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Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 13:04

Message précédent :
Le photographe à eu chaud aux fesses, et le pilote.... chaud tout court...
Protégez-moi de mes amis, mes ennemis je m'en charge.
Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
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Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 13:06

Pour monsieur Hochet, une spéciale "Gorge profonde"...
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Protégez-moi de mes amis, mes ennemis je m'en charge.
Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
J'ai été enfant de chœur et militant socialiste. C'est dire si j'ai entendu des conneries...
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Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 13:08

Coucou, c'est moi...
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Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
J'ai été enfant de chœur et militant socialiste. C'est dire si j'ai entendu des conneries...
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Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 13:14

Celle là n'en est pas une d'avion, mais c'est une "spéciale dédicace" pour Brian qui habite Chia-Li, ça se passe en chine...
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Protégez-moi de mes amis, mes ennemis je m'en charge.
Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
J'ai été enfant de chœur et militant socialiste. C'est dire si j'ai entendu des conneries...
(Audiard, mais moi aussi)
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Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 13:20

Toujours "spéciale dédicace" pour Brian, et le commentaire est celui du commandant de bord...
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Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
J'ai été enfant de chœur et militant socialiste. C'est dire si j'ai entendu des conneries...
(Audiard, mais moi aussi)
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Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 13:21


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Protégez-moi de mes amis, mes ennemis je m'en charge.
Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
J'ai été enfant de chœur et militant socialiste. C'est dire si j'ai entendu des conneries...
(Audiard, mais moi aussi)
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Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 13:32

Celle là, vous n'allez pas le croire, c'est un Pick-up qui fait atterrir un avion de ligne et sauve les passagers.
Un lien vidéo:http://fr-fr.facebook.com/pages/Voitures-Americaines-en-Alg%C3%A9rie/256026642938
Protégez-moi de mes amis, mes ennemis je m'en charge.
Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
J'ai été enfant de chœur et militant socialiste. C'est dire si j'ai entendu des conneries...
(Audiard, mais moi aussi)
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Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 13:42

De triste mémoire...

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Protégez-moi de mes amis, mes ennemis je m'en charge.
Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
J'ai été enfant de chœur et militant socialiste. C'est dire si j'ai entendu des conneries...
(Audiard, mais moi aussi)
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Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 13:56

Crash Aérien à Noirétable - Vol 696 pour Clermont CFE

Le vendredi 27 octobre 1972, vers 18h 20’ TU (pour « temps universel » soit 19h 20 heure locale), le Vickers 724 Viscount F-BMCH d’Air inter s’écrasa à la limite des communes de Viscontat (63) et de Noirétable.


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55 passagers et tous les membres d’équipage furent tués, huit rescapés seulement.
Protégez-moi de mes amis, mes ennemis je m'en charge.
Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
J'ai été enfant de chœur et militant socialiste. C'est dire si j'ai entendu des conneries...
(Audiard, mais moi aussi)
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Inscription: 16/06/2003
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Age: 67 ans


Messagede HOCHET Gabriel » 19/06/2012 14:13



Mon blog "Crobards" http://gabrielhochet.blogspot.fr/
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HOCHET Gabriel
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Messagede HOCHET Gabriel » 19/06/2012 14:23

ramstein.jpg (137.61 Kio) Vu 663 fois

Ramstein_Flugtag_1988_3191-620x424.jpg (66.26 Kio) Vu 675 fois

Mon blog "Crobards" http://gabrielhochet.blogspot.fr/
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HOCHET Gabriel
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Age: 74 ans


Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 14:27

La dernière Franquin l'a dessinée, ou alors les pilotes ont imités Franquin.
Protégez-moi de mes amis, mes ennemis je m'en charge.
Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
J'ai été enfant de chœur et militant socialiste. C'est dire si j'ai entendu des conneries...
(Audiard, mais moi aussi)
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Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 15:04

I'ai mal au gnéé..
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Protégez-moi de mes amis, mes ennemis je m'en charge.
Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
J'ai été enfant de chœur et militant socialiste. C'est dire si j'ai entendu des conneries...
(Audiard, mais moi aussi)
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Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 15:47

Un harrier qui atterrît sur les matelas des lits du casernement rassemblés, suite à une panne du système de train d'atterrissage.


