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Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Le forum des collectionneurs d'originaux (planches, esquisses, dessins, etc...)

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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede superscream » 24/02/2010 11:19

Message précédent :
Pour ceux que cela interesse j ai deux planches a vendre de la serie walking dead la vente ce termine demain ;)

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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede fluoxet » 03/04/2010 13:57

Nouvelle acquisition d'une planche du tandem Pacheco/Merino sur JLA/JSA Virtue and Vice qui m'avait bien plu.

http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiec ... GSub=44460
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede landers06 » 05/04/2010 11:48

albert Moy, c'est le best :ok:
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede arpagon » 05/04/2010 12:01

ben tu traverses :siffle:
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede landers06 » 05/04/2010 12:21

en Bas de ton hotel en fait
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede landers06 » 05/04/2010 12:49

Y a graphic collectible aussi
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede Busch » 05/04/2010 14:08

diablolebo a écrit:Ha zut c'est dans le queens, je cherchais plutot sur Manhattan :(
Si quelqu'un a une autre adresse .
Merci encore !!

Faire 6000 bornes et puis s'arrêter à 1/4 d'heures de l'endroit... [:my name snake:2]
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede superscream » 05/04/2010 15:12

bonjour voila mes planches que je cherche a vendre a 180€ l unité
la serie Walking Dead !



voila pour tout renseignement me contacter en mp ;)
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede fenip » 05/04/2010 15:41

[:my name snake:2] indeed [:my name snake:2]1/4 pour un bon investement, c'est rien.
Je pensais encore à Adam Baumgold.

Busch a écrit:
diablolebo a écrit:Ha zut c'est dans le queens, je cherchais plutot sur Manhattan :(
Si quelqu'un a une autre adresse .
Merci encore !!

Faire 6000 bornes et puis s'arrêter à 1/4 d'heures de l'endroit... [:my name snake:2]
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede HAL9000 » 05/04/2010 23:08

Il y a eu des mises à jour qui peuvent intéresser ici chez BDArtiste :
Nouveautés : Mike Mignola, Steven Butler et Claude Plumail
« It can only be attributable to human error. »
HAL 9000

Galerie 2DGalleries : http://www.2dgalleries.com/browse/profile?id=549
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede Patman » 06/04/2010 12:17

superscream a écrit:bonjour voila mes planches que je cherche a vendre a 180€ l unité
la serie Walking Dead !



voila pour tout renseignement me contacter en mp ;)

A mon avis, tu surestimes le prix de tes planches ;)
Allez voir sur Splash page pour avoir une idee des prix us ;)
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede HAL9000 » 14/04/2010 15:03

Planche de Gil Kane chez BDArtiste :
« It can only be attributable to human error. »
HAL 9000

Galerie 2DGalleries : http://www.2dgalleries.com/browse/profile?id=549
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede sparow91 » 04/05/2010 20:03


Pour ceux qui sont interessés, j'ai une planche de Batman de Risso sur la série "Broken City" à vendre à 475 euros.

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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede bilbosimca » 15/05/2010 14:49

OK un peu de promo pour un expo que je monte a Bruxelles et Paris

Grande variation d'artistes, mais tous en couleurs directes

Et a noter qu'on va bruler des planches originales a la demande de l'artiste Sam Kieth
+ opportunitée de participer a une session de lire les cartes Tarots

Mais surtout - va voir les pieces qui vont de petites aquarelles à des grandes peintures a l'huile

Tarot: An artists' vision of the future

An international group show in Brussels & Paris

Petits Papiers - Brussels : Thursday 27th of May - 18.00 hrs Opening
Brüsel - Brussels: Friday 28th of May - 15.00 - 18.00 hrs Signing
Petits Papiers - Paris: Saturday 29th of May - 18.00 hrs Opening group exhibit personal work
Petits Papiers - Paris: Sunday 30th of May - 14.00 - 17.00 hrs Signing

What happens when you ask 10 of the best international artists their own personal interpretation of a Tarot card ?
You get 10 visually stunning and emotionally challenging views on how each artist sees the future based on his interpretation of each card in combination with his creative association proces.

Artists from all over the world participated in this project;

Mike Dringenberg: Stood at the craddle of the reknowed Neil Gaiman' Sandman series and made some superb paintings who could compete with the grand classics of Symbolism
Jeff Faerber: Young illustration artist, student of Barron Storey, made 5 earthtone cards combined with a very personal and lighthearted proza
Joshua Hagler: Rising artistic San Fransisco talent, represented by art galleries in the US and Europe, made large oil paintings reflecting his phylosophical views on the world as w live in.
Sam Kieth: Like Mike Dringenberg gave shape to the Sandman world and wanted to step out of comics and illustrations till this project came along. Although he still wants us to burn his art at the opening of the show.
Miran Kim: Only lady of the group, surprised established comic world with her strong debut. Her cards lean towards the immensly popular low-brow art, colorfull and playfull.
David Mack: Changed the world of comics by completely changing the conventions of the medium by fully exploiting the mixed media techniques into the story. World famous for his series Kabuki and a-typical interpretation of superhero Daredevil.
Barron Storey: Described by many as the only living genius of illustration. Inspiration for Bill Sienkiewicz and Dave McKean, teacher of giants like George Pratt and Kent Williams and asked by Neil Gaiman to give his interpretation of Sandman character Despair. Barron created 20 stunning pieces of art for this show.
Tin: Using his incredibly detailed steampunk creations as a backdrop, he paints women who find themselves interacting with beguiling machines, and sometimes disturbingly adorable creatures, as if doing so is the most natural thing in the world.
John Watkiss: Only UK resident participating, painter, illustrator and comic artist, created 5 hyper stylished cards resembling stainded glass creations which can fit straight into any European historical building.
Ashley Wood: The top talent from down-under. After more then 30 months working with Ash on this project, we finally managed to get one card created. But what a card !!! This large stunner reflects the best of Ash' art. Raw and dark, that's how we like it.

