Johnny Fletcher a écrit:J'ai fait une petite enquête, il semble qu'il y a eu au moins deux réimpressions de ce premier album. Le premier tirage date de janvier 2020. Un second tirage en février 2020, alors que l'album n'était pas encore sorti en librairie ( parution le 4 mars). Il y a donc eu 2 tirages avant sa sortie. Enfin un 3e tirage a été effectué en août 2020
(Je ne sais pas si il y possibilité de noter ça dans la fiche BEL de l'album? J'ai fait des scans du second tirage, celui de février 2020)
ATTENTION: Jared is taking a break and will be working on another comic book project until the summer of 2023. But don’t worry, he will then resume work on The Fall issues 10-12 full time again starting in late summer of 2023.
The Fall continues with issues 10-12. Have you read issues 1-9 of The Fall and can’t wait to find out what happens next?
Subscribe right here, right now, and get the next three chapters of Jared’s post-apocalyptic comic series the day they’re released!
The single issues are stapled and published every 8-10 months. Each issue includes special features such as: Concept art, fan art, pencil sketches and drawings.
Also just in case you’ve been wondering why there are no news about my The Fall series, it’s because I’m currently working on the first #Buglands comic album while making a break from The Fall.
Once this book is published I’ll pick up my work on The Fall, promised ! In the meantime I’ll also try to keep up publishing my sketch book facsimiles! 2017 is next! Hope you all do fine and wish you all a beautiful weekend!
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