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Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

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Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede Bolt » 20/11/2020 10:35

Un topic pour l'actualité des comics, aux Etats-Unis mais aussi en francophonie.

Bon, je commence avec une checklist (non exhaustive) d'Image Comics pour décembre 2020, concernant des auteurs déjà connus et des séries en cours de publication en France, ainsi que des nouveautés:

Graphic novel de 144 pages de Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips
Sex, drugs, and murder in 1980s Los Angeles, and the best new twist on paperback pulp heroes since The Punisher or Jack Reacher.
Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, the modern masters of crime noir, bring us the last thing anyone expected from them—a good guy. A bold new series of original graphic novels, with three books releasing over the next year, each a full-length story that stands on its own.
Meet Ethan Reckless: Your trouble is his business, for the right price. But when a fugitive from his radical student days reaches out for help, Ethan must face the only thing he fears…his own past.
Look for Book Two in the Reckless series in April 2021!

Post Americana #1 (Of 6)
de Steve Skroce & Dave Stewart
The Cheyanne mountain installation, aka The Bubble, is the most sophisticated super bunker in the world. It was built to ensure the survival of America's executive branch of government and its most important citizens, should the unthinkable happen. When the world ended, the executive branch failed to reach the sanctuary, but the elite citizenry did. Eighty years later, one of their own has named himself the new President of the United States. His plan? Subjugate the survivors of the American Wasteland using the same bunker resources meant to rebuild it. The only thing standing in their way is a deadly Wasteland girl, hellbent on revenge!

Home Sick Pilots #1
Nouvelle série écrite Dan Watters et dessinée par Caspar Wijngaard
The team behind Limbo, Dan Watters (Lucifer, Coffin Bound) and Caspar Wijngaard (Star Wars, Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt), launch a brand-new ongoing series.
In the summer of 1994, a haunted house walks across California. Inside is Ami, lead singer of a high school punk band—who's been missing for weeks. How did she get there, and what do these ghosts want? Expect three-chord songs and big bloody action that's Power Rangers meets The Shining (yes, really).

Gideon Falls #27
de Jeff Lemire et Andrea Sorrentino

Decorum #8
Ecrit par Jonathan Hickman et dessiné par Mike Huddleston

Department Of Truth #4
Ecrit par James Tynion IV et dessiné par Martin Simmonds

Family Tree #11
de Jeff Lemire, Phil Hester, Eric Gapstur & Ryan Cody

Fire Power #6
de Robert Kirkman &Chris Samnee

Oblivion Song #30
de Robert Kirkman et Lorenzo De Felici

Kick-Ass Vs. Hit-Girl #2 (Of 5)
Ecrit par Steve Niles et dessiné par Marcelo Frusin

Monstress: Talk-stories #2 (Of 2)
de Marjorie Liu et Sana Takeda

Nailbiter Returns #8
de Joshua Williamson et Mike Henderson

Sea Of Stars #10
Ecrit par Jason Aaron & Dennis Hallum et dessiné par Stephen Green

Seven To Eternity #15
de Rick Remender & Jerome Opeña

The Scumbag #3
Ecrit par Rick Remender, un dessinateur différent par numéro

Stillwater #4
Ecrit par Chip Zdarsky et dessiné par Ramón K. Pérez & Mike Spicer

Undiscovered Country #11
Ecrit par Scott Snyder & Charles Soule et dessiné par Giuseppe Camuncoli, Leonardo Marcello Grassi & Matt Wilson
Postal: Night Shift
One-shot de 32 pages écrit par Levi Fleming & Stephanie Phillips et dessiné par Cecilia Lo Valvo & Jesse Elliot

Big Girls #5
De Jason Howard

Bliss Vol. 1 TPB
Ecrit par Sean Lewis et dessiné Caitlin Yarsky

Stealth Vol. 1 TPB
Ecrit par Mike Costa et dessiné par Nate Bellegarde & Tamra Bonvillain

That Texas Blood Vol. 1 TPB
Ecrit par Chris Condon et dessiné par Jacob Phillips

Ascender Vol. 3 TPB
de Jeff Lemire et Dustin Nguyen

Die Vol. 3 TPB
de Kieron Gillen et Stephanie Hans

Die!Die!Die! Vol. 2 TPB
de Robert Kirkman, Scott M. Gimple, Chris Burnham & Nathan Fairbairn