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Protégez-moi de mes amis, mes ennemis je m'en charge.
Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
J'ai été enfant de chœur et militant socialiste. C'est dire si j'ai entendu des conneries...
(Audiard, mais moi aussi)
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Age: 67 ans


Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 16:15

Pour vous faire vivre une "histoire extraordinaire":

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They Could Hear It Before They Could See it
By Allen Ostrom

They could hear it before they could see it!

Not all that unusual in those days as the personnel at Station 131 gathered around the tower and scattered hardstands to await the return of the B-17’s sent out earlier that morning.

First comes the far off rumble and drone of the Cyclones. Then a spec on the East Anglia horizon. Soon a small cluster indicating the lead squadron. Finally, the group.

Then the counting. 1-2-3-4-5…..

But that would have been normal. Today was different! It was too early for the group to return.

“They’re 20 minutes early. Can’t be the 398th.”

They could hear it before they could see it! Something was coming home. But what?

All eyes turned toward the northeast, aligning with the main runway, each ground guy and stood-down airman straining to make out this “wail of a Banshee,” as one called it.

Not like a single B-17 with its characteristic deep roar of the engines blended with four thrashing propellers. This was a howl! Like a powerful wind blowing into a huge whistle.

Then it came into view. It WAS a B-17!

Low and pointing her nose at the 6,000 foot runway, it appeared for all the world to be crawling toward the earth, screaming in protest.

No need for the red flares. All who saw this Fort knew there was death aboard.

“Look at that nose!” they said as all eyes stared in amazement as this single, shattered remnant of a once beautiful airplane glided in for an unrealistic “hot” landing. She took all the runway as the “Banshee” noise finally abated, and came to an inglorious stop in the mud just beyond the concrete runway.

Men and machines raced to the now silent and lonely aircraft. The ambulance and medical staff were there first. The fire truck….ground and air personnel….jeeps, truck, bikes…..

Out came one of the crew members from the waist door, then another. Strangely quiet. The scene was almost weird. Men stood by as if in shock, not knowing whether to sing or cry.

Either would have been acceptable.

The medics quietly made their way to the nose by way of the waist door as the remainder of the crew began exiting. And to answer the obvious question, “what happened?”

“What happened?” was easy to see. The nose was a scene of utter destruction. It was as though some giant aerial can opener had peeled the nose like an orange, relocating shreads of metal, plexiglass, wires and tubes on the cockpit windshield and even up to the top turret. The left cheek gun hung limp, like a broken arm.

One man pointed to the crease in chin turret. No mistaking that mark! A German 88 anti-aircraft shell had exploded in the lap of the togglier.

This would be George Abbott of Mt. Labanon, PA. He had been a waist gunner before training to take over the bombardier’s role.

Still in the cockpit, physically and emotionally exhausted, were pilot Larry deLancey and co-pilot Phil Stahlman.

Navigator Ray LeDoux finally tapped deLancey on the shoulder and suggested they get out. Engineer turret gunner Ben Ruckel already had made his way to the waist was exiting along with radio operator Wendell Reed, ball turret gunner Al Albro, waist gunner Russell Lachman and tail gunner Herbert Guild.

Stahlman was flying his last scheduled mission as a replacement for regular co-pilot, Grady Cumbie. The latter had been hospitalized the day before with an ear problem. Lachman was also a “sub,” filling in for Abbott in the waist.

DeLancey made it as far as the end of the runway, where he sat down with knees drawn up, arms crossed and head down. The ordeal was over, and now the drama was beginning a mental re-play.

Then a strange scene took place.

Group CO Col. Frank P. Hunter had arrived after viewing the landing from the tower and was about to approach deLancey. He was physically restrained by flight surgeon Dr. Robert Sweet.

“Colonel, that young man doesn’t want to talk now. When he is ready you can talk to him, but for now leave him alone.”

Sweet handed pills out to each crew member and told them to go to their huts and sleep.

No dramatics, no cameras, no interviews. The crew would depart the next day for “flak leave” to shake off the stress. And then be expected back early in November. (Just in time to resume “normal” activities on a mission to Merseburg!)

Mission No. 98 from Nuthampstead had begun at 0400 that morning of October 15, 1944. It would be Cologne (again), led by CA pilots Robert Templeman of the 602nd, Frank Schofield of the 601st and Charles Khourie of the 603rd.

