1. All Sizes Fit One
Create a build in multiple scales. Keep the details the same but show as many scales as possible. Provide at least one picture of all the builds together.
2. 'Armless
While LEGO generally avoids violence in their official themes, it hasn’t stopped them from including weapons in their sets. Let’s show the builders of the future a better way. Create a build using any official LEGO weaponry (revolvers, katanas, rifles, etc) in any way other than as a weapon.
3. Battle For Heartlake City
How will the Friends defend themselves? Create a contrasting invasion force and show them in battle against Stephanie & company. We're talking Giant Colorful Robots fighting Giant Cute Monsters. Channel your inner tokusatsu, get some teenagers with attitude, and cancel the apocalypse in style!
4. Book Quote (can only be posted on March 15th)
Make a build based on this quote. Keep it a secret and only post the entry on the final day.
"Its substance was known to me. The crawling infinity of colors, the chaos of textures that went into each strand of that eternally complex tapestry…each one resonated under the step of the dancing mad god, vibrating and sending little echoes of bravery, or hunger, or architecture, or argument, or cabbage or murder or concrete across the aether. The weft of starlings’ motivations connected to the thick, sticky strand of a young thief’s laugh. The fibers stretched taut and glued themselves solidly to a third line, its silk made from the angles of seven flying buttresses to a cathedral roof. The plait disappeared into the enormity of possible spaces.
Every intention, interaction, motivation, every color, every body, every action and reaction, every piece of physical reality and the thoughts that it engendered, every connection made, every nuanced moment of history and potentiality, every toothache and flagstone, every emotion and birth and banknote, every possible thing ever is woven into that limitless, sprawling web.
It is without beginning or end. It is complex to a degree that humbles the mind. It is a work of such beauty that my soul wept...
...I have danced with the spider. I have cut a caper with the dancing mad god."
China Miéville, Perdido Street Station
5. Cave Racers
A short-time bandwagon theme in LEGO Online community back in 2008, these little speeders featured minifigs clinging in handlebars, trans-orange 1x1 round plates as engines and new cheese slopes and a wrench and some flat edged piece stuck in stuck somewhere in them... Give us an updated take on this fad from the past. Check the original guidelines for reference:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/gambort/24 ... 727410@N216. Clunkers
The demands of corporate and the dangers of mining asteroids for rare elements have reduced margins, safety, and dignity. Build a "Clunker", a one man, short range, under-the-radar, mining vessel of questionable spacefaring integrity fit for maximizing profits by reducing costs. Take into consideration the trade offs of mining tools, cargo hold capacity, defense ('cause space pirates), maneuverability, and speed. MUST be built in Miniland or larger scale and shown in action mining an asteroid.
7. Colonial Futurism
A blend of old-fashioned "retro styles" with futuristic technology. Explores the themes of tension between past and future, and between the alienating and empowering effects of technology - think mecha harvesting wheat, floating parishes, that kinda stuff.
8. Couldn't Eat Another Bite
Build a meal that’s half (or more finished). Show us what was on the menu, but make sure it’s been partially eaten.
9. Decade Decadence
Create something that looks like a build from 2010. Modern bricks and techniques are not prohibited, we are looking for the “oldschool” impression. Consider relying heavily on minifigs from themes released a few years prior and mixing old and new greys.
10. Frazetta
Frank Frazetta was an American fantasy and science fiction artist, noted for comic books, paperback book covers, paintings, posters, LP record album covers and other media. Turn any Frazetta art into brick.
11. Grimm Reality
What if Red Riding Hood had texted her grandma instead of strolling through the concrete jungle? What if Jack had climbed the Heinz Corporate Tower? Build your interpretation of a modern-day Grimm Fairy Tale. Your build can be in any scale and can either be based on the well-known tales or the more graphic original works.
12. Happy Post-Apoc/Black Fantasy
Create a bright and cheerful version on these classic themes that have edginess, darkness, grimness, horror at their very core.
13. I'm Melting!
Build something melting/melted. A snowman, your LEGO collection after a fire, an awesome face-melting drum solo.
14. Leaked Image of a 2030 Lego set
How will LEGO be designing sets in the future? What wacky new pieces (cut some LEGO parts, use clones or third party bricks, or even a completely non-LEGO item) and techniques will people use?
15. Little Big Animal
Build a non-fictional small animal at a large scale. Does not have to be 1:1.
16. Monkey Business
Create a 'slice of life' vignette, but with monkeys in the place of humans. They have to be obviously going about regular people business, no monkey business
17. Mounts
Build a character riding a fictional creature - nazgul, giant snow tiger, chupacabra, manbearpig, the endowed species from total recall; anything you like.
18. Not The Bees!
Most actors have their overacting moments. But there are those few special snowflakes who turned it into pure brilliance. Nic Cage, Shatner, Nic Cage, Chris Tucker, Nic Cage, Samurai Cop, Nic Cage and so on. Build any of these overacting moments. Except for Tommy Wiseau - he gets enough credit for it as it is already. Consider focusing on silly facial expressions, go crazy.
19. Seafaring Is Needed
Create a really unusual "swimming vessels" of transport for the wet element. AND: It needs a witty defense mechanism...
20. Self-Repro Bricktime
What would the laboratory for researching the self-reproducing LEGO brick look like? At least 1 LEGO propeller must be used, no matter what size!
21. Shipping
Who would you pair up? Chose two individuals (fictional or non-fictional) and show what their relationship would be like.
22. SYSTEM Crash
Create a SYSTEM style build interacting with a real-world object that has somehow crossed the boundary between the realities. How are the brick-men taking it? Are they weaponizing the Kraggle, running from the Sharp-I or studying the mysterious ‘Instructions’?
23. Thar Be Pirates
Take any LEGO theme (aside from pirate themed ones), and pirate it up. Pirate Batman, pirate Potters, pirate Star Wars, pirate Classic Space, pirate Modulars, pirate Mini Cooper, pirate Technic. Everything is better with pirates.
24. The Wrong Side of the LEGO Train Tracks
The "good" people of LEGO Modularville apparently have some vices. It might be the reason why the Town theme has so many hospitals, fire departments, and police stations throughout their history. Build a modular set on a 32x32 stud footprint of no less than two stories showing the seedier side of this "wholesome" town.
25. Unique Stays
Ever wanted to get go on an AirBnB adventure? A canal boat in Amsterdam, a lighthouse in Maine, a private island in the Caribbean - what kind of exotic experience would you choose?
26. Unnatural Disaster
It's raining Cats and Dogs - literally! Build a regional or global catastrophe that defies rational, natural or logical explanation.
27. Vampire Weekend
What do bad guys (fictional or non-fictional) like to do on their days off?
28. Variety Pack
No part or color can repeat. That means not even one part in multiple colours or multiple parts in one color.
29. Were-the-rest?
Build a Lycanthrope-type entity that isn’t a wolf or dog. Your creature can be minifigure scale, but it must be brick built.
30. Young Max Rockatansky
Little Max got a little mad because all he got for his birthday were Technic pieces and some silly motors. Build a vehicle fit for Fury Road at least 16 studs wide with working features able to enact some proper vengeance