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Biankha, princesse d'Egypte T1

Séries Franco-belge, "récentes" nouveautés "grand public".

Re: Biankha, princesse d'Egypte T1

Messagede pistash » 05/01/2013 21:06

Message précédent :
Cinzia DF a écrit:I indeed had to wait 4 years before finding a publisher for any other projects on comics... But if there's unsolved questions about why things are this way on Biankha (sword, outfit, etc), just ask! ;)

Hello Cinzia ! Thanks for your explanations.
So you have a new project in preparation ? Or you find the possibility to continue Biankha ?

I like your works (Dragon's too) it's great if you have the possibility to give us more pleasure.

Did you try an approch like autoedition or Sandwave (suscription by the readers) : http://www.sandawe.com/

Nice to read you on this forum !
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Re: Biankha, princesse d'Egypte T1

Messagede Cinzia DF » 06/01/2013 11:07

Hi Pistash!
Yep, I'm actually working on a new book, it's a 2 tomes project, the first one is planned for April 2013 for Editions Claire de Lune, in a new vest (Petit Pierre & Ieiazel), author is Giancarlo Dimaggio.

Thanks for the Sandawe suggestion, I met them last year in Angouleme, and there was a lot of interest on going on with Biankha2, since 1/4 of the pages were already done. The publisher (Patrick Pinchart) asked to read the tome 1 to decide, and he did, but... he didn't like the story!! So that's it, that was the closest event to have the Biankha serie going on, so far. That's life! :lol:
Dernière édition par Cinzia DF le 23/03/2014 00:19, édité 1 fois.
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: Biankha, princesse d'Egypte T1

Messagede vark » 06/01/2013 18:19

Cinzia DF a écrit:Hi Pistash!
Yep, I'm actually working on a new book, it's a 2 tomes project, the first one is planned for April 2013 for Editions Claire de Lune, in a new vest (Petit Pierre & Ieiazel), author is Giancarlo Dimaggio.

Thanks for the Sandawe suggestion, I met them last year in Angouleme, and there was a lot of interest on going on with Biankha2, since 1/4 of the pages were already done. The publisher (maybe his name was Vincent Petit, not sure now) asked to read the tome 1 to decide, and he did, but... he didn't like the story!! So that's it, that was the closest event to have the Biankha serie going on, so far. That's life! :lol:

Hello Cinzia,
Just wondering if Nickel Editions (the closest thing that Pat Mills has to a publishing home in France) has considered to run the Biankha project after Editions USA shuts down? I remember Pat beeing really enthusiastic about Biankha when it was first launched (dispite the fact that he always has so much going on at the same time).
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Re: Biankha, princesse d'Egypte T1

Messagede Cinzia DF » 06/01/2013 23:55

Thank you Vark!
That's a good point. Even if I have some doubt they might be interested in Biankha: mr Mills was suppose to look for a new publisher as well, back in 2007, and if there was no new deal with the Nickel editions with which he was so close and publishing so many things... well I guess they were not interested or mr Mills thought it wasn't the right publisher to propose. No idea, but I'll check on that, thanks! :idea:
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: Biankha, princesse d'Egypte T1

Messagede Cinzia DF » 07/01/2013 00:15

oooops... che figura!
I'm just reading that the Nickel Editiones IS Pat Mills' publishing house... Sorry Vark I didn't get it!
Anyhow, once again, I guess he didn't want to mix the series, Biankha hasn't much in common with Requiem&co. And I can't see the official site, http://www.nickel-editions.com/ is not working... :!:
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: Biankha, princesse d'Egypte T1

Messagede vark » 07/01/2013 09:29

Cinzia DF a écrit:oooops... che figura!
I'm just reading that the Nickel Editiones IS Pat Mills' publishing house... Sorry Vark I didn't get it!
Anyhow, once again, I guess he didn't want to mix the series, Biankha hasn't much in common with Requiem&co. And I can't see the official site, http://www.nickel-editions.com/ is not working... :!:

