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Looking for a drawer to make sth political & violent

Looking for a drawer to make sth political & violent

Messagede Biezdar » 13/01/2018 07:43

Je suis à la recherche d'un dessinateur (h/f) qui aime dessiner de façon réaliste. J'ai écrit un script pour un BD qui serait très politique, violent et moderne mais pas excessivement sérieux. J'habite à Paris donc il est préférable que vous habitiez à Paris aussi (mais pas nécessaire).

Le BD sera en anglais donc le pitch ci-dessous est en anglais.


Setting: fictionalised Greater Los Angeles Area (the same but with fictional names)
Time: not-that-alternative history modern times
Main themes: income inequality, urban decay, corporate greed, class warfare, suburban violence, guns & religion, ignorance to suffering of others, ironic ways to die, no supernatural stuff
Okay, so what is it all about?
Well, it is about...

Intense lobbying in US Congress manages to force through a resolution to declare the greater Los Angeles area (called here The Conurbation) a Special Economic Zone (SEZ). In theory it is a tax-haven with little regulation. In reality though it becomes a distinct entity from the United States, where the corporations replace the government and get to decide the law. They do this to escape government regulation “burdening” their activities. Downtown becomes a Monaco-like wealth fetish financial centre, with high rise towers hosting giant corporations and extremely wealthy.

Because the corporations still want to compete but do not want to disturb their precious cartels and oligopolies, they do their competing through financing suburban gangs to wage deadly war against each other. All area where wealthy do not live become a war zone, with kids going to school in bulletproof vests.

SEZ gets completely separated from the rest of US, with border fences erected so that no one escapes and there is still workforce inside to be exploited and forced to work. A lot of migrants are also shipped there to work essentially as slave labour, bound by kafala-like work relationships (similar to what is happening to migrant workers in Arab gulf countries).

Insert also – some humour there and there, an interesting set of distinct characters to showcase all faces of this world, a lot of references to real life events. We observe the entire thing through a cast of characters from different parts of the city, whose grim and at times comical adventures make their paths cross at various times.

While primarily a criticism of corporate America, the SEZ will also have the worse traits of other senseless elements of our dear modern economic and political reality.


So if you liked that stuff above then I am Jay, 25 years old, and message me directly if you want to make this together. The first chapters are already written. Experience is not necessary, just enthusiasm to make something relevant but fun.
Messages: 1
Inscription: 13/01/2018

Re: Looking for a drawer to make sth political & violent

Messagede agouti25 » 13/01/2018 13:21

Bonjour. Le futur "drawer" l'a échappé belle... Ça aurait pu être rédigé en Mandarin... Ouais, je sais, je cours enfiler mon gilet pare-balles...

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