(Well, sort of. It was a pleasure, but it was also lot of hard work. By the time I was finished, my home was covered in tiny pieces of zipatone and my wife wanted to strangle me. That's typical of most cartoonists, though)
Kurgan: Thanks!
It occurs to me that I have no idea which Anglophone comics are popular in France and Belgium. Every year I see one or two familiar books listed for an award, but other than that, I have no idea which ones are being translated. What are some of our comics that are finding an audience?
We're getting some Francophone BD translated. Never enough, though. Humanoids USA has been doing a beautiful job with their line of Jodorowsky titles. Enki Bilal has a small following (mostly artists, I'm afraid.) David B's Epileptic was a success. The biggest hit is Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis which is doing very well with people who ordinarily don't read comics.
Steve Lieber
Interesting. With that list, you would DEFINITELY enjoy the books I mentioned.
If anyone at Akileos is reading, let me know, and I'll mail out a copy of The Interman. It's one of the smartest adventure/spy/crime books out right now. I helped the artiist draw some backgrounds in one scene, but aside from that part, it's very well drawn.
My biggest influence from Francophone BD is Paul Gillon. Herrimann, too. And Boucq. And Moebius...
J'allais justement conseiller, pour ceux qui ont aimé Whiteout de lire la formidable série de Rucka Queen and Country
J'ai cru comprendre que ca devait etre a la base une suite a Whiteout...
Bref c'est une série magnifiquement bien écrite et toujours très bien dessinée aussi !!!
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