Morti a écrit:Faute de nouveautés cet été, j'ai acheté un tome de Reckless vu la notoriété de Brubaker et j'ai tellement bien aimé que j'ai acheté le tome 5 hier, il me manque encore le tome 1.
Très comics bien sûr mais sans moule-burnes, pour moi qui cherchais des comics polars, ça le fait...
davidou84 a écrit:J'ai tout lu de brubaker et philips.le top c'est criminal , reckless, kill or be killed, fondu au noir.
Le reste c'est un poil moins bon .
Tentez aussi friday de brubaker c'est très bien.
Aramis90 a écrit:brubaker sur x-men c'était totalement anecdotique voire ridicule
par contre, son captain america et son DD c'est le top du top
pas pour rien que ça se retrouve dans le MCU
Brubaker: With Iron Fist, it’s a different ballgame. Me and Matt talk about the overall storyline, which I’m sort of steering, like I’ll say, “when he goes back to K’un-Lun, we’ll find out there are six other mystical cities like this with their own champions, and we’ll stage the whole arc around a huge Kung Fu tournament.” And then Matt actually comes up with the names and ideas for the champions and the new cities, and sends those to me for feedback. Then we hammer out a plot for the issue, Matt writes the rough draft of the script and I edit and rewrite and tweak. Then when the book is drawn and lettered, we each go over and rewrite little things here and there, because often our artists drawn something that makes our writing superfluous. So we cut it, or change it. It’s much more a fluid beast, Iron Fist. We’re actually going to be doing the next batch of issues more “Gotham Central” style, though, just to try it out, and because I want to write more scenes on my own in the book. Often on Iron Fist I feel like an additional editor as much as a writer, and that’s kind of weird.
Ed Brubaker: Well, I was already doing less and less on each issue, since Matt really came into his own on this series, and was needing me less and less. The last issue I did any significant writing on, other than rewriting a scene here or there, was issue #10, so I was basically just an extra set of eyes on the book, since we'd plotted out the second storyline a long time ago. Then David Aja was going to have to leave the book because of having a kid, and so I think, and Matt can correct this if I'm wrong, but I think that it just felt like time for all of us.
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