FAQ: Two issues of TREES Vol 3 already written. It'll go on the schedule when it's good and ready and Image have a slot for it. Again, scheduling is a real thing in the world, and Image has a huge publishing slate - the days of just firing randomly are long gone.
I mentioned that I'd already started work on TREES Volume 3. I realised the other day what Volume 4 needed to be, and everyone else agreed. So I'll wrap Vol 3 up, which will roughly coincide with Declan being available for INJECTION again, do the fourth volume of INJECTION, then do vol 4 of TREES. Obviously, I look forward to your emails asking when those books are coming out.
CEMETERY BEACH 6 is out, 7 was all done a while ago, and now Jason and I are working on the back section of TREES Volume 3, which I guess will be out during the last half of this year.
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