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Bibliographie des X-Men

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Bibliographie des X-Men

Messagede Hakim1976 » 11/12/2020 18:49

Bonjour à toutes et tous,

Est ce qu'il existe un site qui liste toutes les publications (avec leurs numeros) , que ce soit en VO ou Vf , qui comportent des histoires sur les x-men , crossovers inclus ??

En gros tout l'univers des X-Men (inclus New Mutants, Generation X, Hellions Squad etc) sans les Avengers , Spiderman Etc (sauf lors des crossovers, tie in etc ) ??

Je n'ai pas reussi à trouver cela sur le net.

Il existe le site de ComicsVF mais pas de regroupement de tous les numeros qui sont consacrés aux X-Men .

En fait une sorte d'historique de tous les numeros publiés avec des X-Men dedans (que ce soit leurs revues ou celle des autres ).

Merci d'avance
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Inscription: 11/09/2015
Localisation: Chelles
Age: 48 ans

Re: Bibliographie des X-Men

Messagede Le Complot » 11/12/2020 18:54

Tu as ça, j'ai l'impression que c'est ce que tu recherches.

"Se vogliamo che tutto rimanga come è, bisogna che tutto cambi".
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Le Complot
Messages: 47276
Inscription: 25/09/2008
Localisation: Côte d'Emeraude
Age: 36 ans

Re: Bibliographie des X-Men

Messagede jb681131 » 11/12/2020 19:04

J'ai fait ce genre de recherche il y a peu, mais j'ai que les chapitres en VO - pour la correspondance en tpb ou en vf il va falloir chercher.

The Ed Piskor Saga
- X-Men: Grand Design - #1-2 + X-Men (1961) #1
- X-Men Grand Design: Second Genesis - #1-2 + Giant Size X-Men #1
- X-Men Grand Design: X-Tinction - #1-2 + Uncanny X-Men (1981) #268

Pré-Christ Claremont Era - the origins
- Uncanny X-Men #1 (1963)
- X-Men Season 1 (2006)
- X-Men First Class (2006) #1-8
- X-Men: First Class Special (2007) #1
- X-Men: First Class Vol. 2 (2007) #1-13
- Giant-Size X-Men: First Class (2008) #1
- X-Men: Magneto Testament #1-5 ***
- Uncanny X-Men #28
- Uncanny X-Men #50
- Emma Frost (2003) #1-6
- Uncanny X-Men #54-58
- Uncanny X-Men #60-63
- X-Men: The Hidden Years (1999) #1-22
- Emma Frost (2003) #7-18
- X-Men: First Class: Finals #1-4

Phoenix / Dark Phoenix Saga Era
- Giant-Size X-Men #1
- Uncanny X-Men #94-97
- Uncanny X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special (2009) #1
- Uncanny X-Men #98-100
- Uncanny X-Men #101-109: The Phoenix Saga
- Uncanny X-Men: First Class (2009) #1-9
- Uncanny X-Men 110-122
- Uncanny X-Men Annual 3
- Uncanny X-Men 123-128: Proteus Saga
- Uncanny X-Men 129-138: The Dark Phoenix Saga

Day of Future Past & Brood Saga Era
- Uncanny X-Men Annual #4
- Uncanny X-Men #139-140
- Uncanny X-Men #141-142: Days of Future Past
- Uncanny X-Men #143-150
- Uncanny X-Men Annual #5
- Avenger’s Annual #10 - 1st appearance of Rogue
- Uncanny X-Men #151-153
- Weapon X: First Class (2009) #1-3
- Uncanny X-Men #154-160
- Magik: Storm and Illyana
- Uncanny X-Men #161-166: Brood Saga
- Uncanny X-Men Annual #6

New Mutants & X-Factor Era
- Marvel Graphic Novel #4: The New Mutants
- Marvel Graphic Novel #5: God Loves Man kills
- New Mutant #1-7
- Uncanny X-Men #167-171 - Rogue joins the X-Men
- Wolverine vol.1 #1-4
- Uncanny X-Men #172-175
- Uncanny X-Men Annual 7
- Uncanny X-Men #176-179
- New Mutant #8-14
- Hellfire club - New Mutant #180 + New Mutant #15
- Secret Wars - par Jim Shooter
- New Mutant #16-17
- Uncanny X-Men #181-183 - Juggernaut vs Colossus
- X-Men: Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #1-6
- New Mutant #18-20: The Demon Bear Saga
- Uncanny X-Men #184,
- Uncanny X-Men Annual 8
- Uncanny X-Men #185-194,
- Alpha flight / X-Men #1-2
- New Mutant #21
- New Mutant Annual #1
- New Mutant #22-25 - the coming of Warlock
- New Mutant #26-29
- Nightcrawler (1985) #1-4
- Secret Wars II
- Uncanny X-Men #195-198
- New Mutant #30-34
- X-Men: Longshot #1-6
- New Mutant Special Edition #1
- Uncanny X-Men Annual #9
- Uncanny X-Men #199-209
- New Mutant #35-40
- X-Factor: Genesis & Apocalypse - Avengers #263 + Fantastic Four #286 + X-Factor #1-9, Annual #1
- New Mutant Annual #2
- Uncanny X-Men Annual #10
- New Mutant #41-45