Tragedy and death appeared quickly and early that day. Templeman and pilot Bill Scott got the 602nd off at the scheduled 0630 hour, but at approximately 0645 Khouri and pilot Bill Meyran and their entire crew crashed on takeoff in the town of Anstey. All were killed. Schofield and Harold Stallcup followed successfully with the 601st, with deLancey flying on their left wing in the lead element.

The ride to the target was routine, until the flak started becoming “unroutinely” accurate.

“We were going through heavy flak on the bomb run,” remembered deLancey.

“I felt the plane begin to lift as the bombs were dropped, then all of a sudden we were rocked by a violent explosion. My first thought – ‘a bomb exploded in the bomb bay’ – was immediately discarded as the top of the nose section peeled back over the cockpit blocking the forward view.”

“It seemed like the whole world exploded in front of us,” added Stahlman. “The instrument panel all but disintegrated and layers of quilted batting exploded in a million pieces. It was like a momentary snowstorm in the cockpit.”

It had been a direct hit in the nose. Killed instantly was the togglier, Abbott. Navigator LeDoux, only three feet behind Abbott, was knocked unconscious for a moment, but was miraculously was alive.

Although stunned and bleeding, LeDoux made his way to the cockpit to find the two pilots struggling to maintain control of an airplane that by all rights should have been in its death plunge. LeDoux said there was nothing anyone could do for Abbott, while Ruckel opened the door to the bomb bay and signaled to the four crewman in the radio room that all was OK – for the time being.

The blast had torn away the top and much of the sides of the nose. Depositing enough of the metal on the windshield to make it difficult for either of the pilots to see.

“The instrument panel was torn loose and all the flight instruments were inoperative with the exception of the magnetic compass mounted in the panel above the windshield. And its accuracy was questionable. The radio and intercom were gone, the oxygen lines broken, and there was a ruptured hydraulic line under my rudder pedals,” said deLancey.

All this complicated by the sub-zero temperature at 27,000 feet blasting into the cockpit.

“It was apparent that the damage was severe enough that we could not continue to fly in formation or at high altitude. My first concern was to avoid the other aircraft in the formation, and to get clear of the other planes in case we had to bail out. We eased out of formation, and at the same time removed our oxygen masks as they were collapsing on our faces as the tanks were empty.”

At this point the formation continued on its prescribed course for home – a long, slow turn southeast of Cologne and finally westward.

DeLancey and Stahlman turned left, descending rapidly and hoping, they were heading west. (And also, not into the gun sights of German fighters.) Without maps and navigation aids, they had difficulty getting a fix. By this time they were down to 2,000 feet.

“We finally agreed that we were over Belgium and were flying in a southwesterly direction,” said the pilot.

“About this time a pair of P-51’s showed up and flew a loose formation on us across Belgium. I often wondered what they thought as they looked at the mess up front.”

“We hit the coast right along the Belgium-Holland border, a bit farther north than we had estimated. Ray said we were just south of Walcheren Island.”

Still in an area of ground fighting, the plane received some small arms fire. This gesture was returned in kind by Albro, shooting from one of the waist guns.

“We might have tried for one of the airfields in France, but having no maps this also was questionable. Besides, the controls and engines seemed to be OK, so I made the decision to try for home.”

“Once over England, LeDoux soon picked up landmarks and gave me course corrections taking us directly to Nuthampstead. It was just a great bit of navigation. Ray just stood there on the flight deck and gave us the headings from memory.”

Nearing the field, Stahlman let the landing gear down. That was an assurance. But a check of the hydraulic pump sent another spray of oil to the cockpit floor. Probably no brakes!

Nevertheless, a flare from Ruckel’s pistol had to announce the “ready or not” landing. No “downwind leg” and “final approach” this time. Straight in!

“The landing was strictly by guess and feel,” said DeLancey. “Without instruments, I suspect I came in a little hot. Also, I had to lean to the left to see straight ahead. The landing was satisfactory, and I had sufficient braking to slow the plane down some. However, as I neared the taxiway, I could feel the brakes getting ‘soft’. I felt that losing control and blocking the taxiway would cause more problems than leaving the plane at the end of the runway.”

That consideration was for the rest of the group. Soon three squadrons of B-17’s would be returning, and they didn’t need a derelict airplane blocking the way to their respective hardstands.

Stahlman, supremely thankful that his career with the 398th had come to an end, soon returned home and in due course became a captain with Eastern Airlines. Retired in 1984, Stahlman said his final Eastern flight “was a bit more routine” than the one 40 years before.

