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English version?

Attention cette version de BDGest n'est plus maintenue depuis le 15/03/2021. Les version "officielles" sont BDGest Online et BDGest Mobile.

English version?

Messagede von paulus » 17/05/2010 00:43

Hello all,

Firstly sorry for writing in English.
As I understand, there will be an English version of BDGest in 7.1, right? When is it expected?
I've already bought version 6, if I upgrade to version 7 will I have to pay also an upgrade to version 7.1?

von paulus
Messages: 10
Inscription: 25/03/2007
Localisation: Portugal
Age: 60 ans

Re: English version?

Messagede BDGest » 17/05/2010 07:09

Yes the english version will be available soon, and all BD Gest' 7.x users can use it.
C'est parce que la vitesse de la lumière est supérieure à celle du son que certains ont l'air brillant avant d'avoir l'air con.
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Re: English version?

Messagede von paulus » 17/05/2010 12:57

Thanks for answering.
In this case I'll upgrade now my version 6 to version 7 and will wait "anxiously" for the English version.

And by the way, congratulations for your software. Esthetically it's awesome and very complete. Miles a way from any other software that I know which deals with collections (Extreme Movie Manager is an exception).

Thank you.
von paulus
Messages: 10
Inscription: 25/03/2007
Localisation: Portugal
Age: 60 ans

Re: English version?

Messagede von paulus » 28/10/2010 02:22

Any news, in the English version?

von paulus
Messages: 10
Inscription: 25/03/2007
Localisation: Portugal
Age: 60 ans

Re: English version?

Messagede BDGest » 28/10/2010 07:22

You can download the (it's still a beta version) here : http://www.bdgest.com/test/BDGest.zip

You take the .exe file in this zip and replace your exe by this one.
Then you start BD Gest' and go in the "Outils/Options" menu and then in the "Paramétrages" tab. There you change change the langage (choose english) and restart BD Gest'.

You will be the first user of this english version, so let me know if something wrong append.

And thanks a lot johnkalak for the translation.
C'est parce que la vitesse de la lumière est supérieure à celle du son que certains ont l'air brillant avant d'avoir l'air con.
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Age: 53 ans

Re: English version?

Messagede johnkalak » 28/10/2010 12:42

BDGest a écrit:And thanks a lot jonkalak for the translation.

You're welcome ;)
von paulus please let us know if I did some major english mistakes :D
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Re: English version?

Messagede von paulus » 28/10/2010 19:45

BDGest a écrit:You will be the first user of this english version, so let me know if something wrong append.

And thanks a lot johnkalak for the translation.

Thanks both of you.
I've installed it and took a quick look. In general, it seems a really good translation. :ok:
I'll report back any problem or translation error. But you've to understand that English is not my natural language.
In that quick look, I've spotted already some minor errors.

In Edit menu, it still is in French the option "Sélection par Codes Barres".
You use the "cotation" field in the Magazines and Objects. I think that you meant "current value". Right?
In the Series you've a field called "Scenario rating". In my opinion, the correct term is Script and not Scenario.

Another thing, I think that the English and the Americans are already accustomed with the term BD. I don't think that BD is the same as Comics. I know there's some argument going on this. I think your software is a BD manager collection and not really a comic manager collection. I love your software, because it was made thinking in the European BD and not in terms of US Comics, and it's perfect in that role. Not that I can't use also for cataloging my Comics, but I wouldn't; mainly because, for my English comics I have to access an English database and not bedetheque. So I'm only interested, and probably most of the English users also, to use your BD catalog software, for cataloging BD and not comics. So in my opinion the word "EZ comics" doesn't make sense.
Anyway these are minor things. As it is now, it's already very good.

So if you don't mind, I'll keep reporting things, if I find them.
Should I report in this thread or in another one?

von paulus
Messages: 10
Inscription: 25/03/2007
Localisation: Portugal
Age: 60 ans

Re: English version?

Messagede BDGest » 28/10/2010 23:00

You can use this thread, and thanks for your help.

For the name of the soft, it's still a problem for me. "BD Gest'" doesn't mean anything in english. So, if someone have some idea for another name, I take it ;)
C'est parce que la vitesse de la lumière est supérieure à celle du son que certains ont l'air brillant avant d'avoir l'air con.
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Age: 53 ans

Re: English version?

Messagede von paulus » 29/10/2010 03:06

Congratulations johnkalak, you've made an outsanding translation job. [:flocon:2]
Like I've mentioned before, there is no word cotation in English, as far as I know. I think you should use instead "quotation", like "stock market quotations".

So far I didn't have any software issues, BDGest.
Do you want me to point, where there are still words in French, or do you know already their locations?
I've already made a list just in case...