Brussels will host the full Tarot exhibition while we managed also to mount a group exhibition (non-Tarot) with the same artists in Paris.

Artists present during the openings and signing sessions: Mike Dringenberg, Jeff Faerber, Joshua Hagler, Miran Kim, David Mack and Barron Storey


Thursday 27th May - 18.00 hrs: Opening of Tarot art exhibition (including live Tarot reading performance and burning of Sam Kieth's art)
Petits Papiers - 1 Place Fontainas - 1000 Brussels http://www.petitspapiers.be/

Friday 28th May - 15.00 till 18.00: Signing session at Brüsel - Boulevard Anspach 100 - 1000 Brussels http://www.brusel.com/

PARIS: AMERICANS IN PARIS (May 29th till August 21st)

Saturday 29th May - 18.00 hrs: Opening of Group exhibition at Petits Papiers - Village Saint-Honoré, 91 Rue Saint Honoré- 75001 Paris http://www.petitspapiers.be/

Sunday 30th May - 14.00 - 17.00 hrs: Signing session at Petits Papiers - Village Saint-Honoré, 91 Rue Saint Honoré- 75001 Paris http://www.petitspapiers.be/

More on http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryDetail.asp?GCat=1927
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable m
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede bilbosimca » 15/05/2010 14:55

Barron Storey

David Mack

Ashley Wood
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable m
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede Busch » 15/05/2010 16:23

Brûler des planches... :shock:
Peux-tu en dire plus, Carl?
Sinon, cool l'expo... ;)
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede bilbosimca » 15/05/2010 17:33

C'est Sam Kieth, qui ne veut plus faire du commercial. Il aimait l'idee des cartes Tarot personelles mais ne voulait pas participer commerciallement. Il veux qu'on brule 3 des 5 pieces, une est pour moi et une retourne vers lui.

Sam Kieth - celle ci retournera vers lui

Il a demandée a Joshua Hagler de filmer tout comme preuve

Grande peinture a l'huile de Joshua Hagler

Low bro art de Tin

Jeff Faerber

Detail de la piece de Mike Dringenberg
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable m
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede bilbosimca » 15/05/2010 18:43

Burning Artwork: Am i crazy or what?
Why Burning Art is not just non-destructive, basically harmless, and also ultimately very fulfilling.

This danger of burning one's art is either seeming destructive in a self indulgent tantrum on the one hand, or self
absorbed narcism on the other. Both of which apply to me, as with all artists. But when I burn my own art, this isn't
the case. I'd almost say it's almost a matter of faith, sans any particular dogmatic under pinnings. Yes i'm greedy
as the nest fuck, and like to profit from my art. I don't burt ALL my art, just some of it, and it's an experience that's
very much therapeutic, a kind of release.

I don't think my work is any WORSE, or better, than other art work. It just 'is'. But... it just seems like... some artwork ....
seems needs to want to go back into the earth, you know? it's like it's being called home. What's that old Mose
Allison album: " the earth wants you "

I enjoy watching Native American and Tibetan spend months creating sand Mandalas. It never seems a horrible shock
when their begun, finished, witnessed, and ultimately destroyed. It's a spiritual act that seems to spare us any artistic ego.
focus on results or self consciousness. Like, once upon a time... the Burning Man Festival was. Ashes, soot and good rich
compost creates awesome new growth. Artistically too.

Besides, It's all landfill once were dead. I don't mean that bitterly. Nothing last forever, and i feel decay, mold, moss is a
nice revenge for all the dead trees artists slaughter is actually the most natural closure any of us could ask for. But I'm a
freak, when I watch TV shows like "when people are gone", i root got the plants, fungi, bugs and moss. They can eat up
all the paintings too, how cool is that?

Course, that could just be me. But since I'm alive and it is MY art, and let's face it: it's is JUST artwork, then why not join
me in celebrating it's creation, enjoyment and destruction?

Sam Kieth
may 15th 1010
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable m
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede Sandman73 » 15/05/2010 20:31

Dommage qu'il ne soit pas là pour voir son travail bruler !
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Re: Avez vous des planches originales de comics ?

Messagede bilbosimca » 15/05/2010 21:42


Image complète de Mike Dringenberg
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable m
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