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Information on Comics and Books for a newcomer to those medi

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Information on Comics and Books for a newcomer to those medi

Messagede Scott10 » 07/10/2021 09:46

Hey everyone! I've been a long time fan of ATLA, seen the show more than 10 times in its entirety, but only now am I getting invested in the non-animated part of canon. Should it done it earlier lol. But as I was searching for the material, I had some questions that I just knew Reddit could answer.

I'm interested in buying the comics, but I just realized there are both Omnibus and Library editions of the stories. I know the differences, and personally would prefer the Library editions, but as it seems the Omnibus ones are pretty recent, so I was afraid that the Library editions wouldn't he published anymore and I'd end up having an unmatching set. So if anyone knows if the Library editions are still gonna he published, I'd really love to know!

That being said, does anyone know already if there are new comic stories to come? Also, I know there are one-shot Toph, Katara and Suki comics, are those gonna be collected into one book? And also, does anyone know if that new movie studio is gonna adapt any of the comics or are the stories gonna be brand new?

And lastly, I've noticed novels are being published as well, and wondered if they are part of canon. If they are, does anyone know how long will the Kyoshi series be?

I know it's a lot of questions, sorry for that lol. Glad if anyone could help!
Messages: 1
Inscription: 24/09/2021

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