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The benefit of skateboarding for both people and society

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The benefit of skateboarding for both people and society

Messagede elanorpearson » 27/02/2019 04:39

The benefit of skateboarding for both people and society

These days, a huge amount of money, estimating up to hundreds of thousands of dollars, is paid by Melbourne’s city authority to help them reform a famous square named Lincoln Square so that skateboarders cannot skate in this area.

This square is located in Carlton, an inner-city of Melbourne. It is considered as one of the most favorite places for Australian skaters. However, skateboarding here is illegal from 2009 when the government passed a ban, according to a spokeswoman. In fact, it is not easy to prohibit skateboarders here since this is a popular place. It is not such difficult if you get some recommendations at Skateadvisors.

The city council says that they have received thousands of complaints from people around this square about how noise it is, how unsafely that the walkers may suffer, how unreasonable time of skating at night and skaters even skate on the Bali bombing memorial.

Help to improve life skills

There are a lot of people being aware of anti-social behaviour of such skateboarders in the public areas. However, the evidences and official researches about this issue are rare. Other people evenly think that if there are not such activities, this will lead to more uncontrollable issues.

We cannot deny the fact that sometimes people are not pleased of the trouble it may cause, as the example of Lincoln Square. But according to my research and my interview with local council about this skateboarding issue, it is just minor.
However, people hardly mention in such controversial topics about the ability to improve the life skills as well as positive social behaviours.

Expand the street area

Council authorities and government believe that if there are more and more people going out the street, the society is not only more safe because of having more supervisions but also more bustle. So that, they have a new buzzword in the urban planning category, “activiating” public places.


In the contrast, you can imagine if the streets and public areas are absent of people, what may occur? The perception of safety may disappear, lead to unexpected problems.

On the other hand, in comparison to the case of Lincoln Square in Melbourne, skateboarding in Fremantle, a western city of Australia, is welcomed. The mayor, Brad Pettit, believes that skateboarding activities in public places could limit anti-social behaviour and increase the level of safety. So, he decides to build a building that people and teenagers can come and enjoy this sport.

Get rid of prejudice

You have better know that the prejudice about skateboarding as a leisure in the free time for boys is now out-of-date.
According to ABS’s reports, the number of young people in Australia taking part in such sports like skateboarding and scootering is nearly 21%. It is clearly higher than one of traditional sports.

Australian Sports Commission also reports that more and more people participating in skateboarding, too. They want people know how to choose a good skateboard at skateadvisors.

lA recent study on Western Australia primary students also shows that skateboarding gains popularity in young children and girls. About 33.8% of boys and 18.3% of girls are reported to skate in the prior days.

‘Designing out’ young people

We should know that we can see the social integration of the children via how they enjoy their freetime in the playgrounds. But is is not the same with teenagers.

Adults may consider that it is time-wasting when young people hang out with each other, but with these teenagers, it is the way they develop their social skills.

Read more other articles a bout skatebỏading here: https://mix.com/skateadvisors
Dernière édition par elanorpearson le 23/01/2020 06:15, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 1
Inscription: 27/02/2019

Re: Une silhouette de Natacha - Numérotée et signée

Messagede Vainsy » 27/02/2019 08:20

Bonjour ; je pense qu'un visuel serait le bienvenu, car le nombre d'intéressés sera sans doute inversement proportionnel aux nombres de vêtements portés par la belle sur cette silhouette... :amoure:
Sylvain ou Michel, comme vous voudrez
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Re: Une silhouette de Natacha - Numérotée et signée

Messagede fancomvous » 27/02/2019 08:23

Je m'étais fait la même réflexion... :D
"De grands pouvoirs impliquent de grandes responsabilités..." Benjamin PARKER

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Re: Une silhouette de Natacha - Numérotée et signée

Messagede fancomvous » 27/02/2019 08:27

Peut-être dans ce genre là?

"De grands pouvoirs impliquent de grandes responsabilités..." Benjamin PARKER

"Regardez là-haut! Est-ce un avion? Est-ce un oiseau? - Non, c'est Superman!" Deux passants, sur un trottoir de Metropolis...
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Expert BDGestiste
Expert BDGestiste
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Inscription: 19/04/2007
Localisation: DLCDS.

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