Ben mince ya plus personne qui poste ici '_' C'est un de mes threads préférés. Raven2b, relance-moi ça pliiiiiz !
And there's always another point of view. A better way to do the things we do. The Raconteurs Yes, I know I'm going to hell in a leather jacket. 'least I'll be in another world while you're pissing on my casket. Julian Casablancas
Ah punaise un footeux, je comprends mieux (lol j'avais même pas fait 1+1 avec son avatar ^^")
And there's always another point of view. A better way to do the things we do. The Raconteurs Yes, I know I'm going to hell in a leather jacket. 'least I'll be in another world while you're pissing on my casket. Julian Casablancas
Ah ben désolée, j'ai été privée de forum pendant 2 mois (cause boulot + anti-vacances).
Indice 1: dystopie
And there's always another point of view. A better way to do the things we do. The Raconteurs Yes, I know I'm going to hell in a leather jacket. 'least I'll be in another world while you're pissing on my casket. Julian Casablancas
And there's always another point of view. A better way to do the things we do. The Raconteurs Yes, I know I'm going to hell in a leather jacket. 'least I'll be in another world while you're pissing on my casket. Julian Casablancas