Mutant Massacre Era
- Mutant Massacre - Uncanny X-Men #210-213 + New Mutant #46 + X-Factor #9-11 + Thor #373-374 + Power Pack #27 + Daredevil #238
- Uncanny X-Men #214-220
- Uncanny X-Men Annual #11
- Uncanny X-Men #221-224
- Fantastic Four vs. X-Men
- New Mutant # 47
- New Mutant #48-51
- New Mutant Annual #3
- New Mutant #52-54
- X-Men: Fallen Angels #1-8
- X-Factor Annual #1
- X-Factor #12-16
- New Mutant #55-58
- X-Factor #17-23
- X-Men vs. Avengers (1987) #1-4

Fall of The Mutants Era
- Fall of the mutants - X-Factor #24-25 + Power Pack #35 + Captain America #339 + X-Factor #26 + Uncanny X-Men #225-227 + Incredible Hulk #340 + New Mutants #59-61 + Daredevil 252 + Fantastic Four #312
- Uncanny X-Men #228
- Uncanny X-Men #229-233
- Uncanny X-Men Annual #12
- Uncanny X-Men #234-238
- New Mutant #61-70
- X-Factor # 26-27
- X-Factor Annual #3
- X-Factor #28-32
- X-Men: Excalibur #1-5: The Sword is Drawn
- Marvel Comics Presents #1-10 - Wolverine by Claremont
- Wolverine vol.2 #1-10

Inferno Era
- Inferno - X-Factor #33-40 + X-Terminators #1-4 + Uncanny X-Men #239-243 + New Mutant #71-73, Annual #4 + Excalibur #6-7
- Excalibur #8-10
- Uncanny X-Men #244-246
- Uncanny X-Men Annual #13
- Uncanny X-Men #247-262
- New Mutant #74-92
- New Mutant Annual #4
- New Mutant Annual #5
- New Mutant #93-94

Days of Future Present Era
- Days of Future Present - Uncanny X-Men Annual #14 + Fantastic Four Annual #23, X-Factor Annual #5 + New Mutant Annual #6
- New Mutant Summer Special #1
- X-Factor #41-50
- X-Factor #51
- X-Factor Annual #6
- X-Factor #52-59
- Uncanny X-Men #263-264
- Excalibur #20
- Uncanny X-Men #265-269

Xtinction Agenda Era
- Xtinction Agenda - Uncanny X-Men #270-72 + X-Factor #60-62 + New Mutant #95-97
- Uncanny X-Men #273-277
- X-Factor #63-68

Muir Island Saga Era
- Muir Island Saga - Uncanny X-Men #278-280 + X-Factor #69-70
- Excalibur #11-19
- Excalibur #21-42
- X-Factor #71-75 + X-Factor by Peter David
- X-Men (1991) #1-3 - by Jim Lee & Chris Claremont

X-Cutioner’s Song Era
- X-Men #4-7
- X-Factor #76-83 - the beginings of Mr. Sinister’s Nasty Boys
- X-Men: Bishop’s Crossing - Uncanny X-Men #28-293 + X-Men #8
- X-Men #9-13
- Excalibur #49-70
- X-Cutioner’s Song - Cable: Blood & Metal #1-2 + X-Factor #84-86 + X-Men #14-16 + X-Force #16-18 + Uncanny X-Men #295-297
- X-Men #24
Fatal Attractions, Cyclops & Pheonix & Phalanx Covenant Era
- Fatal Attraction - X-Factor #92 + X-Force #25 + Uncanny X-Men #304 + X-Men Vol. 2 #25 + Wolverine Vol. 2 #75 + Excalibur #71
- Excalibur #72-81
- X-Men: The Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix - #1-4 + Askani’son #1-4 + X-Men: Phoenix #1-3 + X-Men: Books of Askani + Marvel Valentine Special
- Phalanx Covenant - Uncanny X-Men #316 + X-Men #36-37 + Uncanny X-Men #317 + X-Factor #106 + X-Force #38 + Excalibur #82 + Wolverine Vol. 2 #85 + Cable #16
- Excalibur #83-86