Hello Cinzia and thanks for your quick response.
I think Pat has indeed co-created Nickel edition, but I don't think he runs it (it is Jacques Collin, former co publisher at Zenda Editions).
The official Nickel Productions site is currently under new management and has been completely rebuilt. He will be fully operational soon, with a new address. In the meantime there is the Nickel FB page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nickel-Productions/221341851295179.
About mixing the series I have absolutely no idea, but as Lug has pointed out in this topic, concerning the script Biankha has a lot in common with Pat's Sláine's Book of Invasions. Although it is a co written story and it is most likely that Biljana Ruzicanin was the main writer here (but you probably got more information than me on the subject).
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Localisation: Annecy/Chambéry
Age: 55 ans

Re: Biankha, princesse d'Egypte T1

Messagede Cinzia DF » 07/01/2013 10:45

Aaaaah, well, thank YOU Vark!
Lot of interesting infos in your reply... will try the fb way, then!

Yep, Lug was right as well: as you probably know, mr Mills is used to start writing from historical events, and Biankha story was something he found on his research for the Slaine's series. There were these archaeological finds in Ireland that linked ancient Egypt to UK, and the story of this Egyptian Princess, daughter of Akhenaten, named Scota from the Romans (scota=pirate, or something like this, don't remember) that escaped with her people from Egypt after her father's reign did fall; Scota was supposed to give her name to Scotland, since the Egyptian reached the British lands, and that was the historical base of this story. Biankha was the invented name for this princess, because, I guess, it sounded like a modern name (in Italian it does exhist the name Bianca) and there was the word ANKH included. When I said there was not much in common with the Nickel books I meant about the story target and the story tone. At the very beginning, it had to be something closer to a girlie books serie rather than an adult story, but the publisher wanted to see "spice" on that, thinking of an young males audience. I guess the final result is a sort of adjusted middle way, but for sure my drawnings and story managing/taste couldn't find place between bood&violence stories...
About who was the main author in Biankha... I have no idea!

It really gives no pleasure to stop a work in such way, but it happened. I guess it will need a while, but there's always the hope to finish it, some day. My main point was to be back in the comics after 4 years stuck in surviving, so I'm now working on these other projects with the brightest attitude. Then let's see where they'll be leading... ;)
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans

Re: Biankha, princesse d'Egypte T1

Messagede vark » 07/01/2013 13:31

That's the spirit!
And I see your point about the general tone of Nickel productions (although they have published Andreï Arinouchkine's Illein which is not in the same tone). I have pointed out Lug remark because I think it would have been seen badly that at the same time and same publishing house there were two stories based on the same historical idea, mostly if it was written by the same author.
Pat also had to abandon his Broz story published by Nickel after two volume because of poor sales.

Other ways to contact Nickel productions is through Jacques Collin FB page http://www.facebook.com/jacques.collin.7?fref=ts, or better yet Pat's FB page http://www.facebook.com/PatMillsComics or blog https://patmills.wordpress.com/
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Messages: 1953
Inscription: 01/11/2011
Localisation: Annecy/Chambéry
Age: 55 ans

Re: Biankha, princesse d'Egypte T1

Messagede Cinzia DF » 07/01/2013 23:45

vark a écrit:That's the spirit!
And I see your point about the general tone of Nickel productions (although they have published Andreï Arinouchkine's Illein which is not in the same tone). I have pointed out Lug remark because I think it would have been seen badly that at the same time and same publishing house there were two stories based on the same historical idea, mostly if it was written by the same author.
Pat also had to abandon his Broz story published by Nickel after two volume because of poor sales.

Other ways to contact Nickel productions is through Jacques Collin FB page http://www.facebook.com/jacques.collin.7?fref=ts, or better yet Pat's FB page http://www.facebook.com/PatMillsComics or blog https://patmills.wordpress.com/

Oh, woah! Now I'm officially impressed, Vark! Thanks for all these contacts, it's a very precious help.
And yep, you might be right about eventual series conflicts under the same publisher... Well... I'll check it out! :-D
: )
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Cinzia DF
Messages: 98
Inscription: 05/01/2013
Localisation: Pecco-Torino (Italie)
Age: 52 ans


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