As for the name of the soft... for me BD Gest is great. But then I'm Portuguese, so naturally I understand the BD Gest semantic. In Portuguese it could have almost the same title.
For English, I don't think you should use the word Comics. The people who want your software, is for managing their BD collection, and I'm pretty sure they are already familiarized with the term BD (Bande Dessinée). You know, thanks to their online database, you've serious competitors for the comics. I'm speaking about Comic Collector and Comic Collector Live. So your market is mostly European BD collectors, like myself. So why not just call it, what it really is... BD Collector or BD Manager. I prefer the first. Anyway I think you shouldn't drop the word BD, it's a question of cultural identity.
von paulus
Messages: 10
Inscription: 25/03/2007
Localisation: Portugal
Age: 60 ans

Re: English version?

Messagede BDGest » 29/10/2010 07:32

von paulus a écrit:So far I didn't have any software issues, BDGest.
Do you want me to point, where there are still words in French, or do you know already their locations?
I've already made a list just in case...

It would be faster if you give me location too. I will correct missing translation as they come.
C'est parce que la vitesse de la lumière est supérieure à celle du son que certains ont l'air brillant avant d'avoir l'air con.
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Messages: 14631
Inscription: 02/07/2002
Localisation: Besançon
Age: 53 ans

Re: English version?

Messagede johnkalak » 29/10/2010 12:12

von paulus a écrit:Congratulations johnkalak, you've made an outsanding translation job. [:flocon:2]
Like I've mentioned before, there is no word cotation in English, as far as I know. I think you should use instead "quotation", like "stock market quotations".
:oops: :oops:
Thanks ;)
As far as I can remember I think I used quotation for most fields but it's possible I missed some. I also think it's the best translation for french 'cote'. ;)
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Re: English version?

Messagede eric661 » 29/10/2010 18:11

von paulus a écrit: You know, thanks to their online database, you've serious competitors for the comics. I'm speaking about Comic Collector and Comic Collector Live.

You said you use another software for comics that allows you to be connected to a database. I'm interesting for comics. If Bd Gest is great for BD, i can't say the same for comics as far the Bd gest database is concerned...

Which software gives, according to you, the best database to download from ?

Thank you
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Re: English version?

Messagede von paulus » 30/10/2010 02:59

BDGest a écrit:It would be faster if you give me location too. I will correct missing translation as they come.

- Tip of the day - It's not translated
- Books - With the right mouse button when I pull the menu, some of the options are not translated:
"Sélectionner les Colonnes", "Copier la ligne", "Tout copier", "Exporter la Table vers Open....."
- Series, Authors, Objects and Magazines - Again with the right mouse button when I pull the menu the same options are not yest translated: "Sélectionner les colonnes", "Copier la ligne", "Tout Copier", "Exporter....."
- File menu - "Synchroinzer avec BDGest Online" not translated.
- Statistics - The filter has only options in French
- The message telling me that my online subscription is expired, is in French. (Yes I'll renew November ;) )
- Help menu - The First option, "Aide", is not translated, as well the one "Signaller un Dysfonctionnement..."
- Download - "Séries commençant par" is not translated.
- Alerts - The button which says "Remove Alert" some of the letters don't appear in the button. (It's just an aesthetic glitch)
- Authors - "Show potential authors doubloons", is doubloons the right word?

As you can see, most is already translated. If I find more I'll report.
Good job. :ok:
von paulus
Messages: 10
Inscription: 25/03/2007
Localisation: Portugal
Age: 60 ans

Re: English version?

Messagede von paulus » 30/10/2010 03:17

eric661 a écrit:
von paulus a écrit: You know, thanks to their online database, you've serious competitors for the comics. I'm speaking about Comic Collector and Comic Collector Live.

You said you use another software for comics that allows you to be connected to a database. I'm interesting for comics. If Bd Gest is great for BD, i can't say the same for comics as far the Bd gest database is concerned...

Which software gives, according to you, the best database to download from ?

Thank you

This is a little off topic, so I'll answer in private. ;)
But I can say here, that both are great, just for US editions. None have however the "elegance" of BD Gest.
von paulus
Messages: 10
Inscription: 25/03/2007
Localisation: Portugal
Age: 60 ans

Re: English version?

Messagede von paulus » 14/11/2010 03:36

I don't know if this is only happening with the English version, but when I'm downloading data from the online database, the field "Release Date" shows always a price and not a date. However in the Books screen, the data imported seems alright.

Also in the Statistics screen, in the Collection Quantity, below the number of authors, there's a half-word (includi) written. Does it mean "including"?

I'll keep reporting in, if I notice more "errors".
von paulus
Messages: 10
Inscription: 25/03/2007
Localisation: Portugal
Age: 60 ans

Re: English version?

Messagede von paulus » 19/11/2010 17:35

When I use the export to html function, the page created is in French.
von paulus
Messages: 10
Inscription: 25/03/2007
Localisation: Portugal
Age: 60 ans

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