Outcast Vol. 8 TPB
de Robert Kirkman et Paul Azaceta

Skyward HC (édition en omnibus de l'intégralité de la série)
Ecrit par Joe Henderson et dessiné par Lee Garbett & Antonio Fabela
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 7426
Inscription: 20/12/2017
Localisation: Cat Town
Age: 45 ans

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede Bolt » 20/11/2020 10:57

Et tant qu'à faire, la checklist (non exhaustive) d'Image Comics pour janvier 2021:

Haha #1
Ecrit par W. Maxwell Prince et dessiné par Vanesa Del Rey
ICE CREAM MAN writer W. MAXWELL PRINCE brings his signature style of one-shot storytelling to the world of clowns—and he's invited SOME OF THE COMIC INDUSTRY'S BEST ARTISTS to join him for the ride.
HAHA is a genre-jumping, throat-lumping look at the sad, scary, hilarious life of those who get paid to play the fool—but these ain't your typical jokers.
With issues drawn by VANESA DEL REY (REDLANDS), GABRIEL WALTA (Vision), ROGER LANGRIDGE (Thor), and more, HAHA peeks under the big top, over the rainbow, and even inside a balloon to tell a wide-ranging slew of stories about "funny" men and women, proving that some things are so sad you just have to laugh

Rain Like Hammers #1
de Brandon Graham
Eugene is a new inhabitant of Elephant, a walking city on the desert world of Crown Majesty. Far from friends and family, he spends most of his time navigating melancholy daydreams, toying with alien technology, and researching the best places to find high-quality fast food. At best, his life is lonely and monotonous—but all of that changes when a mysterious force begins destroying Crown Majesty's walking cities!

Ascender #15
de Jeff Lemire et Dustin Nguyen

Big Girls #6
De Jason Howard

Department Of Truth #5
Ecrit par James Tynion IV et dessiné par Martin Simmonds

Family Tree #12
de Jeff Lemire, Phil Hester, Eric Gapstur & Ryan Cody

Fire Power #7
de Robert Kirkman & Chris Samnee

Home Sick Pilots #2
De Dan Watters et Caspar Wijngaard

Kick-Ass Vs. Hit-Girl #3 (Of 5)
de Steve Niles et Marcelo Frusin

Monstress #31
de Marjorie Liu et Sana Takeda

Nailbiter Returns #9
de Joshua Williamson et Mike Henderson

Nomen Omen #11 (of 15)
de Marco B. Bucci et Jacopo Camagni

Post Americana #2 (Of 6)
de Steve Skroce & Dave Stewart

The Scumbag #4
Ecrit par Rick Remender, un dessinateur différent par numéro

Seven To Eternity #16
de Rick Remender & Jerome Opeña

Stillwater #5
de Chip Zdarsky, Ramón K. Pérez & Mike Spicer

Undiscovered Country #12
Ecrit par Scott Snyder & Charles Soule et dessiné par Giuseppe Camuncoli, Leonardo Marcello Grassi & Matt Wilson

Lost Soldiers TPB
Ecrit par Aleš Kot et dessiné par Luca Casalanguida et Heather Moore

Rise of the Magi TPB
Ecrit par Marc Silvestri et dessiné par Sumeyye Kesgin et Tina Valentino

Black Magick Vol. 3 TPB
De Greg Rucka et Nicola Scott

Fire Power Vol. 2 TPB
de Robert Kirkman &Chris Samnee

The Goddamned Vol. 2 TPB
de Jason Aaron et R.M. Guéra

Oblivion Song Vol. 5 TPB
de Robert Kirkman et Lorenzo De Felici

Pulp TPB
de Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 7426
Inscription: 20/12/2017
Localisation: Cat Town
Age: 45 ans

