a darkly humorous alternative history of UK comics publishing in the 1970s.
Olaf Le Bou a écrit:Question aux 2000 AD fans : ça vaut quoi Flesh, the dino files ??
vu quelques planches sur le net, avec Boix au dessin, et ça m'a l'air bien fun tout ça...
la très recommandable librairie Londonienne Gosh!
So that's what we've done.
We've set up a secure storefront on http://www.millsverse.com so that when you buy a copy of the book, at point of sale you get to add the text of the dedication that you want Pat to write.
But we didn't just stop there.
Pat also realised that many of you are interested in his comic scripts: you like to see the original script that the artist then brings to life. How the original compares with what makes it into the Prog. Hence, the 2000 AD Script Book.
So in light of it being the 40th anniversary year of 2000AD, we are:
giving away a signed and dedicated, one-off script
with every signed paperback of Serial Killer.
But which script? I hear you cry.
Ah, we've got to hold something back, haven't we! All I'll say is: there is a choice of three scripts!
Pat's going to do a Facebook Live session on Thursday 30th March, at 6pm GMT, where he'll tell you more about the script giveaway, and also answer any questions you have about literally ... anything! Serial Killer. 2000AD. Marshal Law. Crisis. Whether he likes pizza (Yes, but without the cheese. He hates hot cheese).
So if you're on Facebook, tune in to our Millsverse page at 6pm on Thursday, to chat live with Pat. But don't worry if you miss it, because once it's over, we'll upload the saved video to our website.
P.s. The storefront on our website isn't live yet - it'll be up and running when Pat chats on Facebook on Thursday.
DrizztDoUrden a écrit:Et le tome 12 de Requiem ?...
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