Age of Apocalypse Era
- Legion Quest - X-Men #38-41 + X-Factor #108-109 + Uncanny X-Men #319-321 + Cable #20
- Age of Apocalypse :
- X-Men: Age of Apocalypse #1 (2005)
- X-Men Chronicles #1 (1995)
- X-Man Annual ‘96
- Tales From the Age of Apocalypse #1-2
- X-Men Chronicles #2
- X-Man (1995) #-1, 1-4
- Blink (2001) #1-4
- X-Men Alpha (1995) #1
- Astonishing X-Men (1995) #1-4
- X-Calibre (1995) #1-4
- Gambit and the X-Ternals (1995) #1-4
- Generation Next (1995) #1-4
- Weapon X (1995) #1-4
- Amazing X-Men (1995) #1-4
- Factor X (1995) #1-4
- Age of Apocalypse: The Chosen (1995) #1
- X-Universe (1995) #1-2
- X-Men Omega (1995) #1
- Excalibur #87-125
- Uncanny X-Men #365-375
- Mutant X #1-32
- Magik vol.2 (2000) #1-4

Grant Morrison Era - New X-Men
- New X-Men, vol.1 #114-126 + Annual #1
- New X-Men, vol.2 #127-141
- Uncanny X-Men issues #400-415
- X-Force #116-129
- X-Men: Origins #1-6
- Emma Frost (2001) #1-18
- Uncanny X-Men issues #416-434
- Wolverine #1-#6: begins here
- Weapon X #1-13
- New X-Men, vol.3 #142-154
- Uncanny X-Men issues #435 – 443
- Wolverine #7-19
- Weapon X #14-28
- Mystique (2003) #1-13
- Avengers Disassemble

Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon & John Cassaday Era
- Astonishing X-Men #1-6
- Exile (2001) #1-68
- NYX #1-7
- District X #1-6
- Madrox #1-5
- Cable & Deadpool #1-18
- Astonishing X-Men #7-12
- District X #7-14
- Nightcrawler #1-12
- Wolverine #20-32: Enemy of the State
- X-Men: Reload, Uncanny X-Men #444-461
- Rogue (2004) #1-12
- Gambit (2004) #1-12
- X-Men/Black Panther: Wild Kingdom
- X-Men: Phoenix – Endsong #1-5
- New X-Men: Hellions #1-4
- X-Men: Colossus Bloodline #1-5

House of M & Décimation Era
- House of M
- Decimation: X-Men - The 198
- X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1-6
- Uncanny X-Men #462-471
- X-Factor #1-6
- X-23 (2005) #1-6
- New X-Men #20 -23
- Astonishing X-Men #13-24 + Giant Sized Astonishing X-Men #1
- Wolverine: Origins #1-15
- Cable & Deadpool #19-35
- X-Men: Apocalypse/Dracula #1-4

Civil War Era
- Civil War - yes like the movie
- X-Men: Blood of Apocalypse #182-187
- X-Men: Phoenix Warsong #1-5
- X-Factor #7-17
- Uncanny X-Men: Rise and Fall of the Shi’ar Empire #475-486
- Cable & Deadpool #36-50
- X-Factor #18 -24
- X-Men: Endangered Species #1-17
- World War Hulk - oui l'histoire du film Thor 2
- Wolverine Origins #16-20 + Annual #1

Messiah Complex Era
- Messiah Complex
- X-Factor #28-32
- X-Force (2008) #1 -13
- X-Men: Divided We Stand, Uncanny X-Men #495-499 + X-Men #208-213
- Wolverine #62-65: Get Mystique
- Astonishing X-Men #25-30 + Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes #1-2
- Uncanny X-Men par Matt Fraction vol.1, Uncanny X-Men (1963) 500-511 + Annual #2
- Cable (2008) #1-10
- Wolverine: Origins #21-30

Secret Invasion Era
- Secret Invasion
- X-Men: World’s Apart #1-4
- X-Infernus #1-4
- Messiah War
- Wolverine #62-72: Old Man Logan - yes like the movie Logan
- X-Force #17-25 + X-Force: Sex & Violence #1-3
- Young X-Men (2008) #1-5
- X-Men: Worlds Apart (2008) #1-4
- NYX: No Way Home (2008) #1-6
- Young X-Men #6-12

Trial of Jean Grey Era
- Uncanny X-Men #14-17
- All-New X-Men #18-21
- Wolverine and the X-Men #38-42
- Wolverine and the X-Men vol.2 #1-6
- Trial of Jean Grey - All-New X-Men #22-24 + Guardians of the Galaxy vol.3 #11-13

Death of Wolverine Era
- All-New X-Men #25-30
- Wolverine and the X-Men #7-9
- Uncanny X-Men #19-23
- Uncanny X-Men #24-31
- All-New X-Men #31-36
- Uncanny Avengers #23-25
- Death of Wolverine - Death of Wolverine #1-4 + Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #1-5 + Storm vol.3 #4-5 + Nightcrawler vol.4 #7 + Wolverine and the X-Men vol.2 #10-11 + Death of Wolverine: Life After Logan #1 + Death of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1 + Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #1-7
- All-New X-Men #37-41
- Uncanny X-Men #32-35
- Spider-Man and the X-Men #1-6