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede Bolt » 20/11/2020 11:11

Dans un premier temps (...) Undiscovered Country de Scott Snyder, Charles Soule et Giuseppe Camuncoli se trouve enfin une date de sortie. Cette série de science-fiction/post'apo, par ailleurs déjà optionnée pour le cinéma, arrivera donc le 6 janvier 2021, au prix de 17,50€.
(...) A côté, venu tout droit de Boom! Studios, c'est le Folklords de Matt Kidnt (auteur reconnu et réputé à qui l'on doit les excellents Mind MGMT, Du Sang Sur Les Mains), accompagné ici de Matt Smith (Hellboy & the B.P.R.D.). Un titre qui prend la fantasy à rebours, puisque si les récits classiques du genre nous emmène souvent d'un monde normal à un monde fantastique, ici, c'est le jeune Ansel, qui vit dans un monde de magie, qui est hanté par des visions de personnes en costumes et de technologie bien "normale". Une mini-série en cinq numéros, qui sera donc compilée dans un tome unique, de sortie le 3 février 2021, au prix de 16,50€.
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 7426
Inscription: 20/12/2017
Localisation: Cat Town
Age: 45 ans

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede Nirm » 20/11/2020 11:13

Ça, ça me donne envie !
Tu débarques ? Suis le guide
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Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede jb681131 » 20/11/2020 11:48

Y'a trop à lire :( J'ai pas le temps de tout rattraper ce que j'ai pas encore lu. Trop d'envies.
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Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede Bolt » 20/11/2020 12:12

Arune Singh Leaves Boom Studios Next Month
It looks like it's an amicable split, with Arune requesting to stay through the year to help the publisher finish out the year and Boom agreeing to keep him on board through to the 15th of December. Seems it was his decision, and one Boom didn't seek, rather than the usual comic industry redundancy of late.
Joining Boom Studios in 2016, (...) he handled the marketing on some of Boom's biggest launches – like Something is Killing The Children, Power Rangers: Shattered Grid, Seven Secrets, We Only Find Them When They're Dead and Keanu Reeves' BRZRKR, was a key figure in a time when Boom went from the #7 to (briefly) #3 publisher at Diamond and even found himself the subject of coverage from the New York Times as a result. He also became a fixture for Boom Studios in recent years on the convention circuit – especially at book shows, where he and Spencer Simpson dramatically reinvented the company's presence.
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 7426
Inscription: 20/12/2017
Localisation: Cat Town
Age: 45 ans

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede silverfab » 21/11/2020 06:45

Puisque le duo Brubaker -phillips ainsi que Delcourt sont cités, on sait si "Pulp" et "Cruel summer" sont prévus en VF svp ?
Retrouvez les chroniques musicales de
Bandes Originales Pour Bandes Dessinées !
Mes ventes: http://bobd.over-blog.com/2021/09/on-debarasse.html
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Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede Bolt » 18/01/2021 14:09

checklist (non exhaustive) d'Image Comics pour février 2021:

Ecrit par Kyle Higgins et dessiné par Marcelo Costa
For fans of INVINCIBLE and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comes a brand-new ONGOING SERIES from acclaimed writer KYLE HIGGINS (Ultraman, C.O.W.L.) and artist MARCELO COSTA that reinvents superheroes for a new generation!Nathan Burnett has just turned thirty, and things aren’t great: He’s working (and failing) at two jobs, his credit card debt is piling up, and his only move…is moving back home with his parents.But when Nathan discovers and unlocks the ethereal, cosmic RADIANT, he's given the power to radically change his fortunes!There’s just one problem: The powers don’t belong to him. And the COSMIC BEINGS who created them want them back...by any means necessary.

Ecrit par Tony Fleecs et dessiné par Trish Forstner
Lady and the Tramp meets Silence of the Lambs

It’s scary being the new dog.

Sophie can’t remember what happened. She doesn’t know how she ended up in this house. She doesn’t recognize any of these other dogs. She knows something terrible happened, but she just…can’t…recall...WAIT! Where’s her lady?

A five-issue Don Bluth-style suspense thriller by My Little Pony comic artists TONY FLEECS and TRISH FORSTNER, STRAY DOGS is Lady and the Tramp meets Silence of the Lambs.

“My favorite thing about comics is when someone shows you something you didn’t know you needed. The Secret Life of Pets meets Seven? Yes, please!! Welcome to STRAY DOGS. I was blown away!”—BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS

Ecrit par David Goy et Mirka Andolfo et dessiné par Andrea Broccardo
In an underpopulated future Earth, devastated by the dire consequences of the millennium bug, the survival of mankind—and, maybe, of the planet itself—is handled by a small number of people. Talented scientists who, despite the adverse situation and the stupid feuds that continue to divide the small number of people still alive, try to understand and study what is hidden in the depths of the abyss. Something mysterious and dangerous, which could eventually cause an even worse and more destructive catastrophe! The 100 meets LOW, with a hint of Death Stranding in the brand-new sci-fi thriller series from acclaimed creator MIRKA ANDOLFO (UNNATURAL, MERCY), teaming up with writer DAVID GOY and rising-star artist ANDREA BROCCARDO (Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, Empyre: X-Men) and colorist BARBARA NOSENZO (The Ballad of Halo Jones).

