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old cliche'des annes '50

La politique, la musique, le cinéma, les jeux vidéos et la culture en général lorsqu'elle ne traite pas directement de bande dessinée

old cliche'des annes '50

Messagede ilceppo60 » 19/10/2013 06:23

bonsoir a tous , je ecris da l' Italie. J' ai beacoup des difficultee' a ecrire en Francais, et je crois que c'est preferable ecrire en anglais. Au contraire c' est facile de lire . Ok I am here cause I am a great lover of your BD . I have a good number of bd in your language. I write you cause in this period i am interested to search some" CLICHE'"".
Perhaps you know what i mean . Cliche' are necessary to stamp in tipography, in old tipography.It was an ancient way to stamp books . papers . and of course our BD- They had a wood base with a Zync lamina where was impressede the picture. I have found some of these lovely object in Italy , in Florence from ancient Editor Nerbini of Florence ) .Nerbini was the first to introduce Mickey mouse , Mandrake and the Phantom in italy in the gold era of BD.I posted some of these picture on GOOGLE italy ; you can just write " cliche' nerbini ".
Now I am here looking for someone who have the same curiosity about OLD Cliche' . If someone could help me to search some of these from France i ' ll be very happy.You can look in the old Tipography or in the " macrche' au pouces". I hope in a first contact. At the end of October her ein Tuscany there 'll be , in the cituy of LUCCA , an international festival of BD. If someone will come we could speak about this project CLICHE' PROJECT" . AND OBVIOSLY ABOUT bd In general.
a bientot , un ciao a tutti , Marco Lucherini
email: lucky60lorfra@yahoo.com
Messages: 2
Inscription: 20/01/2010

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