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I must say this comic books are really nice!

Séries Franco-belge, "récentes" nouveautés "grand public".

I must say this comic books are really nice!

Messagede Jimbaker » 25/10/2019 11:52

Hey everyone,
I really enjoy comic books/graphic novels, and would love to get into some French publications. My local comic store had a few copies of "Les Passagers du Vent," which I loved, and I've downloaded a DelcourtSoleil app, which seems to have a solid selection. Are there any recommended series or other websites I should check out?

I took French all through middle and high school, but haven't done anything with it in a few years. I recently decided to get back into it, to maintain what I learned and maybe improve a little more; I figure some literature will be a fun way to work at it!
Messages: 1
Inscription: 25/10/2019

Re: I must say this comic books are really nice!

Messagede Solomon » 25/10/2019 12:57

Jimbaker a écrit:Hey everyone,
I really enjoy comic books/graphic novels, and would love to get into some French publications. My local comic store had a few copies of "Les Passagers du Vent," which I loved, and I've downloaded a DelcourtSoleil app, which seems to have a solid selection. Are there any recommended series or other websites I should check out?

I took French all through middle and high school, but haven't done anything with it in a few years. I recently decided to get back into it, to maintain what I learned and maybe improve a little more; I figure some literature will be a fun way to work at it!

Well, if you loved Les passagers du vent, you could search for the other comics of Bourgeon: specifically, the sci-fi series Le cycle de Cyann, and the medieval saga Les compagnons du crépuscule (his masterpiece, in my opinion), both published by Delcourt.
« [...] Il mio sogno è nutrito d’abbandono,
di rimpianto. Non amo che le rose
che non colsi. Non amo che le cose
che potevano essere e non sono
state [...] ».

(Guido Gozzano, Cocotte, 1911)
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Messages: 1318
Inscription: 11/07/2018
Localisation: Italie

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