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scenariste amateur americain cherche dessinateur(s)

scenariste amateur americain cherche dessinateur(s)

Messagede gregoryfloch » 25/07/2014 22:02

Hi I'm Robert Finch, a comic scripter with experience with artists from around the world. Although I have had none of my work published as of yet I do have three prose stories published in small journals along with a good work ethic. An French artist I have become friends with Gregory Floch recommended to me that I should approach French artists due to their unique styles, and so with his help I am approaching you with an offer of collaboration. Although I am open to working on your own personal projects should I like your pitch, I have several ideas of my own that I shall make known to you later in this post. I am also open to pretty much all styles as long as they are pleasing ot the eye. Here are a few of my ideas. I can offer ideas specifically suited to your style as well as samples of my work. There is one problem however. Although I have knowledge of Spanish which I'm told is similar to French, I know no French myself. Therefore some knowledge of English will help the process, though Gregory Floch and a friend of mine have offered to translate if needed. I will of course be writing in English and will intend to market or sell our work together (With each of us getting a cut) in English speaking markets. You can contact me at robert-finch@comcast.net though I recommend contacting Gregory Floch at flochgregory@gmail.com

1. Real World- In this reality everyone has a “quirk”, physical pecurliarities such as a glowing trenchcoat or a singing umbrella that allow one to both experess his or her emotions in a different way or as a tell to what a person is thinking or feeling. After going to a school for “Quirk different” people with quirks so wacky they they need special education as to how to control them, Bradford Walker graduates from the program and goes to a prestigious academic academy close to home. However he discovers that contrary to his previous school that, despite being dedicated to helping one control a quirk, was dedicated also to individuality and expression, this new school is run by a rigid school master obsessed with physical activity and who believes strongly in becoming “professional” and respectful. This translates in the children being expected to act a certain, specific way and to not act differently or individualistic, especially exersising strict control over their kinks. Alan struggles with this new environment but meets new friends along the way such as a large boy with a bear's fur over his school uniform who communicates in grunts, a reformed female brawler who has trouble keeping her anger in check (As well as her legion of squirrel quirks) as well as a girl who carries around a techicolor box full of the strangest things. Together they go to school, nothing special, though sometimes loud and dramatic as all schools are.
2. 15 Pink- In this world, a superspy organization known as "COLORS" is active beneath the surface of society resolving conflicts in a swift and efficient manner. They combat evil scientists, explore futeristic underwater cities, and other zany things that you would expect from 60's and 70's spy films (My inspiration in particular comes from the Bond film Moonraker). A young teenager, Katrina, is indoctrinated into COLORS after being accepted to the highly selective Social Services club, to the public a community services organization with a strong interest in training future gamechangers in politics, current affairs, and ect, with an amazing track record of producing famous and noteworthy persons. Of course the Social Services is actually a COLORS teenage branch with the true motive of training and fielding teenage agents. Katrina is given rudimentary mission training and although she is skeptical at first, she willingly joins COLORS as callsign 15 Pink. She is exposed to the highschool underworld, where emo kids and preppy teen queens have a unsportsman like vendeta, nerds are more powerful than they appear (Having to be kept in check from taking over the world) and cheerleaders have their own secret society of evil (AkA cheerleading practice). As a field agent Katrina must save the school from certain destruction while keeping up appearances and doing things teen girls generally do to the sometimes scorn, sometimes admiration of her gay Russian fathers. (This idea is essentially a parody/homeage to not only the teenage girls I've known, but also the silly spy genre. The plot takes place in the same universe as a couple of my other comic stories, each involving different types of female spies in crazy scenarios (Like fighting ninjas on a mountain-top or saving an underwater jewish colony). I can provide scripts for those two stories to give you sort of a feel of where I'm going for, but to sum it up 15 Pink is an action/comedy about a teenage spy in the style of a campy spy film.
3. In a middleschool far in the future, social status and respectability are driven not only by good loo ks and charm, but also on their ability to play video games. Everyone carries around portable gaming devices that are around the size of a flipphone but with holographic technology that allows one to create a game arena so others can spectate. Carl knox, a knowledgable bookworm with a love of physical games from a poorer region, is surprised at first by this new school he has transferred too and the gaming culture. At first using a handme down "Controller" without strong holographic abilities, knox soon finds himself striving, when not involved with acadmics, to become his school's king of games and to through gaming meet new people and make new friends and to perhaps meet the girl of his dreams. (This idea is inspired HUGELY by not only current gaming culture, but also by the Japanese Manga and Anime series Yu-Gi-Oh BEFORE the series became focused on card games and when it had a different game each episode. However the comic I have in mind is not distinctly Japaanese and more grounded in reality, as well as less dramatic. The series also focuses on the concept of what it means to be popular.
4. Hinterland. A young man (or boy or teen, your choice) finds himself in a t-shirt and jeans on an unknown shore. He soon finds himself alone and hungry in a world slightly removed from the reality he knows, with giant snakes, little monkeymen, and most importantly a jungle girl named Nala who for some unknown reason (and she speaks broken and easily misunderstood English) wants to show him this vast new world overgrown with jungle and built upon ancient and mystical ruins. (Author's note:I threw in a more light hearted concept to give you more of a variety haha. This idea has a lot to do with the older adventure stories, taking the more lightheareted aspects of them to create a friendly yet perilious world full of adventure. This is probably the least developed of all these ideas, but also the most colorful)
5. Alan Smoke- There are rumors of a book that will grant wishes with disastrous but sometimes fantastic results in a small suburban high school. One boy, Alan Kinter, finds this book by accident when getting books from the library, and given his own wishes he wishes for super powers to protect the innocent. However these powers include a price. Alan Kinter is now part demon. Struggling with his new identity as well as combatting magic users who now want to exterminate, becoming powerful is now the last thing on Alan's mind. (This comic has a short script written in english for anyone who is interested).
Un petit mot d'explication. je suis un dessinateur et j'ai conseillé sir Robert Finch de publier une annonce sur café sale. je ne voudrais pas qu'il ait une mauvaise image de la France en n'en connaissant que moi, vulgaire et dessinateur incompétent!
c'est quelqu'un de très agréable, avec qui collaborer est facile...et sérieux. il ne parle pas francais, donc des notions d'anglais( merci google translate!) s'imposent. n'hésitez pas a le contacter, chers collègues!