Par John Arcudi et Valerio Giangiordano
RUMBLE and B.P.R.D. writer JOHN ARCUDI is back at Image with rising star VALERIO GIANGIORDANO for an all-new ONGOING HORROR SERIES! This issue starts the long journey of a young Pawnee man named Virgil Morris—aka Two Moons—fighting for the Union during the Civil War. When he is suddenly confronted with his shamanic roots, he discovers horrors far worse than combat as the ghosts of his past reveal the monstrous evil around him!

WRITE IT IN BLOOD (Graphic novel de 128 pages)
Par Rory McConville et Joe Palmer
On the eve of their retirement, two hitmen—Cosmo and Arthur Pryce—drive through the Texas countryside with the infamous Little Harkness in the trunk of their car. The brothers are meant to deliver Harkness to their boss, but matters become complicated when Arthur’s recklessness jeopardises Cosmo’s retirement plans and puts a target on their backs.

A tragicomic crime tale of family loyalty and broken dreams from RORY McCONVILLE (Judge Dredd) and JOE PALMER (2000 AD).

“A crime drama that plays out on the character level...an intriguing web of connections and mismatched personalities, complete with beautifully stark storytelling from PALMER, O’HALLORAN and OTSMANE-ELHAOU.”—Al Ewing (Immortal Hulk, Guardians of the Galaxy) “A great-looking Fargo-esque tale of Hitmen… RORY McCONVILLE’s a crime voice to watch.”—Rob Williams (Old Haunts, Suicide Squad)

De Joshua Williamson et Andrei Bressan

De Sean Lewis & Caitlin Yarsky

De Steve Orlando & Davide Tinto

De Donny Cates, Dee Cunniffe, Geoff Shaw & John J. Hill

De James Tynion IV & Elsa Charretier

Robert Kirkman & Chris Samnee

HAHA #2 (OF 6)
De W. Maxwell Prince & Zoe Thorogood

De Dan Watters & Caspar Wijngaard

De Steve Niles & Marcelo Frusin

De Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda

De Joshua Williamson, Adam Guzowski & Mike Henderson

NOMEN OMEN #12 (OF 15)
De Marco B. Bucci & Jacopo Camagni

De Steve Skroce

De Brandon Graham

Ecrit par Rick Remender, un dessinateur différent par numéro

De Rick Remender, Jerome Opeña & Matt Hollingsworth

De Chip Zdarsky & Ramón K. Pérez

de Donny Cates, Dee Cunniffe & Lisandro Estherren
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 7426
Inscription: 20/12/2017
Localisation: Cat Town
Age: 45 ans

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede Bolt » 18/01/2021 14:32

checklist (non exhaustive) d'Image Comics pour mars 2021:

Ecrit par Scott Snyder et dessiné par Tomeu Morey & Tony S. Daniel
Ten years after the world is plunged into an everlasting night that turns all living creatures into monstrous shades, the only way to survive is to stay close to artificial light. Enter Valentina “Val” Riggs, a skilled ferryman who transports people and goods along deadly unlit roads with her heavily illuminated eighteen wheeler.

This March, legendary creators SCOTT SNYDER (Dark Knights: Death Metal, WYTCHES) and TONY S. DANIEL (Batman, Deathstroke) unveil horrors beyond any shade in this extra-sized first issue.

Ecrit par Joe Henderson et dessiné par Lee Garbett & Antonio Fabela
Zadie Lu is afraid of her own shadow. She’s a teenager, so she REALLY should have grown out of it by now, right? But something weird is happening in her small town. Zadie could swear the shadows are coming to life. Watching her. Trying to KILL her. But how do you fight something you can’t even touch? And how does all of this tie into her FAMILY, of all things?

