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How to Buy the Best Cheap Electric Skateboards - Tips

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How to Buy the Best Cheap Electric Skateboards - Tips

Messagede deondredooley » 04/09/2022 14:57

You may have heard somebody say “ You get what you pay for”, right? I did have the same thought, but then I changed my mind totally after riding my friend’s cheap electric skateboard. His board was nearly half of my board price, but the features were almost the same. The difference is that mine is from a famous brand and he is from a small one.

This proves that there are still many cheap but high-quality e-skateboards out there that we often skip because we think they are not good. Therefore, I write this article to give you some tips to choose a good and cheap e-board. If you read this post with patience to the end, I will suggest some cheap models for your reference.

Find out more information about electric skateboards from the eSkateBuddy blog to choose a cheap electric skateboard for you!

Tips to buy good cheap electric skateboards


Battery range

Before buying an e-board, check if the battery range can cover your route. The manufacturer does provide this information on its website in the product description. While we shouldn't expect cheap electric skateboards to have long-range, the range shouldn't be too low either. On average, cheap skateboards can travel 18-20 miles on a single charge. I recommend reading the reviews of previous users for real statistics.

The range can vary depending on the riding terrain as well. If you usually ride on the street, the board will have more range than that usually climb hills. The battery range listed on the manufacturer’s website is applied for flat surfaces, and if your riding terrain has a lot of hills, you need to deduct some miles. For example, if a board is said to go for 18 miles, it can only ride for 16 miles or less on hilly roads. So, be careful when considering the range with the distances.

e-skateboard company and after-sale support

Many people buying stuff only look at the spec sheet. You can do this when buying other types of products, but for any technical stuff purchase, service support is one of the most important factors. You need to know how long their warranty is, how often you have to replace the parts, whether they have spare parts available to buy, and what customer support is like when there is a problem. I personally opt for 2-3-year-old companies that are young enough to offer cheap products but old enough to produce good boards. I also look deeply into the company’s background and ratings to see if they are trustworthy or not.

Remote control

Many electric skateboards have problems with the remote controller, especially cheap boards. If you buy the board online, there is no chance for you to physically check the remote to see if it works properly. Instead, you can only check it through images or videos. If the remote comes with a wrist strap, that would be ideal. Some controllers are very sensitive. If the manufacturer claims this weakness, you shouldn’t buy that board for your own safety.

Deck, wheels, motor

The deck should be made of 7-layer high-quality maple wood that is both sturdy and flexible. Wheel size should fall somewhere 90mm and 95A in durometer. 350W hub motor is good to go.

The best cheap electric skateboard recommendation

The board I am using is Skatebolt Tornado II which I bought several months ago at 399 dollars. Here are the board specs and my evaluation after months of use.


With the powerful 2x350 hub motors, I would reach a top speed of 25.2 mph, and I can ride for 18.2 miles on a single charge. What I really like about this board is the four adjustable speed and braking modes giving this board perfect for both newbies and seasoned skaters. You can start with beginner mode and then gradually unlock the full power mode of this electric skateboard once you get more comfortable with it. One minus point to this board is the heavyweight. It weighs 19 pounds, about 8.6 kg. That’s why I never carry it too much.

The deck dimensions are 38 inches long and 9.4 inches wide which is very comfortable to put your feet on. It is also made of 8-layer maple wood which is a sturdy material and can carry 280 pounds. This is a longboard-style deck with a top-mount design and is black in color, this will make you look so cool when riding on it.

>>> Read more electric skateboard-related articles at eSkateBuddy!

The remote control has an LCD screen display that shows the speed mode, battery capacity, and brake mode. The board has two red warning taillights which increase your safety at night and warn other vehicles behind you when you brake. I feel like I was riding a true vehicle, not a skateboard.

Overall, I appreciate this board for all of its incredible features and price. I couldn't believe that I could get a high-performance board for only 399 dollars. If you are looking for a cheap electric skateboard, this Skatebolt Tornado II is really worth trying.
Dernière édition par deondredooley le 30/12/2022 16:03, édité 2 fois.
Messages: 1
Inscription: 04/09/2022

Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede bone » 04/09/2022 16:13

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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede Olaf Le Bou » 04/09/2022 18:53

Prenez un cercle, caressez-le, il deviendra vicieux

En toutes choses, subordonner le désir de juger au devoir de comprendre.
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Olaf Le Bou
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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede EYE OF DOOM » 04/09/2022 19:14

J’imagine que la mention « soignée et serieux » veut dire « realiste » et exclue les oeuvres fondatrices de Tesuka : astro boy ou Phenix, voire l’excellent Pluto de Urazawa.

Tu peux aller voir dans les histoires de Gillon aux humanos ou Albin michel (la survivante….

J’ai lu dernièrement un truc sympa, un manga où un pere de famille se retrouve transformé en robot omnipotent . Je retrouve le titre et reviens
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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede toine74 » 04/09/2022 19:32

« Les gouvernants ont décidé de retarder la concrétisation de l'utopie tant que les citoyens ne seront pas parvenus à un consensus. »

José Carlos Fernandes
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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede EYE OF DOOM » 04/09/2022 21:36

J’ai retrouvé :
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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede nexus4 » 05/09/2022 07:02

Dans l'univers des Méka. Mais le libre arbitre reste humain, pas une IA.

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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede Gaius! » 05/09/2022 10:20

Ca c'est du sérieux avec un scénariste médaille Fields et avec un dessin soigné!

(Et accessoirement je revends le mien)
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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede Monsieur Jean » 05/09/2022 13:14

Cette série comporte 12 albums.

Une uchronie intéressante

Les séries Descender et Ascender

Un classique

Le Spirou le plus réaliste

Cette robote est moins réaliste

La fistonne de Zorglub est une robote

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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede Jey » 05/09/2022 13:52

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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede nexus4 » 05/09/2022 14:05

Ah oui, la couverture me fait penser à ça également. Très sympa.

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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede Bendart » 05/09/2022 19:46

Il y a aussi ABC Warriors, un peu rétro mais très joli dessin.

Je dessine de temps en temps ! Voir mon insta : https://www.instagram.com/bend034/
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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede nexus4 » 05/09/2022 20:37

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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede Olaf Le Bou » 06/09/2022 07:05

Prenez un cercle, caressez-le, il deviendra vicieux

En toutes choses, subordonner le désir de juger au devoir de comprendre.
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Olaf Le Bou
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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede Bolt » 06/09/2022 07:59

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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede rahoul » 06/09/2022 19:00

Personne ne t'y oblige.
Personne ne t'en empêche non plus.
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Re: Bandes dessinées sur les robots

Messagede BDbilos » 06/09/2022 19:42

"De tous ceux qui n'ont rien à dire, les plus agréables sont ceux qui se taisent." A.Allais
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