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La santé des auteurs américains

Toute la bande dessinée étrangère, et notamment les comics et les mangas

La santé des auteurs américains

Messagede mallrat » 16/05/2023 10:01

Len Kaminsky a eu un accident l'annee derniere qui l a laissé dans un fauteuil roulant.
Le paiement de l institution lui a couté ses economies et sa maison. Il ne peut plus en partir..
> Citation
**Len Kaminski, writer for several major comics publishers, is in dire need of your help. In his words:**

*“I was in an accident last year that put me in a wheelchair - and left me trapped in a ‘crooked care’ center.*

*That was eight months ago. In that time, they’ve used up my insurance coverage, then proceeded to drain my bank account and divert my monthly disability payments into their account.*

*I lost all my money, my income, my apartment, everything. As a result, they won’t let me leave, as I no longer HAVE a home to go TO, and no resources to FIND one. So, still in the belly of the beast. Still in a wheelchair. Sick to the DEATH of this horrible place.*

*I turned 60 in here. I desperately do NOT want to DIE here…”*

https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-save-le ... =undefined
Dernière édition par mallrat le 16/05/2023 10:10, édité 1 fois.
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 6218
Inscription: 28/12/2012
Localisation: BORDEAUX
Age: 51 ans

Re: La santé des auteurs américains

Messagede mallrat » 16/05/2023 10:05

Peter David a eu une attaque et des problèmes de santé liés aux reins.
Il s'est remis mais a toujours besoin de soins.

MAJ du 06/05

6 mai 2023
par Kathleen David, Bénéficiaire
Peter’s message to the Go Fund Me

I wanted to thank you all for your help.

It has enabled Kathleen and I keep our heads above water.

I am hoping to be able to walk soon and resume my normal life so I can return to writing comic books, novels and other forms of entertainment for you.

My goal is to return to the life I left behind.

You guys are one of the biggest things I miss. Along with my house, my wife, and everything I pray is waiting there when I return.

I miss conventions and talking to you one on one.

I miss telling stories. I still have stories but right now they are in my head rather than in a hard drive…well they are in my personal skull hard drive.

I am looking forward at getting to the point that I will be cleared to come back to the activities I love.

I miss you all very much.


Là aussi une cagnotte est ouverte depuis longtemps
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 6218
Inscription: 28/12/2012
Localisation: BORDEAUX
Age: 51 ans

Re: La santé des auteurs américains

Messagede mallrat » 29/02/2024 09:34

Plusieurs personne sur FB (dont Nancy Collins) indiquent que Trina Robbins est hospitalisée suite à une attaque.
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BDGestiste Avancé
BDGestiste Avancé
Messages: 6218
Inscription: 28/12/2012
Localisation: BORDEAUX
Age: 51 ans

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