From the creative team that brought you the Eisner-nominated SKYWARD, writer JOE HENDERSON (showrunner of Netflix’s Lucifer) and artist LEE GARBETT (Captain Marvel). Join Zadie Lu as she ventures into the shadows to face her fears and discovers a legacy she never knew she had.

De James Harren
A cosmic plague has spread, transforming everyday people into violent, monstrous kaiju. Only the Ultramega—three individuals imbued with incredible powers—hold the line against this madness. Their battles level cities and leave untold horror in their wake. Now, the final reckoning approaches for the Ultramega…but is this a war they can even win?

Fight monsters and stand with humanity in this new Skybound original from the greatest artist of his generation, JAMES HARREN (RUMBLE, BPRD) and Eisner Award-winning colorist DAVE STEWART. Each issue is extra-sized, with a 60-page debut that can barely contain its giant heroes, creatures, and devastation!

De Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips

De David F. Walker, Chuck Brown & Sanford Greene

De Brian Azzarello & Eduardo Risso

De Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan & Adriano Lucas

De Sean Lewis & Caitlin Yarsky

De Steve Orlando & Davide Tinto

De Donny Cates Dee Cunniffe, Geoff Shaw & John J. Hill

De David Goy, Mirka Andolfo & Andrea Broccardo

De James Tynion IV & Tyler Boss

De Robert Kirkman, Chris Samnee & Matt Wilson

HAHA #3 (OF 6)
De W. Maxwell Prince & Roger Langridge

De Dan Watters & Caspar Wijngaard

De Steve Niles & Marcelo Frusin

NOMEN OMEN #13 (OF 15)
De Marco B. Bucci & Jacopo Camagni

De Steve Skroce

De Kyle Higgins & Marcelo Costa

De Brandon Graham

De Rick Remender & Bengal

De Tony Fleecs & Trish Forstner

De John Arcudi & Valerio Giangiordano

De Jared Muralt

De Jason Howard

Ecrit par Omar Spahi & Sina Grace et dessiné par Sina Grace, Mx. Struble & Jenny D. Fine

De Emma Kubert & Rusty Gladd

Ecrit par Rick Remender et dessiné par Roland Boschi, Lewis LaRosa, Eric Powell, Moreno Dinisio, Wes Craig &Andrew Robinson

De Chip Zdarsky, Ramón K. Pérez & Mike Spicer

Ecrit par Brandon Thomas et dessiné par Emilio Lopez & Khary Randolph

De Jeff Lemire, Eric Gapstur, Phil Hester & Ryan Cody

Ecrit par Rodney Barnes et dessiné par Luis NCT & Jason Shawn Alexander

De Joshua Williamson & Mike Henderson

De Charles Soule, Scott Snyder, Leonardo Marcello Grassi, Giuseppe Camuncoli & Matt Wilson
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 7426
Inscription: 20/12/2017
Localisation: Cat Town
Age: 45 ans

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede Bolt » 18/01/2021 14:53

Martha Washington de Frank Miller et Dave Gibbons sera réédité par Delcourt, "entre la fin d'année 2021 et le début d'année 2022 dixit Thierry Mornet, responsable éditorial comics chez l'éditeur.

La licence Alien passée dans le giron de Marvel, deux omnibus Alien : The Original Years sont en préparation, compilant l'ensemble des numéros parus chez Dark Horse. Le premier sortirait à priori en avril, le second est prévu pour le mois d'août.

Nouvelle campagne Ulule de l'éditeur Bliss, pour Faith Dreamside:

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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 7426
Inscription: 20/12/2017
Localisation: Cat Town
Age: 45 ans

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede Bolt » 20/01/2021 14:33

Delcourt confirme:
- Once & Future T.2 pour le 10 mars 2021;
- The Marked de David Hine et Brian Haberlin pour le 17 mars sous le titre Marqués;
- le fameux Second Coming de Mark Russell et Richard Pace, annulé aux USA chez Vertigo pour être finalement édité Ahoy Comics, arrive le 31 mars 2021 sous le titre Le Retour du Messie;
- Fire Power T.2 pour le 7 avril 2021;
- un nouveau James Bond écrit par Aleš Kot pour le 7 avril 2021
- Lady Kildare de David Hine, Brian Holguin et Jay Anacleto (en fait c'est la mini-série Aria publiée il y a 20 ans) pour le 14 avril 2021.
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 7426
Inscription: 20/12/2017
Localisation: Cat Town
Age: 45 ans

