Nirm a écrit:En même temps c'est la même boîte. .
JayCee a écrit:La réponse a mis du temps à venir mais la voici :Hey Alexis,
The boxed sets for 1&2 and 3&4 will be reprinted soon. Not sure if you can order them through Amazon, all i can say is that we are not allowed to sell them outside the U.S..
Bonne nouvelle, en demi-teinte, pas certain qu'on puisse s'en procurer facilement sous nos contrées![]()
La date de disponibilité du coffret 1&2 est passée au 12 février 2019 sur leur site.
Hello Mrs. Silva,
Thank you very much for your reply and for keeping me well informed about this series.
There is actually a long time ago that I am looking for this first two-volume box set and I am therefore very pleased to read you.
Yet, as you probably realized, I am not from the U.S or Canada and I am wondering if this reprint will be sell on websites like Amazon or some others that allow shipping out of these countries ?
I bought every volumes I own on these websites and hope this new release won’t be an exception.
Thank you again and have a great day.
Kind regards,
Thibault XXX.
Yup, they should be available through Amazon like our other Disney books. Enjoy!
JayCee a écrit:Bon, qui est-ce qui va aux States durant les 6 prochains mois ?
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