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Distributing a british comic book to France

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Re: Distributing a british comic book to France

Messagede jaswilson » 01/04/2008 23:11

I am printing my first comic book which i am wanting to get into french bd shops through a french distributor. In England we have the American company Diamond which dominates comic book/bd distribution. I am trusting that it is different in france and that there are other distributors I could approach.

Any names or ideas?

( my strip is at w[url]ww.smugglingvacation.co.uk[/url] if you wish to measure its appeal)
Messages: 18
Inscription: 19/09/2007
Localisation: Coventry, l'Angleterre


Messagede Wonderphil » 01/04/2008 23:52

I am not an expert but I suppose what you call "distributor" would be called "editor" in France, which editor signs you a contract, translates the book, organizes the printing, and buys the services of a "distributor" to dispatch the books in the shops.
An editor is probably the first person you should approach.
Now there are a good number of editors here, starting with the major ones : Dupuis, Dargaud, Casterman, Glénat, Delcourt, le Lombard, and loads of smaller independent editors (Paquet, Akileos, Le Cycliste, etc...)
I suggest you try your luck in these small ones, and send a copy of your comic book.

Now I'm no specialist in these matters, and I suppose people better acquainted with those sorts of things will give you valuable advice!

Anyway, break a leg, and from what I saw, I'm looking forward to reading the whole thing!
"Un poisson, j'ai l'impression que c'est à la fois ma bite et ma bouche." Johan Sfar
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Messagede johnkalak » 02/04/2008 08:15

jaswilson just to make sure : you printed your comic yourself ? And you just want to find a distributor ?
Wonderphil je pense que jawilson a bien besoin d'un distributeur et non pas d'un éditeur puisqu'il est déjà édité a priori
A confirmer.
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Messagede Wonderphil » 02/04/2008 14:53

Ben s'il est édité en Angleterre, ça va pas beaucoup l'aider pour la France, si?...
Il faut un éditeur français pour la traduction... enfin il me semble...
"Un poisson, j'ai l'impression que c'est à la fois ma bite et ma bouche." Johan Sfar
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Messagede johnkalak » 02/04/2008 15:16

Ben s'il est édité en Angleterre, ça va pas beaucoup l'aider pour la France, si?...
Il faut un éditeur français pour la traduction... enfin il me semble...

De mémoire c'est déjà traduit puisque jaswilson nous avait demandé conseil il y a quelque temps ;)
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Messagede jaswilson » 02/04/2008 16:45

jaswilson just to make sure : you printed your comic yourself ? And you just want to find a distributor ?
Wonderphil je pense que jawilson a bien besoin d'un distributeur et non pas d'un éditeur puisqu'il est déjà édité a priori
A confirmer.

I am printing the comic in a few weeks time. But I am looking for a distributor who would take 100-500 to distribute in France and Belgium on a sale or return basis. It would remain in english though.
In england there are just a few small independent distributors such as Smallzone. i am wanting to find a french equivalent.
Messages: 18
Inscription: 19/09/2007
Localisation: Coventry, l'Angleterre


Messagede Jean-Frederic Minery » 02/04/2008 18:17

maybe MAKASSAR : http://www.makassar-diffusion.com/

It has : http://www.makassar-diffusion.com/?path=/cat/comics

But the comics are translated in french.
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Jean-Frederic Minery
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Messagede dado » 03/04/2008 08:27

You can also try Kymera.
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Messagede jaswilson » 03/04/2008 21:34

Are Makassar and Kymera one and the same then as they both have the same contact address on their sites?
Thanks for the lead and I am e-mailing them now.
Messages: 18
Inscription: 19/09/2007
Localisation: Coventry, l'Angleterre


Messagede christoph » 03/04/2008 21:39

Kymera is a publisher, Makassar his distributor.
For 100-500 ex., try Makassar or Le comptoir des Indépendants.
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Inscription: 30/08/2005

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