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede cicerobuck » 23/01/2021 12:44

Dire qu'il y a encore quelques années, je prenais 15-25 titres image par mois... Aujourd'hui, je suis descendu à 2-3 maximum, si c'est un mois avec du Brubaker...
Toth, Tezuka, Trondheim, les trois T de cicerama
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Inscription: 20/09/2017
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Age: 47 ans

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede euh... si vous le dites » 12/03/2021 10:34

Allez, une spéciale yannzeman en provenance de DC comics :

DC Proudly Announces ‘DC Pride’ Anthology Comic to arrive June 8
and ‘Crush & Lobo’ Comic Book Miniseries Launching on June 1

Young Adult books ‘Poison Ivy: Thorns’ and ‘I Am Not Starfire’ make their 2021 debut, and GLAAD-nominated ‘Suicide Squad: Bad Blood’ brings LGBTQIA+ characters to the forefront of DC’s publishing line

DC today announced DC Pride, an 80-page anthology comic featuring LGBTQIA+ characters from across the DC Universe, and Crush & Lobo, a new eight-issue miniseries written by Mariko Tamaki (This One Summer, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass) with art by Amancay Nahuelpan (Nightwing, Wonder Woman). Crush & Lobo will launch on June 1 and DC Pride will publish on June 8. DC will also publish a series of nine Pride themed variant covers in June, showcasing DC’s top characters as realized by the comic book industry’s leading artists.
DC Pride #1 will feature LGBTQIA+ characters from all corners of DC’s ever-expanding Universe, including cameos by fan favorites Batwoman, Renee Montoya, Alan Scott, Midnighter, Apollo, Extraño, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Constantine, and more. The DC Pride creative teams, and the characters they’re developing stories for, are:

Batwoman (Kate Kane) by James Tynion IV & Trung Le Nguyen
Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn by Mariko Tamaki & Amy Reeder
Midnighter by Steve Orlando & Stephen Byrne
Flash of Earth-11 (Jess Chambers) by Danny Lore & Lisa Sterle
Green Lantern (Alan Scott) & Obsidian by Sam Johns & Klaus Janson
Aqualad (Jackson Hyde) by Andrew Wheeler & Luciano Vecchio
Dreamer by Nicole Maines & Rachel Stott
Renee Montoya by Vita Ayala and Skylar Patridge
Pied Piper by Sina Grace, Ro Stein & Ted Brandt

Additionally, DC Pride #1 will include full-page profiles of DCTV’s LGBTQIA+ characters and the actors who play them, and fans of The CW’s Supergirl will be thrilled to see the first comic book appearance of Dreamer, a trans woman superhero, in a story written by actor Nicole Maines, who plays Nia Nal/Dreamer on Supergirl.

Rounding out the DC Pride anthology is a forward by Marc Andreyko (Love is Love), single-page pin-ups by artists Kris Anka, Sophie Campbell, Mildred Louis, Travis Moore, Nick Robles and Kevin Wada, with more surprises to come! The DC Pride #1 cover is by Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Tamra Bonvillain.

DC will also release a series of Pride themed variant covers showcasing DC’s leading characters through the month of June, giving fans the opportunity to purchase comics featuring covers with Batman, Harley, Ivy, Superman, Wonder Woman, and more, all by cutting-edge comic book artists!

Batman #109 Pride variant cover by Jen Bartel
Crush & Lobo #1 Pride variant cover by Yoshi Yoshitani
DC Pride #1 Pride variant cover by Jen Bartel
Harley Quinn #4 Pride variant cover by Kris Anka
Nightwing #81 Pride variant cover by Travis G. Moore
Superman #32 Pride variant cover by David Talaski
Teen Titans Academy #4 Pride variant cover by Stephen Byrne
Wonder Girl #2 Pride variant cover by Kevin Wada
Wonder Woman #773 Pride variant cover by Paulina Ganucheau

But DC’s Pride plans aren’t limited to June! Crush & Lobo by Tamaki and Nahuelpan, spinning out of the pages of Teen Titans Academy, will debut with a cover by Kris Anka, a Pride variant cover by Yoshi Yoshitani, a 1:25 ratio variant by Christian Ward, plus an exclusive Dan Hipp team variant for participating retailers. In this new eight-issue miniseries publishing between June 2021 and January 2022, Crush, daughter of the Czarnian bounty hunter Lobo, is in full-on self-destruct mode! After rage-quitting the Teen Titans and blowing up her relationship with her girlfriend Katie, Crush decides it’s time to finally confront her father in space jail and get her baggage sorted before she wrecks everything. Like father, like daughter?

