Quitely employs a distinctively stylised approach to drawing human figures in particular, and from the beginning of his run on New X-Men - his first exposure to a notoriously critical audience, in this case X-Men fans - his work has tended to divide readers and critics. The majority of comics commentators have praised his craftsmanship,[4] particularly the kinetic approach and level of detail brought to more recent work such as WE3 and All Star Superman. However, a number of fans posting on message boards and blogs have expressed their distaste for his stylised figures and perceived "ugly" faces,[5] particularly in his X-Men work. In this latter case, Quitely's defenders tend to cite the enforced "rush" he was placed under while working on X-Men that is said to have affected his work; although detractors are also often critical of his notoriously slow rate of production.
magnifique!ça sort d'ou?
si tu aimes Del Otto tu as un bel art book de dispo.
je n'aime pas tout de dell'otto,mais ce green lantern est magnifique et il n'est pas dans the marvel art...
Mais merci pour l'info...
Forcément ... si c'est un bouquin Marvel ... autant pour moi
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