Wow! That's aces !
I only read a couple of pages but I like the art a lot, and the story seems to start well.
Maybe it's not a franco-belgian style, (what is a fraco-belgian style, I don't know. Let's say it's NOT american, and NOT Japanese. The rest of what exists is francobelgian...), but it's definitely YOUR style and with a lot of personality about it!
The dialogues are really funny and racy. As for the story, I'll tell you when I can read the whole thing
Are you planning to make an album out of this or is it going to stay on the web like that? I think it would look good on real paper... and if you can make some money out of it...
Anyway, I'm really happy to read something English that ISN'T the Dandy or the Beano and that ISN'T syndicated in a powerful US comic editor! I thought you guys couldn't do anything else! I like the Beano Comics, that's not the point, and the English writers working for US comics are really good, but I find it refreshing to finally find a good adult 100% English cartoon.
Tell you what mate, print it, sell up to 10 000 copies, and start a new trend of English comics books! That will do this country a world of good !!!
(sorry for my English, that was one of my show-off phases...)
He certainly learned at school like everyone...
Hum... Welcome to here, Jason !
Sorry. We english are very bad at second languages. Sometimes I forget.
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