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Research draftsman for a manga project

Research draftsman for a manga project

Messagede garam67 » 19/07/2018 17:12

Hello everyone.

I am looking for a draftsman, in order to realize a manga project.

I am looking for someone serious and motivated, who can also give his opinion on the scenario, I intend to do a long enough series of a dozen minimum volumes. I do not have what to finance the designer, except if the manga works when editing this one.

The manga styles are shonen.
Genres: Action - Romance - Supernatural - Tournaments
Themes: Fights - Sport

Without further ado here is the synopsis:

Hiro is an exceptional fighter of Sento Ryoku (Power Fight), however he decides to quit when he returns to high school, but the high school where he is is about to close because the level of the sento ryoku of this last is too weak, so Hiro will have to fight again to save this high school from closing.

If you are interested please mp me or send me a message on my mailHello everyone.

I am looking for a draftsman, in order to realize a manga project.

I am looking for someone serious and motivated, who can also give his opinion on the scenario, I intend to do a long enough series of a dozen minimum volumes. I do not have what to finance the designer, except if the manga works when editing this one.

The manga styles are shonen.
Genres: Action - Romance - Supernatural - Tournaments
Themes: Fights - Sport

Without further ado here is the synopsis:

Hiro is an exceptional fighter of Sento Ryoku (Power Fight), however he decides to quit when he returns to high school, but the high school where he is is about to close because the level of the sento ryoku of this last is too weak, so Hiro will have to fight again to save this high school from closing.

If you are interested please mp me or send me a message on my mail
Messages: 15
Inscription: 19/07/2018

Re: Research draftsman for a manga project

Messagede garam67 » 19/07/2018 17:13

Hiro is an exceptional fighter of Sento Ryoku (Power Fight), but he decides to quit when he returns to high school, but the high school where he is so Hiro will have to fight again to save this high school from closing.
Messages: 15
Inscription: 19/07/2018

Re: Research draftsman for a manga project

Messagede garam67 » 19/07/2018 17:16

I am looking for someone serious and motivated, who can also give his opinion on the scenario, I intend to do a long enough series of a minimum dozen volumes. I do not have anything to finance the designer, except the manga works when editing this one.
I am looking for someone serious and motivated, who can also give his opinion on the scenario, I intend to do a long enough series of a minimum dozen volumes. I do not have anything to finance the designer, except the manga works when editing this one.
Messages: 15
Inscription: 19/07/2018

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