All-New All-Different X-Men Era
- Extraordinary X-Men #1-5: X-Haven
- All-New X-Men Invevitable #1-6: Ghost of the Cyclops
- Uncanny X-Men: Superior #1-6: Survival of the Fittest
- X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever #1-5
- X-Men ’92 #1-6
- X-Men: Apocalypse Wars
- Civil War II: X-Men #1-4
- Extraordinary X-Men: Kingdoms Fall - Extraordinary X-Men Annual #1 + Extraordinary X-Men #13-16
- All-New X-Men Inevitable Hell Hath So Much Fury - All-New X-Men #12-16, Annual #1
- Uncanny X-Men Superior: Waking From the Dream - Uncanny X-Men #11-15, Annual #1
- Death of X #1-4
- Inhumans vs. X-Men

X-Men ResurrXion! Era
- X-Men ResurrXion!
- Weapon X: Weapons of Mutant Destruction Prelude - Weapon X #1-4 + Totally Awesome Hulk #19
- Jean Grey #1-6
- Generation X #1-6
- All-New Wolverine #19-24: Immune
- Old Man Logan #21-25
- Astonishing X-Men #1-6
- Cable #1-6
- Iceman #1-5
- Marvel: Secret Empire
- X-Men Gold #7-12
- Weapons of Mutant Destruction - Weapon X #5-6 + Weapons Of Mutant Destruction + Totally Awesome Hulk #20-22
- Old Man Logan #26-30: Days of Anger
- Weapon X #7-12
- Generation X #6-11

X-Men Marvel Legacy! Era
- Iceman #6-10: Absolute Zero
- X-Men Gold: Mojo Worldwide - X-Men Blue #13-15 + X-Men Gold #13-15
- X-Men Blue #16-20: Cross-Time Capers
- All-New Wolverine #25-29: Orphans of X
- Deadpool Vs. Old Man Logan #1-5
- Cable #150-154: The Newer Mutants
- Jean Grey #7-12: Final Fight
- Generation X (2017) #7-9, #85-87: Survival of the Fittest
- Old Man Logan #31-36
- Weapon X #12-16
- Astonishing X-Men #7-12
- Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey #1-5
- Rogue & Gambit #1-5
- X-Men Red #1-5 + Annual #1
- Weapon H #1-6
- X-Men: Gold #16-20: The Negative Zero War
- X-Men Gold #21-25: Cruel and Unusual
- Venom & X-Men: Poison-X - X-Men Blue #21-22, Annual 1 + Venom #162-163
- X-Men Blue #23-28: Cry Havok
- X-Men Blue #29-34
- Old Man Logan #36-40
- Old Man Logan #41-46
- Cable #155-159
- Weapon X #17-21
- All-New Wolverine #31-35: Old Woman Laura

Marvel Fresh Start Era
- X-Men: Wedding Special One-Shot
- You Are Deadpool - par Al Ewing et Salva Espin
- Deadpool - par By Skottie Young et Nic Klein
- Multiple Man - par Matthew Rosenberg et Andy Macdonald
- Deadpool: Assassin - par Cullen Bunn et Mark Bagley
- Marvel Rising - par Devin Grayson et Marco Failla
- Dazzler: X Song #1
- Domino - par Gail Simone et David Baldeon
- X-Men: Red #6-11
- Weapon X #22-26
- Iceman - par Sina Grace et Nate Stockman
- X-23 - par Mariko Tamaki et Juann Cabal
- Extermination #1-5
- X-Men: Summers and Winter - X-Men: The Exterminated + Uncanny X-Men Annual #1 + Merry X-Men Holiday Special
- Astonishing X-Men #13-18, Annual #1

Jonathan Hickman Era - Dawn of X
- House of X / Powers of X - House of X #1-6 + Powers of X #1-6
- X-Men (2019) #1-6
- Marauders (2019) #1-6
- X-Force (2019) #1-6
- Excalibur (2019) #1-6
- New Mutants #1-6
- Fallen Angels (2019) #1-6
- X-Men (2019) #7-11
- New Mutants (2019) #7-12
- X-Force (2019) #7-12
- X-Men/Fantastic Four (2020) #1-4
- Marauders (2019) #7-11
- Excalibur (2019) #7-11
- ...

Voilà plus ou moins.
Cela n'inclus que la continuité principale.
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Inscription: 27/02/2016

Re: Bibliographie des X-Men

Messagede Hakim1976 » 11/12/2020 19:26

Merci beaucoup
Ces 2 listes me seront tres utiles
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Messages: 30
Inscription: 11/09/2015
Localisation: Chelles
Age: 48 ans

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