DeLancey and LeDoux received decorations on December 11, 1944 for their parts in the October 15 drama. DeLancey was awarded the Silver Star for his “miraculous feat of flying skill and ability” on behalf of General Doolittle, CO of the Eighth Air Force. LeDoux for his “extraordinary navigation skill”, received the Distinguished Flying Cross.
Protégez-moi de mes amis, mes ennemis je m'en charge.
Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
J'ai été enfant de chœur et militant socialiste. C'est dire si j'ai entendu des conneries...
(Audiard, mais moi aussi)
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Inscription: 16/06/2003
Localisation: Roswell 63430
Age: 67 ans


Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 23:13

Une histoire passionnante, le vol de Doolittle sur le Japon, le 18 avril 1942. Ce sont les B17 préparés" pour décoller du pont du USS Hornet:


LCOL Doolittle with members of his flight crew and Chinese officials in China after the 18 April 1942 raid on Japan

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Protégez-moi de mes amis, mes ennemis je m'en charge.
Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
J'ai été enfant de chœur et militant socialiste. C'est dire si j'ai entendu des conneries...
(Audiard, mais moi aussi)
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Inscription: 16/06/2003
Localisation: Roswell 63430
Age: 67 ans


Messagede kbd63 » 19/06/2012 23:42

Une dernière histoire, pour ce soir, celle de Charlie Brown:
Charlie Brown was a B-17 Flying Fortress pilot with the 379th Bomber Group at Kimbolton, England. His B-17 was called 'Ye Old Pub' and was in a terrible state, having been hit by flak and fighters. The compass was damaged and they were flying deeper over enemy territory instead of heading home to Kimbolton.

After flying over an enemy airfield, a pilot named Franz Stigler was ordered to take off and shoot down the B-17. When he got near the
B-17, he could not believe his eyes. In his words, he 'had never seen a plane in such a bad state'. The tail and rear section was severely damaged, and the tail gunner wounded. The top gunner was all over the top of the fuselage. The nose was smashed and there were holes everywhere.

Despite having ammunition, Franz flew to the side of the B-17 and looked at Charlie Brown, the pilot. Brown was scared and struggling to control his damaged and blood-stained plane.

Aware that they had no idea where they were going, Franz waved at Charlie to turn 180 degrees. Franz escorted and guided the stricken plane to and slightly over the North Sea towards England. He then saluted Charlie Brown and turned away, back to Europe.

When Franz landed he told the c/o that the plane had been shot down over the sea, and never told the truth to anybody. Charlie Brown and the remains of his crew told all at their briefing, but were ordered never to talk about it.

More than 40 years later, Charlie Brown wanted to find the Luftwaffe pilot who saved the crew. After years of research, Franz was found. He had never talked about the incident, not even at post-war reunions.

They met in the USA at a 379th Bomber Group reunion, together with 5 people who are alive now — all because Franz never fired his guns that day.

Research shows that Charlie Brown lived in Seattle and Franz Stigler had moved to Vancouver, BC after the war. When they finally met, they discovered they had lived less than 200 miles apart for the past 50 years!!

Origins: The basic framework of this tale about a memorable act of gallantry in wartime is true: In December 1943, the Ye Olde Pub — a B-17 commanded by 21-year-old Lt. Charles L. "Charlie" Brown — took heavy damage while on a mission to bomb a factory in Bremen, Germany. While attempting to head back to England with a crippled plane and an injured crew, Lt. Brown encountered a German who, rather than shooting down the B-17, instead saluted its crew and disappeared. Nearly fifty years later, Brown located and met up with that German pilot.

Aside from pointing interested readers to a more comprehensive article covering these events (such as the one here), we don't have much to add other than noting that the shortened version of this tale which has circulated widely on the Internet (as reproduced in the "Example" block above) may include some fanciful embellishments intended to heighten the drama of the story:

After flying over an enemy airfield, a pilot named Franz Stigler was ordered to take off and shoot down the B-17. ... When Franz landed he told the c/o that the plane had been shot down over the sea.

We couldn't find any account (including those to which the two pilots contributed) that stated German fighter ace Franz Stigler had been dispatched specifically to shoot down Lt. Brown's B-17, or that he afterwards lied to his commanding officer about having shot it down. However, Brown did mention to at least one interviewer that his "heart sank" after he flew directly over a Luftwaffe fighter base, so it's possible Stigler did take to the air with orders to shoot down the B-17.

