Aaaaah, well, thank YOU Vark!
Lot of interesting infos in your reply... will try the fb way, then!
Yep, Lug was right as well: as you probably know, mr Mills is used to start writing from historical events, and Biankha story was something he found on his research for the Slaine's series. There were these archaeological finds in Ireland that linked ancient Egypt to UK, and the story of this Egyptian Princess, daughter of Akhenaten, named Scota from the Romans (scota=pirate, or something like this, don't remember) that escaped with her people from Egypt after her father's reign did fall; Scota was supposed to give her name to Scotland, since the Egyptian reached the British lands, and that was the historical base of this story. Biankha was the invented name for this princess, because, I guess, it sounded like a modern name (in Italian it does exhist the name Bianca) and there was the word ANKH included. When I said there was not much in common with the Nickel books I meant about the story target and the story tone. At the very beginning, it had to be something closer to a girlie books serie rather than an adult story, but the publisher wanted to see "spice" on that, thinking of an young males audience. I guess the final result is a sort of adjusted middle way, but for sure my drawnings and story managing/taste couldn't find place between bood&violence stories...
About who was the main author in Biankha... I have no idea!
It really gives no pleasure to stop a work in such way, but it happened. I guess it will need a while, but there's always the hope to finish it, some day. My main point was to be back in the comics after 4 years stuck in surviving, so I'm now working on these other projects with the brightest attitude. Then let's see where they'll be leading...