le_boche a écrit:Thaank you very much it indeed looks like him but by the sound of his works he must otherwise be

a pornographer. what is suited best as a present for someone who isn't into space marines or politics and history? do you know any girly, cute, artsy bds? perhaps anything that involves seafaring? even if i'm utterly wrong about Boilet giving someone an album named "Love Hotel" as a present would project some very wrong vibes.

In that case, I'd avoid Boilet's girlfriend's writings...
Aurélia Autita (of Cambodian descent) is also extremely pornographic, even more so in terms of crudeness (still a little amazed a woman dared drawing herself in certain positions and publish it), but she's forgiven because she's a woman... she goes quite far in exploring her love for him, and the fusional/corporal side of it.
Otherwise, there are plenty of recent French female comic authors (mostly from the blog generation) that are published around these days (Penelope Bagieu, Audi Picault and a few more)... but they're often more in the short one page (or two) format, rather than a complete story, when discussing the "love" subject.
Hope this helps...

Mieux vaut tapis Persan volé que tapis volant percé (Uderzo.... et oui, pas Goscinny)