

I want to answer about "only a text on the pictures".
I said that because there is not enough "phylactère/bulle" (sorry I don't know the english world for that) with dialogue. And it's a little bit hard to read this in a comics.

I'm not an expert in comics and i really appreciate your spirit about my point a view, even if you don't agree ! ;)
"Soyons désinvoltes, n'ayons l'air de rien"
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Messages: 33281
Inscription: 21/04/2003
Localisation: Sur un banc !
Age: 54 ans

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede Archiviste » 20/10/2004 10:22

Hello Andy, I'm Aym on Sceneario.com ;o)
And i take a tour here for see how the readers perceive your album ;o)

In my opinion, i like it, but you know that ;o)
Mon rêve, c'est une bibliothèque qui déborde ...
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Arrivederci Amore

Messagede ANDY » 20/10/2004 11:00

:D hello Siam,nico to see you in BDgest!!!!
well...for croaa..ues, u are true....AA have got a strange narration for a comics..is true....i think that is one of your good caracteristic...I think....the voice off isa special view about the comics....more near the movie..but i think very strong and...necessary i think, for to explain the bastard and dirty soul of pellegrini...he want to impose himself in each page..in each situation..is a real son of a B****!!
wow..this forum is veeery interesting!!
hy guys!
Messages: 31
Inscription: 01/09/2004

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede berthold » 20/10/2004 11:55

hi boy ;)
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Messages: 284
Inscription: 13/06/2004
Localisation: itxassou
Age: 57 ans

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede ANDY » 20/10/2004 13:31

:D hy berth! how are you my friend? is a good forum!!
Messages: 31
Inscription: 01/09/2004

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede Horace G » 01/11/2004 22:39

Waiting for the number 2. :ok:

So do I !!! Quelqu'un a une idée de pour quand ekle est prévue ?

Thanks Andy for all the shared information

And congratulations !! Arrivederci ... is definitly within my top 10 !!
Chassez le naturiste, il revient au bungalow !
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Horace G
Messages: 3239
Inscription: 24/10/2004
Localisation: Quelque part entre la Suisse et les Cévennes
Age: 69 ans

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede nonotiti » 02/11/2004 09:47

Je crois avoir lu quelque part que ce sera très rapide : second (et dernier) tome premier trimestre 2005 !
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Messages: 292
Inscription: 27/10/2004
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Age: 50 ans

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede ANDY » 03/11/2004 10:00

:D hy guys and cyber friends!! thanks again! is agreat pleasure!
well,the second tome will be in library very soon....the second tome will be more violent and sad!! you will see the bastard nature of Pellegrini!!!
and the end, will be different than the roman......will be the original end that Massimo has write for this roman..... :roll:
Messages: 31
Inscription: 01/09/2004

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede castaca » 10/11/2004 00:13

Hello !
Toute nouvelle interview d'Andrea Mutti sur la yozone :
http://yozone.free.fr/article.php3?id_article=533 :D
Il y aura sans doute des évolutions ...
Merci encore à Andrea ! ;)
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Messages: 69
Inscription: 18/07/2004
Localisation: Rennes
Age: 56 ans

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede ANDY » 19/12/2004 13:50

hy masters and cyber friends!
sorry for the long silence!
well........how are you? some of you will be in angouleme? I will be very pleased to no you!
some news from me.....I hope interesting..from Albin I have finish the tome1 (the suiter and fin with tome2) with saimbert..the book is called LES BRUMES HURLANTES..e really cold and sad and thrilling story with hambient Sologne...very nice place! moors, mist and fog.....brrrr!

from vents..I have start a new serial with a very good scenariste..Richard Malka..the author of the ordre de ciceron......
Messages: 31
Inscription: 01/09/2004

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede djarf » 19/12/2004 15:59

Hi Andy, where are you from...? Do you read french ? :roll:
I supose that yes since you speak about series in French... :siffle:
If you really like stories with spleen and atmosphere, you must absolutely test Les Passagers du vent... :ok: :ok: :ok:
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Inscription: 14/12/2004
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Arrivederci Amore

Messagede ANDY » 19/12/2004 21:10

hy Djorf!
I don't know this book! can you tell to me something more? editor?author?
Messages: 31
Inscription: 01/09/2004

Arrivederci Amore

Messagede Croaa » 19/12/2004 21:23

hy Djorf!
I don't know this book! can you tell to me something more? editor?author?

"Soyons désinvoltes, n'ayons l'air de rien"
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Messages: 33281
Inscription: 21/04/2003
Localisation: Sur un banc !
Age: 54 ans


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