PS:Il se trouve qu'aux US les bons dessinateurs veulent en général être payé, même pour un dossier, donc je lui ai conseillé les français comme moi, bonnes quiches que nous sommes!!!
To live at all is a miracle enough. M.Peake
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Re: scenariste amateur americain cherche dessinateur(s)

Messagede floannecy » 27/07/2014 09:19

ca serait marrant de la mettre sur google traduction...
bwaf, ca donnerait surement comme d'habitude, cherche super bon dessinateur qui me fasse trois tomes de 52 pages pour mes beaux yeux :moque:
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Inscription: 15/02/2014

Re: scenariste amateur americain cherche dessinateur(s)

Messagede triple A » 27/07/2014 09:27

Oui du bénévolat mais en dollard !
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triple A
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Re: scenariste amateur americain cherche dessinateur(s)

Messagede floannecy » 27/07/2014 12:23

we would be very happy to read you into french! you're welcome!! :-D
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Re: scenariste amateur americain cherche dessinateur(s)

Messagede floannecy » 27/07/2014 16:40

:fant2: :fant2: :fant2: :fant2: :fant2: :fant2: :fant2: :fant2: :fant2: :fant2:
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Inscription: 15/02/2014

Re: scenariste amateur americain cherche dessinateur(s)

Messagede floannecy » 27/07/2014 16:44


rahhhhhhhhhh.....pardon pour la diplomatie franco americaine!
il a fallu que jme lache c'etait plus fort que moi!!! :daccord:
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Inscription: 15/02/2014

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