Aware that they had no idea where they were going, Franz waved at Charlie to turn 180 degrees. Franz escorted and guided the stricken plane to and slightly over the North Sea towards England.

Again, no other account of this event we've found verified the claim that Lt. Brown's B-17 was lost and flying the wrong way until Franz Stigler helped turn it around. The following excerpts (from two other accounts) both indicate Brown had already headed his B-17 towards England when he noticed Stigler's plane flying alongside him:
It seems amazing that the heavily damaged B-17 remained in the air. But it did, and Brown turned it toward the North Sea, hoping to keep it flying until he reached the shores of England 250 miles away.

Glancing out the cockpit window, Brown saw a German fighter plane, a Messerschmitt 109, flying alongside.

Still partially dazed, Lieutenant Brown began a slow climb with only one engine at full power. With three seriously injured aboard, he rejected bailing out or a crash landing. The alternative was a thin chance of reaching the UK. While nursing the battered bomber toward England, Brown looked out the right window and saw a BF-109 flying on his wing.
Some accounts do state that Stigler "escorted" the B-17 partway across the North Sea before turning back.

Research shows that Charlie Brown lived in Seattle and Franz Stigler had moved to Vancouver, BC after the war. When they finally met, they discovered they had lived less than 200 miles apart for the past 50 years!

Brown and Stigler did finally find each other in 1989 (and eventually met) after Brown placed an advertisement in a newsletter and discovered that Stigler was living in Canada near Vancouver. However, every news article we've found describing the reunion mentioned that since his retirement from the Air Force in 1972, Brown had been living in Miami, not Seattle (which would have put him about 3,500 miles away from Stigler's home):
After the war, Brown remained in the Air Force, serving in many capacities until he retired in 1972 as a lieutenant colonel and settled in Miami as head of a combustion research company. But the episode of the German who refused to attack a beaten foe haunted him. He was determined to find the enemy pilot who spared him and his crew.

He wrote numerous letters of inquiry to German military sources, with little success. Finally, a notice in a newsletter for former Luftwaffe pilots elicited a response from Franz Stigler, a German fighter ace credited with destroying more than two dozen Allied planes. He, it turned out, was the angel of mercy in the skies over Germany on that fateful day just before Christmas 1943.

It had taken 46 years, but in 1989 Brown found the mysterious man in the ME-109. Careful questioning of Stigler about details of the incident removed any doubt.

Stigler, now 80, had emigrated to Canada and was living near Vancouver. After an exchange of letters, Brown flew there for a reunion. The two men have visited each other frequently since that time and have appeared jointly before Canadian and American military audiences. The most recent appearance was at the annual Air Force Ball in Miami in September [1995], where the former foes were honored.

In his first letter to Brown, Stigler had written: "All these years, I wondered what happened to the B-17, did she make it or not?"

She made it, just barely. But why did the German not destroy his virtually defenseless enemy?

"I didn't have the heart to finish off those brave men," Stigler later said. "I flew beside them for a long time. They were trying desperately to get home and I was going to let them do it. I could not have shot at them. It would have been the same as shooting at a man in a parachute."
Franz Stigler passed away on 22 March 2008. Charlie Brown passed away on 24 November 2008.

Ce sont les photos du pilote allemand et celle du pilote US.

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Assois-toi au bord de l'Oued, tu verras passer le corps de ton ennemi.
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Age: 67 ans


Messagede Gurvan » 20/06/2012 06:29

Pour Doolitle, ce sont des B25 et non des B17... ;)
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Messagede sellig29 » 20/06/2012 07:46

je cause pas bien la langue de j'expire moi alors Charlie Brown !!!! Pfffff!
Un bon Tapon est un Tapon mort !...Héron,Héron petit, pas Tapon !

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Quebec City
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Messagede Olaf Le Bou » 20/06/2012 08:55

Prenez un cercle, caressez-le, il deviendra vicieux

En toutes choses, subordonner le désir de juger au devoir de comprendre.
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Olaf Le Bou
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Messagede Olaf Le Bou » 20/06/2012 09:00

Curtiss 82A SO3C-1 Seamew US Navy

Prenez un cercle, caressez-le, il deviendra vicieux

En toutes choses, subordonner le désir de juger au devoir de comprendre.
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Olaf Le Bou
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