DC will also publish GLAAD Media Award-nominated Suicide Squad: Bad Blood by Tom Taylor (Injustice: Gods Among Us) and Bruno Redondo (Nightwing) on April 27, DC’s gothic LGBTQIA+ romance Poison Ivy: Thorns by Kody Keplinger (The DUFF) and Sara Kipin on June 1, and Mariko Tamaki and Yoshi Yoshitani’s highly anticipated YA graphic novel, I Am Not Starfire, will publish on July 27 as part of the publisher’s overall Pride plans in 2021. Lois Lane by Greg Rucka and Mike Perkins, Far Sector by N.K. Jemisin and Jamal Campbell and You Brought Me The Ocean by Alex Sánchez and Julie Maroh have also been nominated for GLAAD Media Awards in 2021!
"Ca ne résout pas vraiment l'énigme, ça y rajoute simplement un élément délirant qui ne colle pas avec le reste. On commence dans la confusion pour finir dans le mystère."
Denis Johnson - "Arbre de fumée"
euh... si vous le dites
BDGestiste Confirmé
BDGestiste Confirmé
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Inscription: 14/06/2018

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede jb681131 » 12/03/2021 10:54

euh... si vous le dites a écrit:DC Proudly Announces ‘DC Pride’ Anthology Comic to arrive June 8
and ‘Crush & Lobo’ Comic Book Miniseries Launching on June 1

Je veux pas être méchant, mais ça donne pas envie ces trucs en ayant vu les previews.
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Inscription: 27/02/2016

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede cicerobuck » 12/03/2021 13:20

Crush et Lobo à l'air fun.
Toth, Tezuka, Trondheim, les trois T de cicerama
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Inscription: 20/09/2017
Localisation: Suède
Age: 47 ans

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede euh... si vous le dites » 12/03/2021 13:28

cicerobuck a écrit:Crush et Lobo à l'air fun.

Oui, je trouve aussi.
"Ca ne résout pas vraiment l'énigme, ça y rajoute simplement un élément délirant qui ne colle pas avec le reste. On commence dans la confusion pour finir dans le mystère."
Denis Johnson - "Arbre de fumée"
euh... si vous le dites
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Inscription: 14/06/2018

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede jb681131 » 12/03/2021 13:39

cicerobuck a écrit:Crush et Lobo à l'air fun.

Bof, ça fait histoire pour ado prépubère, ce qui n'est pas du tout le ton d'origine de Lobo. Ça peut être fun, mais c'est dommage.
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Inscription: 27/02/2016

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede cicerobuck » 12/03/2021 16:43

Bah le ton original de Lobo, c'esy quand même de la grosse déconne absurde. Lobo qui doit se coltiné sa fille ado qui est comme lui, c'est in bon set up comique, et le dessin à l'air bon..
Toth, Tezuka, Trondheim, les trois T de cicerama
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Inscription: 20/09/2017
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Age: 47 ans

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede jb681131 » 12/03/2021 17:03

cicerobuck a écrit:Bah le ton original de Lobo, c'esy quand même de la grosse déconne absurde. Lobo qui doit se coltiné sa fille ado qui est comme lui, c'est in bon set up comique, et le dessin à l'air bon..

Le ton original c'est le coté "mature" du comics. Là c'est un comics pour ado prépubère comme je l'ai déjà dit. C'est peut-être fun à lire, mais c'est triste d'avoir lisser ce personnage.
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Inscription: 27/02/2016

Re: Les dernières nouvelles de la planète comics

Messagede cicerobuck » 12/03/2021 19:14

Mature? Qu'est-ce que tu appelle mature? Je les ai les Lobo de Giffen, c'est complètement imature, débile et jouissif, et c'est le but. On est très loin de Sandman. Et puis les plans sur la comète, on verra!
Toth, Tezuka, Trondheim, les trois T de cicerama
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Messages: 3428
Inscription: 20/09/2017
Localisation: Suède
Age: 47 ans


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