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Censorship in france and Belgium?

Séries Franco-belge, "récentes" nouveautés "grand public".

Censorship in france and Belgium?

Messagede jaswilson » 29/01/2008 21:34

I am planning to publish a french/belgium styled english b.d which to some degree I want to distribute and sell in France. However a friend tells me that as my book contains references and images of smoking cannabis, that it may be a problem as in France it may be ilegal to print or exhibit books which display the cannabis leaf, to which I got thinking that I need to get some clarity on this. So regards France and Belgium for that matter:

1) Where and on what is it ilegal to show a cannnabis leaf on? Is it ilegal to print the image on the outside of something? or is it anywhere?

2) Is it legal to show images of people smoking weed on the cover of a book, product or whatever?

3) Does this apply to any other european countries?
Messages: 18
Inscription: 19/09/2007
Localisation: Coventry, l'Angleterre

Censorship in france and Belgium?

Messagede toine74 » 29/01/2008 21:42

I think it depends the way the canabis use is depicted. If your book is a cnanabis grower-producer-smoker manual you will have some problems but if the drug use is only a part of the story it's OK . Brian Shelton's books have been translated and are available...
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Censorship in france and Belgium?

Messagede johnkalak » 29/01/2008 21:48

In France what is forbidden is showing drugs as a good thing.
In theory if your hero smokes weed and it clearly show it's a good thing you could have problems.
But as usual it is very difficult to determin what is and what isn't legal.
Clerly saying "go on smoke weed !" is illegal
Using weed as an accessory could be illegal. That's up to the judge.

I might not be very helpful but just be careful.

FYI here is the french law referring to this:
Selon l'article L.630 de la loi du 31 décembre 1970 :
"Le fait de provoquer à l'usage de stupéfiants alors même que cette provocation n'a pas été suivie d'effet, ou de présenter ces infractions sous un jour favorable est puni de cinq ans d'emprisonnement et de 500 000 F d'amende.
Lorsque le délit prévu par le présent article est commis par la voie de la presse écrite ou audiovisuelle, les dispositions particulières des lois qui régissent ces matières sont applicables en ce qui concerne la détermination des personnes responsables."
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Censorship in france and Belgium?

Messagede jaswilson » 29/01/2008 22:02

The rough cover at the moment shows the two main characters with a pallette full of cannabis bricks next to them. I wanted the girl subtly to have a roll up in one hand and glass of wine in the other. I also wanted one of the villians also smoking but in a close up, and in a more obvious way.
The girl at the right of the image is the image I have used in england to promote the strip on the site, and in various flyers and business cards. She is the co-hero. She is smoking. Would that be a problem on any promotion material?

Incidently, I passed through french customs several years ago on the way back from Amsterdam and the officers were very unhappy with some of the merchandise we had bought - a lighter and wallet, each with cannabis leafs on. Is this typical in French police or just french customs and excise?

By the way the title is 'Him & Her's Smuggling vacation' a title that appears to condone smuggling as a good thing. Again, could this be a problem?
Messages: 18
Inscription: 19/09/2007
Localisation: Coventry, l'Angleterre

Censorship in france and Belgium?

Messagede Marc S. » 30/01/2008 15:05

Hello Jason,

Last week, I published a comic containing references to drug use, such as cocaine and others. It wasn't a problem for my publisher and as far as I know, it is not a problem at all since I don't promote the drugs as a good thing.
Also, there are a lot of movies and TV shows which contain pictures of drugs, especially cannabis. The american show "Weeds" went on TV without problem and special warning to the audience even though the main character is a drug seller !!!
And I remember a french TV show a few years ago which showed how a guy grew cannabis in his cellar...
For me, as somebody said before me, unless your book is a manual to drug producing and selling, it is not likely that you'll have problems for writing a book which main characters smuggle drugs.
Anyways, if you've got contact with a publisher, he will certainly tell you if you do something forbidden in France.

Good luck !
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Censorship in france and Belgium?

Messagede Messer » 30/01/2008 15:15

In The Netherlands, no problem, you're walcome ;)
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Censorship in france and Belgium?

Messagede Sylvain_Runberg » 30/01/2008 15:41

Hello Jaswilson,

Until it's a fiction, you can do absolutly what you want with drugs. I've published books where caracters use cannabis, speed, cocaïne and those caracters said that they enjoy it, and I'm still free ;).

Best regards,

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Inscription: 15/09/2005
Age: 53 ans

Censorship in france and Belgium?

Messagede cathare34 » 30/01/2008 16:31

I am planning to publish a french/belgium styled english b.d which to some degree I want to distribute and sell in France. However a friend tells me that as my book contains references and images of smoking cannabis, that it may be a problem as in France it may be ilegal to print or exhibit books which display the cannabis leaf, to which I got thinking that I need to get some clarity on this. So regards France and Belgium for that matter:

1) Where and on what is it ilegal to show a cannnabis leaf on? Is it ilegal to print the image on the outside of something? or is it anywhere?

2) Is it legal to show images of people smoking weed on the cover of a book, product or whatever?

3) Does this apply to any other european countries?

If people smoke more weed there be more peace more love, less violence less war and the music will be better :siffle: :ok: :ok:
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Censorship in france and Belgium?

Messagede pajan » 30/01/2008 16:41


Incidently, I passed through french customs several years ago on the way back from Amsterdam and the officers were very unhappy with some of the merchandise we had bought - a lighter and wallet, each with cannabis leafs on. Is this typical in French police or just french customs and excise?

In theory it's forbidden, for example you could be stopped in the street by police il you wore a t-sirt with a cannabis leaf printed on it, but most of the time they couldn't care less.
Going through customs is another thing, if they find a lighter like the one they found on you, they automatically think they might find drugs on you.

By the way i like your rough cover.
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Censorship in france and Belgium?

Messagede jaswilson » 31/01/2008 22:27

Prompts another question. Would it be necessary to have any cover warning regards the content if I sell it in France?
Messages: 18
Inscription: 19/09/2007
Localisation: Coventry, l'Angleterre

Censorship in france and Belgium?

Messagede Casaubon » 01/02/2008 08:20

It might be usefull to have a warning on the second cover, just in case ... :wink:
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Censorship in france and Belgium?

Messagede Sylvain_Runberg » 01/02/2008 08:34

No, it's not necessary.
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Inscription: 15/09/2005
Age: 53 ans

Censorship in france and Belgium?

Messagede Casaubon » 01/02/2008 11:56

An apple a day keeps the doctor away ... :siffle: :smile: :wink:
Not necessary ("might", "in case "), we agree, but i'd be more careful than you, that's all :wink:
"Ca devrait passer" (Edward J Smith) ( 15 avril 1912)
"Je suis confiant" George Armstrong Custer (25 juin 1876)
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Localisation: deuxième à gauche, nantes
Age: 59 ans

Censorship in france and Belgium?

Messagede Wonderphil » 03/02/2008 00:43

Strictly from a reader's point of view, I wouldn't put a warning on the cover like the ones they put on cigarettes packets.

I would put a warning on page two though, like they do in the "Weeds" TV show, just to make clear that drug consumption is in no way encouraged. Just to keep safe and keep judges satisfied...

Otherwise, as long as it is an adult graphic novel and presented as such in library shelves, I don't see why there'd be a problem... (what a nice country, huh?) :mrgreen: :wink:
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