I am planning to publish a french/belgium styled english b.d which to some degree I want to distribute and sell in France. However a friend tells me that as my book contains references and images of smoking cannabis, that it may be a problem as in France it may be ilegal to print or exhibit books which display the cannabis leaf, to which I got thinking that I need to get some clarity on this. So regards France and Belgium for that matter:
1) Where and on what is it ilegal to show a cannnabis leaf on? Is it ilegal to print the image on the outside of something? or is it anywhere?
2) Is it legal to show images of people smoking weed on the cover of a book, product or whatever?
3) Does this apply to any other european countries?
Incidently, I passed through french customs several years ago on the way back from Amsterdam and the officers were very unhappy with some of the merchandise we had bought - a lighter and wallet, each with cannabis leafs on. Is this typical in French police or just french customs and excise?
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