Israeli intelligence secretly surveilled officials in Gaza’s Health Ministry to check if their data on the number of civilians killed in Gaza is 'reliable', Israeli intelligence sources told us.
The army found the numbers are reliable and now regularly uses them internally in intelligence briefings.
According to two sources, Israeli intelligence has no good independent measure of the total number of civilians the army killed in Gaza, making the Health Ministry's data their main source of information.
One reason for this is that officers conducted hundreds of AI-directed assassination strikes against suspected low-level Hamas operatives, usually by destroying entire homes and killing entire families – a practice we previously termed a 'mass assassination factory’. There was often no bomb damage assessment (BDA) for these strikes, meaning there was no check on who and how many civilians were killed. This routine post-strike check was skipped to 'save time'.
'I don’t know how many people I killed as collateral damage. We only check that information for senior Hamas targets,' one source said. 'In other cases I didn’t care. I immediately moved on to the next target. The focus was on creating as many targets as quickly as possible. That’s why I trust the Health Ministry in Gaza more than the IDF for these statistics. The army just doesn’t have the information.'
Anianka a écrit:encore une demande avec laquelle Israël va pouvoir se torcher, comme elle le fait de toutes les résolutions de l'ONU à son encontre.
corbulon a écrit:Anianka a écrit:encore une demande avec laquelle Israël va pouvoir se torcher, comme elle le fait de toutes les résolutions de l'ONU à son encontre.
Ça met surtout les alliés d’Israël face à leur responsabilité. Qu’ils s’en foutent c’est une autre histoire. Là ils ne pourront prétexter l’absence de décision juridique ou le fait que la situation est compliquée pour ne pas agir
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